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The form page for submitting questions keeps giving me my error message and I can't figure out why. The only thing I don't want are the "H1 - H4" attributes, <input, <a and . With the questions and answers need to be able to allow all other. However, by typing the following into the textbox I get my error message telling me my question is not vaild.

Question being typed in: What is the best way to stop the ringing, buzzing sound I hear

Produces the postNewQuestion.aspx RegularExpressionValidator error message.

If I remove the RegularExpressionValidator from the page and try to submit the question to the access database; I get the following error instead:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Source Error:

Line 26: com.CommandText = "insert into QuestionList values('" + qid + "','" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "','" + Session("member") + "')"
Line 27: con.Open()
Line 28: com.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 29: Dim pointCnt As New DataTable
Line 30: pointDs = New OleDbDataAdapter("select [points] from Points where Member='" + Session("member") + "'", con)

Source File: E:\hosting\blueeyeweb\postNewQuestion.aspx.vb Line: 28

Stack Trace:

[OleDbException (0x80040e07): Data type mismatch in criteria expression.]
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult hr) +1007584
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextForSingleResult(tagDBPARAMS dbParams, Object& executeResult) +255
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText(Object& executeResult) +188
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Object& executeResult) +58
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) +161
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +113
postNewQuestion.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in E:\hosting\blueeyeweb\postNewQuestion.aspx.vb:28
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +111
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +110
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +10
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +13
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +36
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1565

<b>What I have tried:</b>


&lt;asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" style="text-align: left" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="313px" Height="140px" CssClass="polbx">&lt;/asp:TextBox>&lt;br />

&lt;asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="*" ValidationExpression="[^\&lt;\>\'\@]" ControlToValidate="TextBox1">&lt;/asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

&lt;center>&lt;asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Ask Question" />&lt;/center>

&lt;asp:Label ID="errMessage" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="Larger" ForeColor="#FF3300" Width="100%">&lt;/asp:Label>

Dim dap, pointDs As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim com As New OleDbCommand
Dim invalid() As String = {"&lt;h1>", "&lt;script>", "&lt;h2>", "&lt;input", "&lt;h3>", "&lt;a", "&lt;h4>"}

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Button1.Text = "Ask Question" Then
If TextBox1.Text &lt;> "" Then
For Each s As String In invalid
If TextBox1.Text.ToLower.Contains(s) = True Then
errMessage.Text = Server.HtmlEncode("Cannot Contain &lt;h1>,&lt;Script>,&lt;input>,&lt;a> etc tags")
Exit Sub
End If
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0 ;data source=" & Server.MapPath("app_data/SimpleQSet.mdb") & ";")

com.Connection = con
Session("member") = "Charles Smith"
Dim ran As New Random
Dim qid As String = ran.Next(0, TextBox1.Text.Length)
com.CommandText = "insert into QuestionList values('" + qid + "','" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "','" + Session("member") + "')"
Dim pointCnt As New DataTable
pointDs = New OleDbDataAdapter("select [points] from Points where Member='" + Session("member") + "'", con)
Dim pnt As Integer = pointCnt.Rows(0)(0) + 1
com.CommandText = "update points set [points]='" & pnt & "' where member='" & Session("member") & "'"
errMessage.Text = "Question Cannot Be Blank"
End If
End If


End Sub

postNewQuestion.aspx.vb - <b>Full Code</b>

<pre>Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data

Partial Class postNewQuestion
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Dim dap, pointDs As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim com As New OleDbCommand
Dim invalid() As String = {"&lt;h1>", "&lt;script>", "&lt;h2>", "&lt;input", "&lt;h3>", "&lt;a", "&lt;h4>"}
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Button1.Text = "Ask Question" Then
If TextBox1.Text &lt;> "" Then
For Each s As String In invalid
If TextBox1.Text.ToLower.Contains(s) = True Then
errMessage.Text = Server.HtmlEncode("Cannot Contain &lt;h1>,&lt;Script>,&lt;input>,&lt;a> etc tags")
Exit Sub
End If
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0 ;data source=" & Server.MapPath("app_data/SimpleQSet.mdb") & ";")

com.Connection = con
Session("member") = "Charles Smith"
Dim ran As New Random
Dim qid As String = ran.Next(0, TextBox1.Text.Length)
com.CommandText = "insert into QuestionList values('" + qid + "','" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "','" + Session("member") + "')"
Dim pointCnt As New DataTable
pointDs = New OleDbDataAdapter("select [points] from Points where Member='" + Session("member") + "'", con)
Dim pnt As Integer = pointCnt.Rows(0)(0) + 1
com.CommandText = "update points set [points]='" & pnt & "' where member='" & Session("member") & "'"
errMessage.Text = "Question Cannot Be Blank"
End If
End If


End Sub

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Session("member") = Nothing Then
Button1.Text = "Sign In To Post a Question"
End If
End Sub

Protected Sub Page_int(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Session("member") = Nothing Then


End If
End Sub
End Class
Updated 21-Sep-17 20:19pm

1 solution

Stop doing it like that!
Never concatenate strings to build a SQL command. It leaves you wide open to accidental or deliberate SQL Injection attack which can destroy your entire database. Use Parametrized queries instead.

When you concatenate strings, you cause problems because SQL receives commands like:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE StreetAddress = 'Baker's Wood'
The quote the user added terminates the string as far as SQL is concerned and you get problems. But it could be worse. If I come along and type this instead: "x';DROP TABLE MyTable;--" Then SQL receives a very different command:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE StreetAddress = 'x';DROP TABLE MyTable;--'
Which SQL sees as three separate commands:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE StreetAddress = 'x';
A perfectly valid SELECT
A perfectly valid "delete the table" command
And everything else is a comment.
So it does: selects any matching rows, deletes the table from the DB, and ignores anything else.

So ALWAYS use parameterized queries! Or be prepared to restore your DB from backup frequently. You do take backups regularly, don't you?

And ... when you fix that, a lot of your problems will disappear ...
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Edward Mergel 22-Sep-17 3:00am    
Thank you, and yes I backup at a set frequency

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