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Comments by p gosney (Top 2 by date)

p gosney 5-Jun-14 12:41pm View    
Thank you for the quick reply. Do you have a sample code? All attempts at this are failing at present.
p gosney 5-Jun-14 12:29pm View    
For Each item As ListViewItem In DocumentedLst.SelectedItems
Ref.Text = item.SubItems(0).Text
fwords = Ref.Text.Split(New Char() {" "c})

For Each row In myDataTable.Rows
Dim tempvalue As String = ds.Tables("FullDetails").Rows(inc)("SMART").ToString()

words = tempvalue.Split(New Char() {" "c})
If words(0) = fwords(0) Then
fwords = tempvalue.Split(New Char() {" "c})
foundRow = row
End If
inc = inc + 1
Next row

If item.Selected = True Then
Ref.Text = fwords(0)

Retrieve.Visible = False
Submit.Visible = True
Delete.Visible = True

If foundRow IsNot Nothing Then

If Mid(fwords(1), 1, 2) = "IM" Then
IM.Text = fwords(1)
Server.Text = fwords(2)
IM.Text = ""
Server.Text = fwords(1)
End If

LocationName.Text = foundRow(3).ToString()
StartTime.Text = foundRow(4).ToString() ****** This is displaying as USA format after the export has completed and the form is reloaded. If I exit the application and relaunch it shows correctly. The only only appears after the export. ******