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GeneralRe: AI headphones let wearer listen to a single person in a crowd by looking at them just once Pin
Nelek27-May-24 7:57
protectorNelek27-May-24 7:57 
GeneralRe: AI headphones let wearer listen to a single person in a crowd by looking at them just once Pin
obermd28-May-24 4:09
obermd28-May-24 4:09 
NewsNASA releases catalog packed with the most bizarre alien worlds Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 9:16
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 9:16 
GeneralRe: NASA releases catalog packed with the most bizarre alien worlds Pin
Nelek27-May-24 7:56
protectorNelek27-May-24 7:56 
NewsClean architecture sucks Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 9:16
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 9:16 
GeneralRe: Clean architecture sucks Pin
Nelek27-May-24 7:55
protectorNelek27-May-24 7:55 
News.NES Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 9:16
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 9:16 
GeneralRe: .NES Pin
obermd26-May-24 9:52
obermd26-May-24 9:52 
GeneralRe: .NES Pin
Nelek27-May-24 7:55
protectorNelek27-May-24 7:55 
NewsSloth gets caught in server rack in Brazilian university data center Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 9:01
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 9:01 
NewsStudy finds that 52 percent of ChatGPT answers to programming questions Are wrong Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 9:01
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 9:01 
NewsBing outage shows just how little competition Google search really has Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 9:01
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 9:01 
NewsMicrosoft’s new Windows chief on the future of the OS, Surface, and those annoying ads Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 8:46
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 8:46 
GeneralRe: Microsoft’s new Windows chief on the future of the OS, Surface, and those annoying ads Pin
David O'Neil26-May-24 10:46
professionalDavid O'Neil26-May-24 10:46 
NewsMicrosoft gives a subtle reminder about the upcoming death of Windows 10 Pin
Kent Sharkey26-May-24 8:46
staffKent Sharkey26-May-24 8:46 
Ravi Bhavnani25-May-24 18:39
professionalRavi Bhavnani25-May-24 18:39 
GeneralRe: RIP ICQ Pin
Mike Hankey26-May-24 1:36
mveMike Hankey26-May-24 1:36 
GeneralRe: RIP ICQ Pin
Nelek26-May-24 7:51
protectorNelek26-May-24 7:51 
NewsA root-server at the Internet’s core lost touch with its peers. We still don’t know why. Pin
Kent Sharkey23-May-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey23-May-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: A root-server at the Internet’s core lost touch with its peers. We still don’t know why. Pin
David O'Neil23-May-24 13:50
professionalDavid O'Neil23-May-24 13:50 
GeneralRe: A root-server at the Internet’s core lost touch with its peers. We still don’t know why. Pin
obermd25-May-24 12:14
obermd25-May-24 12:14 
NewsAI software engineers make $100,000 more than their colleagues Pin
Kent Sharkey23-May-24 8:01
staffKent Sharkey23-May-24 8:01 
GeneralRe: AI software engineers make $100,000 more than their colleagues Pin
Nelek23-May-24 8:31
protectorNelek23-May-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: AI software engineers make $100,000 more than their colleagues Pin
Daniel Pfeffer23-May-24 10:09
professionalDaniel Pfeffer23-May-24 10:09 
NewsOpenSSF Siren: Security for one, security for all Pin
Kent Sharkey23-May-24 8:01
staffKent Sharkey23-May-24 8:01 

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