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Private Sub tmchat_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmchat.Tick

       Using cmdreadchat As New MySqlCommand("SELECT chat FROM tb_chat", Conn)

           Dim chatreader As MySqlDataReader

           chatreader = cmdreadchat.ExecuteReader()

           While chatreader.Read()

               If Not chatreader(0).ToString = ChatBoxBackup.Text Then
                   ChatBoxBackup.Text = chatreader(0).ToString
               End If
           End While
       End Using

   End Sub

What I have tried:

i've tried many different ways of fixing this....i've tried opening and closing all the connection...i've checked all datareader if they are left open and i've used using block on all the datareader....yet it is still showing same error......
Updated 20-Mar-20 4:09am

Try enabling MutipleActiveResultSet in your connection string add this
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Xion1624 20-Mar-20 11:06am    
Sub ConTempOpen()
ConTemp.ConnectionString = "server=" & My.Settings.Host & "; user id=" & My.Settings.User & "; password=" & My.Settings.Pass & "; database= " & My.Settings.dbName
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message & vbNewLine & "Check your connection.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Can not connect to the Database")
End Try
End Sub

Sub OpenConnection()
Conn.ConnectionString = "server=" & My.Settings.Host & "; user id=" & My.Settings.User & "; password=" & My.Settings.Pass & "; database= " & My.Settings.dbName

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message & vbNewLine & "Check your connection." & vbNewLine & "Application will close.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Can not connect to the Database")
End Try

End Sub

(where do i add that???)
codejet 23-Mar-20 8:50am    
Sub ConTempOpen()
ConTemp.ConnectionString = "server=" & My.Settings.Host & "; user id=" & My.Settings.User & "; password=" & My.Settings.Pass & "; database= " & My.Settings.dbName & ";MultipleActiveResultSets=True"

'--It can be added anywhere in the connection string
An SqlConnection can only support one DataReader at a time: when you "share" a connection you have to make sure that the reader is closed and disposed when you are finished with it at all times.

The best approach is not to "recycle" SQL connections: create it in a Using block, open it, use it, and let the system Dispose it when it goes out of scope.
I told you this three days ago!

Look through your entire code, and delete your "common" SqlConnection - replace it with individual ones created inside Using blocks when you need them.

And your loop is still weird: why do you close the reader at the end of the first iteration?

should i put connection property inside using block or is there a way to put property in connection class and connect it with new connection inside using block ??????

Please do not use multiple question marks in communications with me again: it is "a sign of a diseased mind" according to pTerry - and he's right.

You can use a class to encapsulate a connection - if you must - and put teh construction code into a using block:
            using (MyConnection con = MyConnection.GetConnection())
    internal class MyConnection : IDisposable
        private MyConnection() { }
        public static MyConnection GetConnection() 
            return new MyConnection(); 

        #region IDisposable Support
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)

        public void Dispose()
            // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
            // TODO: uncomment the following line if the finalizer is overridden above.
            // GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
And the system will automatically discard it when it goes out of scope.

Sorry, forgot you use VB.
   Using con As MyConnection = MyConnection.GetConnection()
        End Using
    Friend Class MyConnection
        Inherits IDisposable

        Private Sub New()
        End Sub

        Public Shared Function GetConnection() As MyConnection
            Return New MyConnection()
        End Function

        Private disposedValue As Boolean = False

        Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        End Sub

        Public Sub Dispose()
        End Sub
    End Class
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Xion1624 20-Mar-20 10:19am    
should i put connection property inside using block or is there a way to put property in connection class and connect it with new connection inside using block ??????
ZurdoDev 20-Mar-20 11:06am    
VB does not have the type of using he is referring to.

As I said in my solution, you have to remove the close code from within your loop.
Xion1624 20-Mar-20 11:13am    
already did that bro still same error
OriginalGriff 20-Mar-20 11:15am    
Um ... are you sure:
Xion1624 20-Mar-20 11:25am    
sorry for multiple question mark
You are closing the reader inside of the loop where you are reading from it. Move your close code to outside of the loop.
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