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Industry News for 7 February 2006

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:00pm    
Industry News for 7 February 2006

Don't cross Google

BMW Germany gets delisted for breaking Google's guidelines for search engine optimization. (Read More)

Researchers find that popular apps have mismanaged security

Weak security - not just for Microsoft anymore...(Read More)

Soma on ALM

S. "Soma" Somasegar (Corporate VP of Microsoft's Developer Division) speaks on the benefits of Application Lifecycle Management. (Read More)

Cook and egg with two cell phones

Perfect solution for two lonely, hungry people. (Read More)

Developer News

Ask Eliza

Windows Live Messenger makes writing Chat Bots easier with Conversagent BuddyScript SDK. (Read More)

Paid search results often not worth the click

Many listings lead to spyware. Do you actually click on the paid search results? (Read More)

Google, Skype pump cash into Fon

Mi access point, Su access point. (Read More)

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Can Web standards and Web applications get along?

The endless quest for validation. (Discuss Here)

Google Chat

Now your chat history will be saved (and be searchable) from your Google Mail. (Discuss Here)

Pay to get your spam past blockers?

Yahoo and AOL to require payment to guarantee email delivery. Isn't that like the post office? (Discuss Here)

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