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Comments by Member 15893644 (Top 5 by date)

Member 15893644 5-May-23 21:00pm View    
Dear Graeme Grant, Thank you for your response! The post you point to describes how to package and publish in Visual Studio. This is essentially what I describe above and have already done in Visual Studio Code. What I was hoping for help with was the next steps of preparing the Add-In for Microsoft Store. In particular, I was hoping to better understand if I was going down the right path. Perhaps you have some thoughts on that? Thank you, Dylan
Member 15893644 6-Apr-23 22:47pm View    
When I first started, I put Visual Studio in the debug mode, cleaned the solution, compiled the solution and tried to run it. For background, the account I set up on my computer has an username while the account on which I purchased my subscription to Office 365 and set up my Microsoft Developer Account had another username
Immediately after pressing Start, Edge started up and I was presented with a message that I was signed into Edge with the account I was using on my computer ( and that sync was not available for that account. When I continued I got connected to mail and never hit any breakpoints in the Java script code in the Visual Studio Project.
The next time around I set the email address in the “Connect to Exchange E-mail Account” dialog to the address I used for my Office 365 and developer accounts ( and entered my password. Visual Studio then opened Edge and I logged into my Outlook 365 account and opened Outlook. This is when I ran into the problem that I cite above. I include this additional information in the event that is has some bearing on the problem I am running into.
Member 15893644 25-Mar-23 23:33pm View    
Dear Graeme and Gerry,

This is most helpful. Would you point me to your favorite sources describing the Microsoft-Store installer?

Also, how would you suggest that I proceed from here? Must I create a new project from scratch or can I adapt my ClickOnce project for submission to the Microsoft Store.

Thank you! Dylan
Member 15893644 25-Mar-23 23:31pm View    
Dear Graeme and Gerry,

This is most helpful. Would you point me to your favorite sources describing the Microsoft-Store installer?

Also, how would you suggest that I proceed from here? Must I create a new project from scratch or can I adapt my ClickOnce project for submission to the Microsoft Store.

Thank you! Dylan
Member 15893644 25-Mar-23 23:23pm View    
Dear Gerry,
Thank you very much for your comments on this. I was trying to preserve the automatic updating capability of ClickOnce while still publishing in the Microsoft Store. I thought that would be possible because you can configure ClickOnce to install from a set of local files but later update automatically over the internet when you push out an update. It sounds like you are saying that is not possible. Is that the case? Or perhaps you are saying that I can submit updates to the Microsoft Store and they will notify users that the update is available, and thus there is no advantage to ClickOnce?
Thank you again, Dylan