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Microsoft hacked

Source: The Code Project     Posted by Chris Maunder    Thursday, October 26, 2000 6:00pm    
Oh man...

Microsoft's servers have been hacked, exposing the possibility that source code to its products may have been tampered with or stolen. Microsoft claims no evidence of damage has been found. The break in was discovered wednesday when it was found that passwords were being emailed to a location in St. Petersburg, Russia. A Microsoft spokesman claimed that it was "a deplorable act of industrial espionage and we will work to protect our intellectual property...We're still trying to figure out how it happened". One theory is that the QAZ Trojan was used. This is sent via email and appears as nothing more than a version of Notepad. However, once activated it may have spread to other systems, and also may have downloaded further hacking tools from a site in the South Pacific. Passwords were then collected and emailed to the St. Petersburg, allowing entry to Microsoft's systems. Reasons for the break-in could be anything from data hostage (the threat to disclose intellectual property), to espionage, or even vandalism where source code to Microsoft's products is infected with trojan horses, viruses or time bombs. There has been no evidence of source code theft or tampering and experts rate the risk of unauthorized changes as remote. Will this finally make Microsoft take security on Windows and IIS seriously?

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