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my .aspx file (doctorsignup.aspx)

<%@ Page Language= "C# " MasterPageFile= "~/MasterPage.master " AutoEventWireup= "true " CodeFile= "doctorsignup.aspx.cs " Inherits= "doctorsignup " Title= "Untitled Page " % >
<asp:Content ID= "Content1 " ContentPlaceHolderID= "ContentPlaceHolder1 " Runat= "Server " >
    <asp:Label ID= "Label1 " runat= "server " Text= " Register Here  "
       style= "z-index: 100; left: 256px; position: absolute; top: 202px; width: 303px; "
       Font-Names= "Modern " Font-Size= "32pt " ForeColor= "Red " > </asp:Label >
    <table style= "z-index: 101; left: 234px; position: absolute; top: 275px; color: #ffffff; font-family:  'Lucida Console '; " >
    <tr > <td style= "height: 26px " >Name </td > <td style= "height: 26px " > <asp:TextBox ID= "nametxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "height: 26px; width: 157px; " >
        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID= "RequiredFieldValidator1 " runat= "server " ErrorMessage= "Enter Name "
           Style= "position: relative " ControlToValidate= "nametxt " >* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >Login Id </td > <td > <asp:TextBox ID= "lidtxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " >
        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID= "RequiredFieldValidator2 " runat= "server " ErrorMessage= "Enter Login Id "
           Style= "position: relative " ControlToValidate= "lidtxt " >* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator > </td > </tr >

    <tr > <td >Password </td > <td > <asp:TextBox ID= "pwdtxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " >
        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID= "RequiredFieldValidator4 " runat= "server " ControlToValidate= "pwdtxt "
           ErrorMessage= "Enter Password " Style= "position: relative " >* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >Confirm Password </td > <td > <asp:TextBox ID= "conpwdtxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " >
        <asp:CompareValidator ID= "CompareValidator1 " runat= "server " ControlToCompare= "pwdtxt "
           ControlToValidate= "conpwdtxt " ErrorMessage= "Not Matching " Style= "position: relative " >* </asp:CompareValidator > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >Department </td > <td >
        <asp:DropDownList ID= "depddl " runat= "server " Width= "153px " >
            <asp:ListItem >----Select---- </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Cardiology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Neurology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Opthalmology, </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Nephrology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Surgery </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Pediatrics </asp:ListItem >
        </asp:DropDownList > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " >
            <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID= "RequiredFieldValidator3 " runat= "server " ControlToValidate= "depddl "
               ErrorMessage= "Enter Your Department " Style= "position: relative " >* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >Specialization </td > <td >
        <asp:DropDownList ID= "speddl " runat= "server " Width= "154px " >
            <asp:ListItem >----Select---- </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Pulmonology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Cardiology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Neurology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Nephrology </asp:ListItem >
            <asp:ListItem >Opthalmology </asp:ListItem >
        </asp:DropDownList > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " >
            <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID= "RequiredFieldValidator5 " runat= "server " ControlToValidate= "speddl "
               ErrorMessage= "Specialization " Style= "position: relative " >* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >Phone Number </td > <td > <asp:TextBox ID= "phtxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >Address </td > <td > <asp:TextBox ID= "addtxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " > </td > </tr >
    <tr > <td >E-Mail </td > <td > <asp:TextBox ID= "emtxt " runat= "server " > </asp:TextBox > </td > <td style= "width: 157px " >
        <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID= "RegularExpressionValidator1 " runat= "server " ControlToValidate= "emtxt "
           ErrorMessage= "Incorrect Format " Style= "position: relative " ValidationExpression= "\w+([-+. ']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)* " >* </asp:RegularExpressionValidator > </td > </tr >
    </table >
    <table style= "z-index: 101; left: 299px; position: absolute; top: 549px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; font-family:  'Lucida Console '; " >
    <tr > <td style= "width: 88px " >
        <asp:Button ID= "subbtn " runat= "server " Text= "Submit " Width= "94px " OnClick= "subbtn_Click " / > </td >
        <td style= "width: 93px " >
        <asp:Button ID= "Resbtn " runat= "server " Text= "Reset " Width= "94px " OnClick= "Resbtn_Click " / > </td >
     <td style= "width: 93px " >
        <asp:Button ID= "canbtn " runat= "server " Text= "Cancel " Width= "94px " OnClick= "canbtn_Click " / > </td > </tr >
    </table >
</asp:Content >

.aspx.cs file (doctorsignup.aspx.cs)
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class doctorsignup : System.Web.UI.Page
   // this is already written code should replace if the code wont work below) SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(@&quot;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Angel\Desktop\Hospital Management System ASP.NET Project\Hospital Management System Source Code\App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True&quot;);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected virtual void subbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // this is for above database connection)//cn.Open();

            SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(@&quot;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Angel\Desktop\Hospital Management System ASP.NET Project\Hospital Management System Source Code\App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True&quot;);
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(&quot;sp_hospital_doctorsignup&quot;, cn);
            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@name&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = nametxt.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@loginid&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = lidtxt.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@password&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = pwdtxt.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@department&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = depddl.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@specialization&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = speddl.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@phonenumber&quot;, SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = phtxt.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@address&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,40).Value = addtxt.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(&quot;@email&quot;,SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = emtxt.Text;            
            return command.ExecuteNonQuery();
        catch (SqlException ex)
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;SQL Error&quot; + ex.Message.ToString());
            return 0;

// the below code is written by me to the stored procedure .its going o stored procedure but its not calling the procedure .so am modifying this block of code with the other code and for a rference am keeeping the below code from here to emtxt in comment lines
        /*SqlCommand cmd =new SqlCommand(&quot;sp_hospital_doctorsignup&quot;, cn);
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@name&quot;, nametxt);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@loginid&quot;, lidtxt);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@password&quot;, pwdtxt);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@department&quot;, depddl);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@specialization&quot;, speddl);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@phonenumber&quot;, phtxt);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@address&quot;, addtxt);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(&quot;@email&quot;, emtxt);   */         // this is my code 
       /* SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        cmd.CommandText = &quot;sp_hospital_doctorsignup&quot;;
        cmd.Connection = cn;

        SqlParameter name  = new SqlParameter(&quot;@name&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
        name.Value = nametxt.Text;

        SqlParameter loginid = new SqlParameter(&quot;@loginid&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
        loginid.Value = lidtxt.Text;

        SqlParameter password = new SqlParameter(&quot;@password&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
        password.Value = pwdtxt.Text;

        SqlParameter department = new SqlParameter(&quot;@department&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
        department.Value = depddl.Text;

        SqlParameter specialization = new SqlParameter(&quot;@specialization&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
        specialization.Value = speddl.Text;

        SqlParameter phonenumber = new SqlParameter(&quot;@phonenumber&quot;, SqlDbType.BigInt);
        phonenumber.Value = phtxt.Text;

        SqlParameter address = new SqlParameter(&quot;@address&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 40);
        address.Value = addtxt.Text;

        SqlParameter email = new SqlParameter(&quot;@email&quot;, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
        email.Value = emtxt.Text;

       //this my previous code line// cn.Close();

    protected void Resbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    protected void canbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

the stored procedure i used here is
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_hospital_doctorsignup
@name varchar(20),
@loginid varchar(20),
@password varchar(20),
@department varchar(20),
@specialization varchar(20),
@phonenumber bigint,
@address varchar(40),
@email varchar(20)
insert into hospital_doctorsignup values(@name,@loginid,@password,@department,@specialization,@phonenumber,@address,@email)

the table i created


Table For Doctor Register
create table hospital_doctorsignup
 name varchar(20), 
 loginid varchar(20),
 password varchar(20),
 department varchar(20),
 specialization varchar(20),
 phonenumber bigint,
 address varchar(20),
 email varchar(20)

friends i had tried lot of blocks f code from code project itself but no one specified the entire code and am a beginner and am quite confused with this code .as u may see in comment lines i had written that its my code .by using that code am able to call the procedure but am not able to store the procedure .when i insert the values in registration form its redirecting me to the doctors login page but its not storing any values in the respective connected table which i had mentioned in the sp_hospital_doctorsignup stored procedure .i want to read the user inputs into the stored procedure .please help me to complete my project .if u wan me to mail my project to u am happy to do that but i want solution before 1st june 2016.please help me friends jus set a page for me .i will try to set other pages.
if u r setting the page plz mention the use of code in the comment line in each line of code.its a request.thanks in advance .thank you

What I have tried:

friends i had tried almost everything but am unable to place the block of code at right place.if u can plz set this page so i can execute the stored procedure and the values into my table hospital_doctorsignup.
Updated 29-May-16 1:04am
George Jonsson 29-May-16 5:59am    
I tried to format the code, but the first part is a mess. You have to paste it again, I think.
Patrice T 29-May-16 6:21am    
reformatted first part
George Jonsson 29-May-16 6:29am    
Why do you post your code here in the comment section?
George Jonsson 29-May-16 6:38am    
Use Improve question and either add new code or replace existing.
Sheerin Shaik 29-May-16 6:43am    
can u fix the problem?

1 solution

Not sure which code block you want to keep, so I used the uncommented code.

1. You should always use the using statement, as it will close the connection automatically or use try-catch-finally
2. You forgot to assign the CommandText property
3. You have an integer type in your parameter list, but you assign a string.
It is good practice to use the proper type.

[UPDATE] Change to try-catch-finally instead of using
SqlConnection cn = null;
    cn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Angel\Desktop\Hospital Management System ASP.NET Project\Hospital Management System Source Code\App_Data\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")

    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("sp_hospital_doctorsignup", cn);
    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    command.CommandText = "sp_hospital_doctorsignup";
    command.Parameters.Add("@name",SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = nametxt.Text;
    command.Parameters.Add("@loginid",SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = lidtxt.Text;
    command.Parameters.Add("@password",SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = pwdtxt.Text;
    command.Parameters.Add("@department",SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = depddl.Text;
    command.Parameters.Add("@specialization",SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = speddl.Text;
    command.Parameters.Add("@phonenumber", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = long.Parse(phtxt.Text);
    command.Parameters.Add("@address",SqlDbType.VarChar,40).Value = addtxt.Text;
    command.Parameters.Add("@email",SqlDbType.VarChar,20).Value = emtxt.Text;
    command.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Nothing to return. Right?

    // this code would never be called in your original code and with the using statement
    // it is not necessary
    // cn.Close(); 
catch (Exception ex)
    // Do error handling
    if (cn != null)

End note
If you have a dead line, it is your concern. Don't add that in your question.
Also try to use proper writing, like using punctuation and start a sentence with a capital letter.
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Sheerin Shaik 29-May-16 7:12am    
could you plz make it little bit clear by mailing me the entire page on ? it will be very helpful
George Jonsson 29-May-16 7:14am    
You have a subbtn_Click method. I thought you wanted the code there.
Sheerin Shaik 29-May-16 7:29am    
doctorsignup.command is a field but it is used like a type
Sheerin Shaik 29-May-16 7:15am    
its not working i kept at first place
George Jonsson 29-May-16 7:22am    
What is not working? Isn't the method called when you click the button?

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