1. Use a variable to represent a person’s name, and print a message to that person. Your message should be simple, such as, “Hello Eric, would you like to learn some Python today?"
2.Use a variable to represent a person’s name, and then print that person’s name in lowercase, uppercase, and title case.
3.Ask the user for 2 integer numbers then print the numbers between the two numbers where the first input is lesser than the 2nd input. If the user gives a non-integer input, print "INVALID INPUT!". If the first input is greater than the 2nd input, print "First number should be lesser than second number."
4. Using one line of code, make a list of odd numbers that are divisible by 5 from 1 to 500 inclusive.
5.A certain CS professor gives 5-point quizzes that are graded on the scale 5-A, 4-B, 3-C, 2-D, 1-F, 0-F. Write a program that accepts a quiz score as an input and prints out the corresponding grade.
6.Create a tuple containing the names of five countries and display the whole tuple. Ask the user to enter one of the countries that have been shown to them and then display the index number (i.e. position in the list) of that item in the tuple.
7.Write a program that calculates the average word length in a sentence entered by the user.
8. Represent the table using a dictionary.
Name Math English Science
Susan 95 97 84
Peter 92 98 89
Mark 89 97 90
Andy 88 93 92
9.Using the dictionary in problem 8, add new item to the dictionary which is the average grade of the 3 subject.
10. Represent the table in problem 8, using only a list
What I have tried:
1. Use a variable to represent a person’s name, and print a message to that person. Your message should be simple, such as, "Hello Eric, would you like to learn some Python today?"