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The Stored Procedure is taking 2 min to execute.

The Sp has cursor in it. I am trying to generate the monthly report for all the departments,

I cant skip cursor i think, Is there any Other way like

-->which query in my sp is running slow?

-->Is there any way to avoid cursor ?

-->How to sort out this.

Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[Monthly_Report]--'15/05/2013 00:00','15/05/2013 23:59'     


@fromdate datetime,     

@todate datetime     





create table #tempmonthly     


Duration varchar(50),     

hub_id int, 

Hub_Name varchar(100), 

[Total Request Routed from Route Pro] float, 

[Total Request/Cut Paste] float,   

[occupancy4orless]  float,     

[occupancy5ormore] float,     

[Adhoc request] int,     

[Average request] int,     

[Cut Paste Percentage] float, 

[Total Unique users] float     




DECLARE      @pickcount float,     

             @dropcount float,     

             @pickcount4 float,     

             @dropcount4 float,     

             @totalemp float,     

             @totalemp4 float,     

             @routeidcount float,     

             @routeidcount4 float,     

             @occupancy float,     

             @occupancy4 float,     

             @adhocrequestcount float,     

             @routedfromroutepro float,     

             @cutpastecount float,     

             @cutpaste float,     

             @totaldays float,     

             @T_Drop_Emp float,     

             @T_Pick_Emp float,     

             @T_Emp float,     

             @Duration varchar(50), 

             @totalunique_users float, 

             @R_Name varchar(100)   



BEGIN TRY       



            IF(DATEDIFF(mm, @fromdate, @todate) >= 0)       


            print  @fromdate   

            print  @todate   


                        select facility_id,Facility_Name into #facility1 from tbl_facility where hub=1 order by facility_id desc     

                        Declare @R_id int     

                        DECLARE CURSOR_G CURSOR FOR     

                        Select facility_id,Facility_Name from #facility1     

                        OPEN CURSOR_G     

                        FETCH CURSOR_G INTO @R_id,@R_Name 

                        WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0     






                        print 'HUBID-->' + cast(@R_id as varchar)  

                        print '@routeidcountBEFOREset-->' + cast(@routeidcount as varchar)  

                        --set  @routeidcount=0   

                        print '@routeidcountBEFORE-->' + cast(@routeidcount as varchar)  

                        select @routeidcount=count(1) from tbl_Route_Header WITH(NOLOCK)     

                        where Inactive = 0 AND Company_ID = 1     

                        AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,Appointment_DateTime) >= 0     

                        AND DATEDIFF(dd,Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0     

                        AND Route_Status_ID IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and Hub_ID= @R_id   

                        and current_occupancy between 0 and 4        

                        print '@routeidcountAFTER-->' + cast(@routeidcount as varchar)  


                         --Pick employess  

                         set  @pickcount=0    

                         select @pickcount=isnull(count(userID),0) from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock) inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id     


                         RH.Company_ID = 1 AND     

                         RH.route_type_ID=1  and rd.inactive=0 and     

                         rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and rh.hub_ID= @R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'     

                         AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,rh.Appointment_DateTime) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(dd,rh.Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0     

                         and RH.current_occupancy between 0 and 4      

                         print 'PICK COUNT AFTER-->' + cast(@pickcount as varchar)            


                         --Drop employess   

                         set  @dropcount=0  


                         select @dropcount=isnull(count(userID),0) from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock) inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id     


                         RH.Company_ID = 1 AND     

                         RH.route_type_ID=0  and rd.inactive=0 and     

                         rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and rh.hub_ID=@R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'     

                         AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,rh.Appointment_DateTime) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(dd,rh.Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0     

                         and RH.current_occupancy between 0 and 4      

                         print 'DROPCOUNT AFTER-->' + cast(@dropcount as varchar)  


                        set  @totalemp=0   

                        set @totalemp=@dropcount+@pickcount  

                        print 'TOTAL COUNT-->' + cast(@totalemp as varchar)     

                        if(@totalemp >0)     


                        set @occupancy=@totalemp/@routeidcount     


                        else set @occupancy=0.00 

                        print 'occupancy--> ' + cast(@occupancy as varchar)    



                        goto GoEND1       



----------------------------------------------------occupancy < 4 end-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------occupancy > 4 start-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 





                         select @pickcount4=isnull(count(userID),0) from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock) inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id     


                         RH.Company_ID = 1 AND     

                         RH.route_type_ID=1  and rd.inactive=0 and     

                         rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and rh.hub_ID= @R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'     

                         AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,rh.Appointment_DateTime) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(dd,rh.Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0     

                         and RH.current_occupancy between 5 and 12     

                         print 'PICK COUNT MORE THAN 4--> ' + cast(@pickcount4 as varchar)  



                         --Drop employess     

                         select @dropcount4=isnull(count(userID),0) from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock) inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id     


                         RH.Company_ID = 1 AND     

                         RH.route_type_ID=0  and rd.inactive=0 and     

                         rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and rh.hub_ID=@R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'     

                         AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,rh.Appointment_DateTime) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(dd,rh.Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0     

                         and RH.current_occupancy between 5 and 12   

                         print 'PICK COUNT MORE THAN 4--> ' + cast(@dropcount4 as varchar)    


                         select @routeidcount4=count(1) from tbl_Route_Header WITH(NOLOCK)     

                         where Inactive = 0 AND Company_ID = 1     

                         AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,Appointment_DateTime) >= 0     

                         AND DATEDIFF(dd,Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0     

                         AND Route_Status_ID IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11)  and Hub_ID=@R_id     

                         and current_occupancy between 5 and 12     

                         print 'Route Count for occupancy greater than 4--> ' + cast(@routeidcount4 as varchar)    


                        set @totalemp4=@dropcount4+@pickcount4   

                        print 'total employee count-> ' + cast(@totalemp4 as varchar)      

                        if(@totalemp4 >0)     


                        set @occupancy4=@totalemp4/@routeidcount4     


                        else  set @occupancy4=0.00  

                        print 'occupancy greater than 4-> ' + cast(@occupancy4 as varchar) 

---------------------------------------------------------occupancy > 4 end----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------------------------------cutpaste start-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 





                         -->adhoc request     

                         select @adhocrequestcount =count(*)     

                         from tbl_request with (NOLOCk)     

                         where created_by not like '%admin%'     

                         and request_type_id = 0      

                         and (from_facility_id in(select facility_id from tbl_facility where hub_id = @R_id)     

                         or to_facility_id in(select facility_id from tbl_facility where hub_id = @R_id))     

                         and Appointment_DateTime between @fromdate and @todate      


                         print 'Adhoc Request-> ' + cast(@adhocrequestcount as varchar) 


                         --> Request routed from route pro     

                         select @cutpastecount=(count(*)/2) from tbl_route_edit_log with (nolock) where action in     

                         ('Cut','Paste') and hub_id = @R_id and Appointment_DateTime between @fromdate  and @todate      

                         and USERID in (     

                         select UserID from tbl_request with(nolock) where  Appointment_DateTime between     

                         @fromdate  and @todate      

                         and (from_facility_id     

                         in(select facility_id from tbl_facility where hub_id = @R_id)     

                         or to_facility_id in(select facility_id from tbl_facility where hub_id = @R_id))     

                         and IsRoutedFromRoutePro=1 )     

                         print 'Total routes routed pro on which cut paste done-> ' + cast(@cutpastecount as varchar) 



                         -->Total Number of request routed from route pro    

                         select @routedfromroutepro=count(*)     

                         from tbl_request with (NOLOCk)     

                         where IsRoutedFromRoutePro=1      

                         and request_status_id not in(0,1,8,12)     

                         and (from_facility_id in(select facility_id from tbl_facility where hub_id = @R_id)     

                         or to_facility_id in(select facility_id from tbl_facility where hub_id = @R_id))     

                         and Appointment_DateTime between @fromdate  and @todate     

                         print 'occupancy greater than 4-> ' + cast(@occupancy4 as varchar) 


                         set @cutpaste=0.00 



                         set @cutpaste=isnull((@cutpastecount/@routedfromroutepro)*100,0.00)     

                         print 'Cut Paste Percentage-> ' + cast(@cutpaste as varchar) 


--------------------------------------------------cut paste end-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

-----------------------------------------------average request per day-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     

                        select @T_Drop_Emp=isnull(count(userID),0) from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock) inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id        


                        RH.Company_ID = 1 AND       

                        RH.route_type_ID=0  and rd.inactive=0 and       

                        rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and rh.hub_ID=@R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'       

                        AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,rh.Appointment_DateTime) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(dd,rh.Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0       


                        select @T_Pick_Emp=isnull(count(userID),0) from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock) inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id        


                        RH.Company_ID = 1 AND       

                        RH.route_type_ID=1  and rd.inactive=0 and       

                        rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11) and rh.hub_ID=@R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'       

                        AND DATEDIFF(dd,@fromdate,rh.Appointment_DateTime) >= 0 AND DATEDIFF(dd,rh.Appointment_DateTime,@todate) >= 0       



                        SET @T_Emp=@T_Pick_Emp+@T_Drop_Emp       

                        SET @TotalDays = (DATEDIFF(dd, @fromdate, @todate) + 1)       

                        set @Duration= CONVERT(VARCHAR(11),@fromdate,106) + ' To ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(11),@todate,106)      


--------------------------------------------------total unique users start-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


                        select @totalunique_users = count(distinct rd.userid)    

                        from tbl_route_detail RD  with(nolock)      

                        inner join tbl_route_header RH  with(nolock) on rh.route_iD=rd.route_id      

                        inner join tbl_user_master UM with (nolock) on  UM.userid=rd.userid     

                        Left join tbl_user_master UM1 with (nolock) on UM1.userid=UM.manager_id     

                        inner join tbl_facility F with (nolock) on F.facility_id=Rh.hub_id   

                        inner join tbl_geocode_address GA with (nolock) on GA.Address_id=UM.Address_id     

                        left  join tbl_id_distances D with (nolock) on D.From_id=@R_id and To_id=UM.Address_id       


                        RH.Company_ID = 1 AND     

                        rd.inactive=0 and     

                        rh.route_status_ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11)      

                        and rh.hub_ID=@R_id and rh.inactive=0 and RD.action='P'   

                        and rh.appointment_datetime between @fromdate and @todate 





            insert into #tempmonthly


            [Total Request Routed from Route Pro],

            [Total Request/Cut Paste],



            [Adhoc request],

            [Average request],

            [cut paste percentage],

            [Total Unique users])

values  (@Duration,





            round( @occupancy,2),

            round( @occupancy4,2),








     FETCH CURSOR_G INTO @R_id,@R_Name     


     CLOSE CURSOR_G     



declare @count float

select @count=count(1) from #tempmonthly where [occupancy5ormore] >0




insert into #tempmonthly(Duration,[occupancy4orless],[occupancy5ormore],[Adhoc request],[Average request],[cut paste percentage],[Total Unique users])  

SELECT 'FINAL STATISTICS',Round(avg(([occupancy4orless])),2),Round((sum(occupancy5ormore))/@count,2),sum([adhoc request]), 

ISNULL(@T_Emp/@TotalDays,0.00),Round(avg([cut paste percentage]),2),Round(sum(isnull([total unique users],0.00)),2)

from #tempmonthly with(nolock) 



 select * from #tempmonthly with(nolock)    



  END TRY     



  INSERT INTO tbl_Common_Error_Log                         



  ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState,                         

  ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage,getdate()       

  END CATCH       



--Monthly_Report '15/05/2013 00:00','15/05/2013 23:59'
Updated 28-Jun-13 5:45am
ArunRajendra 28-Jun-13 6:19am    
Without code its very difficult to suggest the solution. Regarding cursor it is not recommended to use it in critical scenarios. Try to get the required result using some other means.
Sadique KT 28-Jun-13 6:30am    
post your sp so that we can check it..

1 solution

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How can i reduce the execution time of running a query of SQL SERVER 2005?[^]
Different Execution time for Same SQL Query[^]
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anurag19289 28-Jun-13 12:00pm    
ok ,,, i will do that,,,, thanks.... i m new to this site,
Maciej Los 28-Jun-13 12:14pm    
You're welcome ;)

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