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Comments by (Top 6 by date) 29-May-23 16:42pm View    
SEO expert said to use 301 redirects on individual old webpages ( aspx) point to new webpages (.cshtml) for sure and leave them forever because of thousands of people all over the world providing links in. I take it that if all webpages are converted to .net6 ( cshtml) , and we can run .net4.8 and .net 6 at the same time on the shared hosting, that won't be a problem. The only reason at this point to use Blazor over Razor is for the static format use on all webpages 2,000 as the replacement for the masterpage in .net 4.8. as long as thee Razor and Blazor both use files ending in .cshtml, it doesn't matter to use probably until we decide to develop some coding in the website. Both Razor and Blazor files end with .cshtml don't they? 25-May-23 20:26pm View    
Thanks for the sources of coders. We don't need coding in the immediate future. We just need the big bigger on what platform 4.8 or .net 6+ we should use for the next 20 years for a website which is html and js only right now. The we would get coders at various time. Our immediate concern is to pick the future for this website... net.4.8 for 20 years, .net 6 and it's followers , or for some reason switch this one time to php and then use it forever. We don't want to lose the links from our 50 million visitors. Graeme, thanks for all your efforts in answering.. It might have saved time if you looked at the website for 1 minute... Can we use on the same website with .net6.0 and use webpages that work with either one of 4.8 or 6.0? 25-May-23 19:34pm View    
Our question has nothing to do with MVC or webforms. We don't use any coding yet other than basic website html and some menu JS. We are trying to esctablish wwhat we should be on for the futre so we can develop if we need to do so and would like to have someone do that in the future. We currently have 2,000 wepbages of .aspx webpages and don't want to lose the links on the internet if we should switch to .net for the future so we can start developing other than just html and JS menus. As I understand it, and I don't l know much about .net, if change our website to use .net 6 , we will have to use razor cshtml webpages or blazor with the same ending on the webpages of .cshtml. Is that correct. All of this effects labour on changing 2,000 webpages and getting 301 redirects on indiviual changed webpages or doing the whole thing and then a 301 redirect on the web.config or equivalent or a mo rewrite...whatever to redirect permanently and NOT lose the website links from 20 years 25-May-23 19:26pm View    
Thanks, It's my first time on Codeproject 25-May-23 19:18pm View    
We saw those. They didn't answer our basic question. What we every have to upgrade from 4.8 to any future version of .net? and if we are going to develop any C# /coding in the future will we/ should we change. Is it correct that if we want to develop any coding on this html/js website we need to pick the future coding framework? The youtubes you provided don't help us understand what we need, unfortunately. We started this website v20 years ago using asp .net 2.0 or maybe 1.0. We just kept adding html content and never used C# in webforms or MVC. Please look at the website source. We are trying to set this up for the future and be able to use coding for things in the future, when we need that.