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Send us a postcard of your hometown.

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:00pm    
Send us a postcard of your hometown.

The CodeProject team would love to travel to all the countries and cities of CodeProject members, but obviously the time and money to make this possible simply isn't going to happen. So we figured we'd ask you all to help us with a worthy substitute: POSTCARDS!

We at the office would absolutely love to get a postcard from every city that has a CodeProject member. Or a photo of the city, or a photo of you in the city. Go crazy, but they must be a real postcards. Cardboard ones. Ones we can pin on a wall and marvel in awe at. Yes, we're all geeks here but electronic postcards just aren't quite the real thing.

Send your postcards to:

Suite 500, 250 Ferrand Dr
Toronto, Ontario M3C 3G8

Thanks everyone!

Current postcard wall is here and here

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