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Comments by OldWrangler (Top 3 by date)

OldWrangler 13-Nov-13 19:27pm View    
It is because feel this project will be best written using native code because of heavy UI work, low-latency TCP access and accessing an ASIC on either the PCI or USB bus. Also, I *want* to do this project to keep my brain cells operating and am the best qualified because I wrote the Windows version many years ago. I guess that I am not good enough and should quit and just hire an expert.

OldWrangler 13-Nov-13 18:18pm View    
Was your project heavily UI based and did you use XCode ? If so, what was one "a ha" moment that you had that helped you in your transition ?

I will take a look at the MonoObjC. (Yes, I searched for it using a search engine ;-] ) My only hesitation is that when I finish this project, I like to use the 'standard' tools so that if someone else has to dig into the code that it is on as common of a footing as possible.

Thanks again,

OldWrangler 13-Nov-13 17:20pm View    
Thank you for your reply.

I have a specific need to accomplish something specific in the Mac world. I could, and would rather do it in Windows simply because that is what I am familiar with.

As a whole, I have no issues with the Mac platforms. Sure, some things are different, but that's okay. Some things I like and naturally some I don't. Each has its own advantages, often based on familiarity.

As I understand, Objective-C is based on SmallTalk and came with from the NextSTEP platform but that is not the stumbling block for myself. Syntax can be learned. The concepts and translations are my stumbling blocks.

I propose that writing instruction from a particular perspective can, indeed, be productive. For example, when I took a class in another verbal language, it was from the perspective of my native tongue. To say "x" is "y."

To my mind, such kick start training that documents how select programming scenarios would be accomplished in another environment would be quite useful.

For example (and not intended to be answered here,) I am trying to use NSBeginAlertSheet as the ubiquitous "Hello World" in my own function but am still trying to grasp the default organization of files, descriptions and documentation. Once this works, then I want to programmatically create a window with a button that activates this function in an event. Having a Windows version of any flavor and an Objective-C version side-by-side would be a HUGE help for me.

As I stated, I have the subscription to Safari books and there are many books on Objective-C, Cocoa and such. I find myself stumbling around because of a lack of common ground. However, if no suggestions are offered here, I will continue to use these materials and expect to, in time, plow through.

It is my hope that someone who perhaps was in the same situation could direct me to a resource that was beneficial to them.

Thank you again for your reply,


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I see you added the quote after I read your initial post. One could also say same the thing for the reverse, that "a language that affects the way you think about program is not worth knowing," either.

Also, I assure you that I have spent several days with search engines and scouring books on Safari. Yes, I do know how to use a search engine despite the hidden sarcastic link.

The purpose of my initial question was to hopefully find some particular resource, book or tool that someone else had found useful in their transition from Windows to Mac programming.