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So ... I'm trying to parse out JSON into an object. It seems to work perfectly for some code, but not for others. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I don't get an error, it simply does not populate.

Source Code:

public AlarmQuery GetAlarms(int startDate, int endDate)
    //date and time are in epoch seconds.

    string url = string.Format("https://{0}/rest/v1/events?categ_filter=alarm&date_from={1}&date_to={2}&location_ids={3}", webServiceURL, startDate, endDate, "2131012");
    //string url = string.Format("https://{0}/rest/v1/events?categ_filter=alarm&location_ids={3}", webServiceURL, startDate, endDate, "2131012");

    var result = getWebResult(url);
    //result = result.Replace("object", "iobject");  //JSON uses 'object' as variable, which is reserved.  (Already replaced in sample JSON)

    var parsedLoc = JObject.Parse(result);
    AlarmQuery tmpObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AlarmQuery>(result);

    return tmpObj;

Source Class

public class AlarmQuery
        public class Meta
            public int count { get; set; }
            public int total_count { get; set; }
            public double date_from { get; set; }
            public double date_to { get; set; }

        public class ExtraField
            public string name { get; set; }
            public string value { get; set; }

        public class Attributes
            public string category { get; set; }
            public int entity_id { get; set; }
            public string affected_location_ids { get; set; }
            public double timestamp { get; set; }
            public IList<ExtraField> extra_fields { get; set; }
            public string iobject { get; set; }
            public IList<object> comments { get; set; }
            public string entity { get; set; }
            public object channel_id { get; set; }
            public int num { get; set; }
            public string user { get; set; }
            public string msg { get; set; }
            public object host_id { get; set; }
            public object location_id { get; set; }
            public int? device_id { get; set; }

        public class Datum
            public Attributes attributes { get; set; }
            public string type { get; set; }
            public string id { get; set; }

        public class Jsonapi
            public string version { get; set; }

        public class Links
            public string next { get; set; }
            public string self { get; set; }
            public string prev { get; set; }
            public string last { get; set; }
            public string first { get; set; }

        public class Example
            public Meta meta { get; set; }
            public IList<Datum> data { get; set; }
            public Jsonapi jsonapi { get; set; }
            public Links links { get; set; }


Source JSON:

                  "value":"Watchdog (2131008)"
                  "value":"System/Lyon/Building N1/LYO19501001"
                  "name":"Threshold Alarm Template",
                  "value":"LYO_Threshold alarm template"
                  "value":"Low Threshold = 0 Bool."
                  "value":"LYO19501001 (19501001)"
                  "value":"Watchdog (1)"
                  "name":"Time on",
                  "name":"Time off",
            "iobject":"Low Threshold Alarm: Location value = 0 Bool for System/Lyon/Building N1/LYO19501001/Watchdog",
            "user":"admin (Administration super user)",
            "msg":"Alarm turned off: Threshold Alarm: LYO_Threshold alarm template for type Low Threshold value = 0 Bool for Location: System/Lyon/Building N1/LYO19501001/Watchdog.",
                  "value":"Watchdog (2131008)"
                  "value":"System/Lyon/Building N1/LYO19501001"
                  "name":"Threshold Alarm Template",
                  "value":"LYO_Threshold alarm template"
                  "value":"Low Threshold = 0 Bool."
                  "value":"LYO19501001 (19501001)"
                  "value":"Watchdog (1)"
                  "name":"Time on",
            "iobject":"Low Threshold Alarm: Location value = 0 Bool for System/Lyon/Building N1/LYO19501001/Watchdog",
            "user":"admin (Administration super user)",
            "msg":"Alarm turned on: Threshold Alarm: LYO_Threshold alarm template for type Low Threshold value = 0 Bool for Location: System/Lyon/Building N1/LYO19501001/Watchdog. Alarm message: Watchdog.",

What I have tried:

I tried modifying the class, and I tried updating the query. The results are populated and the JOBject.parse(result) works. It seems the DeserializeObject is the hurdle at the moment.
Updated 16-Feb-22 8:18am

Check out the following article that will cover this in detail: Working with JSON in C# & VB[^]
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Used to Instantly parse JSON in any language | quicktype[^] to create the class, and it seems to work better. Had to tweak it some. Tryied to make a lot of extra work.

namespace VaisalaReporter

    public class Test
        public Meta Meta { get; set; }
        public Datum[] Datum { get; set; }
        public Jsonapi Jsonapi { get; set; }
        public Links Links { get; set; }

    public partial class Datum
        public Attributes Attributes { get; set; }
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public long Id { get; set; }

    public partial class Attributes
        public Category Category { get; set; }
        public long EntityId { get; set; }
        public string AffectedLocationIds { get; set; }
        public double Timestamp { get; set; }
        public ExtraField[] ExtraFields { get; set; }
        public string Iobject { get; set; }
        public object[] Comments { get; set; }
        public string Entity { get; set; }
        public object ChannelId { get; set; }
        public long Num { get; set; }
        public string User { get; set; }
        public string Msg { get; set; }
        public object HostId { get; set; }
        public object LocationId { get; set; }
        public long? DeviceId { get; set; }

    public partial class ExtraField
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }

    public partial class Jsonapi
        public string Version { get; set; }

    public partial class Links
        public string Next { get; set; }
        public string Self { get; set; }
        public string Prev { get; set; }
        public string Last { get; set; }
        public string First { get; set; }

    public partial class Meta
        public long Count { get; set; }
        public long TotalCount { get; set; }
        public long DateFrom { get; set; }
        public long DateTo { get; set; }
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