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Both has a column called : Location ID

These are the step I think the prog should do :

Promp user to select location of 2 file >> Read data from the user selected file >> Open pre-set Excel template paste item accordingly >> Save it!

Final Output: Same Location ID from both workbook in 1 sheet beside each other..

Possible? please guide me..newbie here..done my research :)
**i can post picture of the files but i don't think you can on here
Updated 28-Dec-11 21:10pm
Maciej Los 21-Nov-11 16:21pm    
Everything is possible... but what have you done until now? Show the code!
Maciej Los 22-Nov-11 14:03pm    
Please, always use "Improve question" link to add, change your question.
Maciej Los 22-Nov-11 14:54pm    
Are the files "A" and "B" differ between themselfs?
I think you need to create a wizard.
Step 1: Select excel template,
Step 2: Select first merged file,
Step 3: Select second merged file.
Step 4: If the names and locations of files 1 and 2 are not equal, merge 2 files into template.
Am i right?
Human2.0 24-Nov-11 20:31pm    
Thanks losmac for the edit on my question. I have updated the progressed code.
Not quite let me enlighten you,

total 5 button : Header Top , Header Bottom , Report Top , Report Bottom & Merge.
I have created a template for the final output.

Report top & Report bottom will be paste in a specified cell = copy & paste concept.
Quantity: Header files has standard set of rows each time.

Below that

the Report top & Report bottom will be "comb merge. The primary key would be "Location"

So same "Location" id from Report top & report bottom will be paste beside each other..process goes on depending how many quantity it has.

Quantity: report files has random quantity of rows.

Simplified steps:
1-user selects all 4 files.
2-user click merge
3-data are read and paste in the template file
4-user prompt to save.

The code below shows how to create custom class to achieve what you want.
You need to create 2 files:
The content ofICombMerge.vb file (interface module):
Public Interface ICombMerge

    Property TemplateFile() As String
    Property HeaderTop() As String
    Property HeaderBottom() As String
    Property ReportTop() As String
    Property ReportBottom() As String
    Property DestFile() As String
    Function GetMyFileName(Optional ByVal sTitle As String = "Select file...", Optional ByVal sInitialDir As String = "C:\") As String
    Function SaveAsFileName(Optional ByVal sTitle As String = "Save As ...", Optional ByVal sInitialDir As String = "C:\") As String
    Function MergeFiles() As Long

End Interface

The content of TCombMerge.vb file (class module):
Public Class TCombMerge
    Implements ICombMerge

    Dim sHT As String = String.Empty 'header top
    Dim sHB As String = String.Empty 'header bottom
    Dim sRT As String = String.Empty 'report top
    Dim sRB As String = String.Empty 'report bottom
    Dim sTF As String = String.Empty 'template file
    Dim sDF As String = String.Empty 'destination file

    Public Sub New()
        'almost all variables already set
        sTF = Application.StartupPath & "\Templates\MergedReport.xls"
        sDF = Application.StartupPath & "\Output\" & DateTime.Today & "_MergedReport.xls"
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal _tf As String, ByVal _ht As String, ByVal _hb As String, ByVal _rt As String, ByVal _rb As String, ByVal _df As String)
        sTF = _tf
        sHT = _ht
        sHB = _hb
        sRT = _rt
        sRB = _rb
        sDF = _df
    End Sub

    Property TemplateFile() As String Implements ICombMerge.TemplateFile
            Return sTF
        End Get
        Set(ByVal _tf As String)
            sTF = _tf
        End Set
    End Property

    Property DestFile() As String Implements ICombMerge.DestFile
            Return sDF
        End Get
        Set(ByVal _df As String)
            sDF = _df
        End Set
    End Property

    Property HeaderTop() As String Implements ICombMerge.HeaderTop
            Return sHT
        End Get
        Set(ByVal _ht As String)
            sHT = _ht
        End Set
    End Property

    Property HeaderBottom() As String Implements ICombMerge.HeaderBottom
            Return sHB
        End Get
        Set(ByVal _hb As String)
            sHB = _hb
        End Set
    End Property

    Property ReportTop() As String Implements ICombMerge.ReportTop
            Return sRT
        End Get
        Set(ByVal _rt As String)
            sRT = _rt
        End Set
    End Property

    Property ReportBottom() As String Implements ICombMerge.ReportBottom
            Return sRB
        End Get
        Set(ByVal _rb As String)
            sRB = _rb
        End Set
    End Property

    Function GetMyFileName(Optional ByVal sTitle As String = "Select file...", Optional ByVal sInitialDir As String = "C:\") As String Implements ICombMerge.GetMyFileName
        Dim dlgOpen As OpenFileDialog = Nothing, dlgRes As DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        Dim sFileName As String = String.Empty


            dlgOpen = New OpenFileDialog()
            With dlgOpen
                .Title = sTitle
                .InitialDirectory = sInitialDir
                .CheckFileExists = True
                .CheckPathExists = True
                .Filter = "Excel files (*.xls)|*.xls"
                .FilterIndex = 0
                .DefaultExt = "xls"
                .AddExtension = True
                .Multiselect = False
                dlgRes = .ShowDialog
            End With

            If dlgRes = DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Try

            sFileName = dlgOpen.FileName

        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error...")
            dlgOpen = Nothing
        End Try

        Return sFileName
    End Function

    Function SaveAsFileName(Optional ByVal sTitle As String = "Save As ...", Optional ByVal sInitialDir As String = "C:\") As String Implements ICombMerge.SaveAsFileName
        Dim dlgSave As SaveFileDialog = Nothing, dlgRes As DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
        Dim sFileName As String = String.Empty


            dlgSave = New SaveFileDialog()
            With dlgSave
                .Title = sTitle
                .InitialDirectory = sInitialDir
                .CheckFileExists = False
                .CheckPathExists = True
                .OverwritePrompt = True
                .Filter = "Excel files (*.xls)|*.xls"
                .FilterIndex = 0
                .DefaultExt = "xls"
                .AddExtension = True
                dlgRes = .ShowDialog
            End With

            If dlgRes = DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Try

            sFileName = dlgSave.FileName

        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error...")
            dlgSave = Nothing
        End Try

        Return sFileName
    End Function

    Function MergeFiles() As Long Implements ICombMerge.MergeFiles
        Dim retVal As Long = 0, i As Long = 0, j As Long = 0
        Dim sFiles() As String = Nothing, oExc As Object = Nothing
        Dim oWbkSrc As Object = Nothing, oWbkDst As Object = Nothing
        Dim oWshSrc As Object = Nothing, oWshDst As Object = Nothing

        'retval is used to return value of function
        '=0: OK
        '>0: Error occured


            If sHT = String.Empty Or sHB = String.Empty Or _
                sRT = String.Empty Or sRB = String.Empty Or sDF = String.Empty Then
                MsgBox("Select all files!" & vbCr & _
                        "Header: Top and Bottom," & vbCr & _
                        "Report: Top and Bottom," & vbCr & _
                        "Destination file!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Information...")
                Exit Try
            End If

            'change size of array
            ReDim Preserve sFiles(5)
            sFiles(0) = sHT
            sFiles(1) = sHB
            sFiles(2) = sRT
            sFiles(3) = sRB
            sFiles(4) = sTF
            sFiles(5) = sDF

            'compare names of files
            For i = sFiles.GetLowerBound(0) To sFiles.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
                For j = i + 1 To sFiles.GetUpperBound(0)
                    If sFiles(i).ToString = sFiles(j).ToString Then
                        MsgBox("'" & sFiles(i).ToString & "'" & vbCr & _
                                " is equal to: " & vbCr & _
                                "'" & sFiles(j).ToString & "'" & vbCr & vbCr & _
                                "Can't merge the same files!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Information")
                        Exit Try
                    End If

            'create instance of Excel application
            oExc = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            'open template file (destination)
            oWbkDst = oExc.Workbooks.Open(sTF)
            'save as DestinationFileName...
            'Excel will prompt user if file already exists!
            'set destination sheet
            oWshDst = oWbkDst.Worksheets(1) 'or oWbkDst.Worksheets("Name") 

            '----------------------- HEADER TOP -------------------------
            'open source file
            oWbkSrc = oExc.Workbooks.Open(sHT)
            'set source sheet
            oWshSrc = oWbkSrc.Worksheets(1)
            'copy data 
            For i = 1 To 12
                j = i + 1
                oWshSrc.Range("B" & i.ToString).Copy(oWshDst.Range("B" & j.ToString))
            oWbkSrc.Close(False) 'close without saving changes

            '----------------------- HEADER BOTTOM -------------------------
            oWbkSrc = oExc.Workbooks.Open(sHB)
            'set source sheet
            oWshSrc = oWbkSrc.Worksheets(1)
            'copy data 
            For i = 1 To 12
                j = i + 1
                oWshSrc.Range("B" & i.ToString).Copy(oWshDst.Range("C" & j.ToString))

            '----------------------- REPORT TOP -------------------------
            oWbkSrc = oExc.Workbooks.Open(sRT)
            oWshSrc = oWbkSrc.Worksheets(1)
            i = 2
            'start copying data from row no. 16 in continous way (step by 1, not 2)
                j = i + 14
                oWshSrc.Range("A" & i.ToString & ":I" & i.ToString).Copy(oWshDst.Range("A" & j.ToString))
                'check the line below if you don't want to add comments
                oWshDst.Range("K" & j.ToString).Value = 1 'add comment (1 - report top) 
                i = i + 1
            Loop While oWshSrc.Range("A" & i.ToString).Value <> String.Empty

            '----------------------- REPORT BOTTOM -------------------------
            oWbkSrc = oExc.Workbooks.Open(sRB)
            oWshSrc = oWbkSrc.Worksheets(1)
            i = 2
            'continue copying; if the last row in report-top is 60, start from 61
                j = j + 1
                oWshSrc.Range("A" & i.ToString & ":I" & i.ToString).Copy(oWshDst.Range("A" & j.ToString))
                'check the line below if you don't want to add comments
                oWshDst.Range("K" & j.ToString).Value = 2 'add comment (2 - report bottom)
                i = i + 1
            Loop While oWshSrc.Range("A" & i.ToString).Value <> String.Empty

            'autofit columns
            'save before sorting
            'sort data by Location and PartNumber
            'first select range of cells
            oWshDst.Range("A15:K" & j.ToString).Select()
            oWshDst.Range("A15:K" & j.ToString).Sort(Key1:=oWshDst.Range("A16"), Order1:=1, Key2:=oWshDst.Range("B16"), Order2:=1, _
                            Header:=1, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=1, DataOption1:=0, DataOption2:=0)
            'add borders
            oWshDst.Range("A15:K" & j.ToString).Borders.LineStyle = 1
            'add color for headers = yellow
            oWshDst.Range("A15:K15").Interior.ColorIndex = 6

            'get total qty for each PartNumber => MAX(I16:I17)
            i = 16
                j = i + 1
                oWshDst.Range("J" & i.ToString & ":J" & j.ToString).Merge()
                'get total qty 
                oWshDst.Range("J" & i.ToString & ":J" & j.ToString).Formula = "=MAX(" & oWshDst.Range("I" & i.ToString & ":I" & j.ToString).Address & ")"
                'copy value of total qty
                oWshDst.Range("J" & i.ToString & ":J" & j.ToString).Copy()
                'paste value 
                oWshDst.Range("J" & i.ToString & ":J" & j.ToString).PasteSpecial(Paste:=-4163)
                i = i + 2
            Loop While oWshDst.Range("A" & i.ToString).Value <> String.Empty


        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Error...")
            retVal = 1

            sFiles = Nothing
            oWshSrc = Nothing
            oWshDst = Nothing
            oWbkSrc = Nothing
            oWbkDst = Nothing
            If Not oExc Is Nothing Then oExc.Visible = True
            oExc = Nothing

        End Try

        Return retVal
    End Function

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
    End Sub
End Class

Now, you need to change code for your form (in my example: MainFrm):
Public Class MainFrm

    Dim oCombMerge As ICombMerge = New TCombMerge()

    Private Sub MainFrm_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
        oCombMerge = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        With Me
            .LblHT.Text = "(select file...)"
            .LblHB.Text = "(select file...)"
            .LblRT.Text = "(select file...)"
            .LblRB.Text = "(select file...)"
            .LblDstFile.Text = oCombMerge.DestFile
            .LblTF.Text = "Template: " & oCombMerge.TemplateFile
            .CmdHT.Text = "Top"
            .CmdHB.Text = "Bottom"
            .CmdRT.Text = "Top"
            .CmdRB.Text = "Bottom"
            .CmdDstFile.Text = "Save in..."
            .CmdMerge.Text = "Merge"
        End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdHT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdHT.Click
        oCombMerge.HeaderTop = oCombMerge.GetMyFileName("Select top for header file...", Application.StartupPath)
        Me.LblHT.Text = oCombMerge.HeaderTop
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdHB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdHB.Click
        oCombMerge.HeaderBottom = oCombMerge.GetMyFileName("Select bottom for header file...", Application.StartupPath)
        Me.LblHB.Text = oCombMerge.HeaderBottom
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdRT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdRT.Click
        oCombMerge.ReportTop = oCombMerge.GetMyFileName("Select top for report file...", Application.StartupPath)
        Me.LblRT.Text = oCombMerge.ReportTop
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdRB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdRB.Click
        oCombMerge.ReportBottom = oCombMerge.GetMyFileName("Select bottom for report file...", Application.StartupPath)
        Me.LblRB.Text = oCombMerge.ReportBottom
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdMerge_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdMerge.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdDstFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdDstFile.Click
        oCombMerge.DestFile = oCombMerge.SaveAsFileName("Save into...", Application.StartupPath & "\Output\")
        Me.LblDstFile.Text = oCombMerge.DestFile
    End Sub
End Class

Here is the old source code^. Compiled without errors. Not tested on the files.
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Human2.0 28-Nov-11 22:20pm    
First of all thank you for your time losmac.
I'm getting error : Index was out of range. must be non negative and less the size of the collection. Parameter name: index.

I think rather than comparing "Location ID", this way is better:

Cell ReadWrite Location
Header Top:
Original Template
B1 D2
B2 D3
B3 D4
B4 D5
B5 D6
. .
. .
. .
B12 D13

Report Top & Bottom
Original Template

Top:A2 A16/A17

Top:A3 A18/A19

Top:A4 A20/A21
Top:A48 A95/A96

Vertical ReadWrite :Report Top & Bottom
Original | Template
Top:A2 | A16,B16,C16,D16,E16,F16,G16,H16,I16
Bottom:A2 | A17,B17,C17,D17,E17,F17,G17,H17,I17
Maciej Los 29-Nov-11 12:47pm    
Please, debug program (step by step ->F8) and tell me in which line you have this error. Which version of MS Visual Studio do you have?

Is this line: oryg A3 -> template A18/19 means: copy from oryginal file from cell A3 to merged cell A18/19 in template?
Human2.0 29-Nov-11 22:23pm    
Greetings Losmac
2 Error , 1 Answer to your question:

1) When loading the solution even before start debug:
1:Warning- Value cannot be null. Parameter name: objectType
Line,file,column,project = 0

2) Error in TCombMerge.vb, Line:236
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation,"Error!")
retVal = 1
which I think also something to do with line 137 maybe :
If sFiles(i).ToString = sFiles(j).ToString


'Copy from oWbkRT cell : A3, Paste in oWbkTF cell : A18
'Copy from oWbkRB cell : A3, Paste in oWbkTF cell : A19
| I don't know if this is right but experimenting.. |


|OR is it like this:|

Loop or Repeat until empty cell(rows) in oWbkRT, oWbkRB.

**Also I read that it is much faster to move data between worksheets using Copy and Paste than by taking the values into the script and back out to Excel. Thats why i opt to copypaste rather than using the LocationID
Maciej Los 30-Nov-11 14:15pm    
Get the source of my project. Compiled without errors (like previous). Not tested on the files.
Human2.0 1-Dec-11 1:40am    
-we on total different time zone i can tell.

-Anyways. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Professional.

-Everything is fine left with this error still:
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation,"Error!")
retVal = 1

-how to attach file here like you did.I attach google doc of the screenshoot
of the error & the excel files. Do take a look:
AssasinCreedMother: that was not helpful:( but hey it's is defiantly possible, not that hard just that I'm not sure of the path. Keep following you might learn something as well
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AssasinCreedMOTHER 21-Nov-11 22:53pm    
sorry MOTHER getting old, i shall follow then !
You can't do that, impossible
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Maciej Los 21-Nov-11 16:24pm    
Keep the Faith ;)
The best idea is to create a List<integer>, then read the excel files one by one, inserting the Location Id's in for each file. Then you can do a sort on the List and insert the list into a new excel file.
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