I'm working on a scanner management project. Provider sent me the .dll and .h files (C++ native) for I need to build a wrapper to use it in my C# project. Some functions had no problems, but others are really difficult to invoke (or at least I dont have enought experience for doing that).
One of them involves a pointer to struck, that internally has other structs.
This is the code in C++
typedef struct _ImParam
UINT Format;
UINT Resolution;
UINT ColorDepth;
typedef struct _sValues
UINT Xpos;
UINT Ypos;
UINT Width;
UINT Height;
BOOL Milli;
typedef struct _sProperties
BOOL Enable;
S_VALUES Properties;
typedef struct _DevParam
BOOL Enable;
UINT Font;
char Symbol;
IM_PARAM Image1;
IM_PARAM Image2;
S_PROPERTIES Properties[10];
UINT FeedMode;
} DevParam;
BOOL GetParameters( DWORD ID, DevParam *dParam );
and this is how I defined the structs in C#
public struct ImParam
public uint Format;
public uint Resolution;
public uint ColorDepth;
public ImParam(uint n)
Format = n;
Resolution = 300;
ColorDepth = 256;
public struct sValues
public uint Xpos;
public uint Ypos;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public bool Milli;
public sValues(uint n)
Xpos = n;
Ypos = n;
Width = n;
Height = n;
Milli = false;
public struct sProperties
public bool Enable;
public sValues Properties;
public sProperties(int n)
Enable = false;
Properties = new sValues(n);
public struct DevParam
public bool Enable;
public uint Font;
public char Symbol;
public ImParam Image1;
public ImParam Image2;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public sProperties[] Properties;
public uint FeedMode;
public DeviceParameters(int n)
Enable = true;
Font = 0;
Symbol = '?';
Image1 = new ImParam(3);
Image2 = new ImParam(3);
Properties = new sProperties[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Properties[i] = new sProperties(n);
FeedMode = 1;
What I need is to get the struct from the C++.
What I have tried:
I tried adding a ref to the struct
[DllImport(path, EntryPoint = "?GetParameters@@YGHKPAU_DevParam@@@Z")]
public static extern bool GetParameters(int ID, out DevParam dParam);
DevParam DP;
bool res = Class1.GetParameters(ID, out DP);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + res);
Also tried using an IntPtr
[DllImport(path, EntryPoint = "?GetParameters@@YGHKPAU_DevParam@@@Z")]
public static extern bool GetParameters(int ID, ref IntPtr dParam);
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DevParam));
IntPtr Ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
bool res = Class1.GetParameters(ID, ref Ptr);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + res);
var test = Marshal.PtrToStructure(Ptr, typeof(DevParam));
In both cases the result "res" is true (means function was called correctly) but I'm not getting the struct. With the first solution the struct members have default values (all 0 with numbers, all false with bool), and with the second one, Ptr is 0, that means didn't get a correct memory address.
Any help? Been working in this for weeks already and I'm completely stuck.
Note: Don't have source code of the .dll
Note2: Don't have enough experience with dll imports. Would be good an explanation "for dummies"
Note3: Sorry for such a long post