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GeneralRe: NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:14
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:14 
GeneralRe: NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity Pin
obermd22-Apr-24 11:44
obermd22-Apr-24 11:44 
GeneralRe: NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity Pin
Daniel Pfeffer23-Apr-24 23:41
professionalDaniel Pfeffer23-Apr-24 23:41 
GeneralRe: NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity Pin
jochance23-Apr-24 6:13
jochance23-Apr-24 6:13 
GeneralRe: NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity Pin
jeron123-Apr-24 6:48
jeron123-Apr-24 6:48 
NewsThe performance impact of C++'s `final` keyword Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: The performance impact of C++'s `final` keyword Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:11
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:11 
GeneralRe: The performance impact of C++'s `final` keyword Pin
den2k8822-Apr-24 21:49
professionalden2k8822-Apr-24 21:49 
GeneralRe: The performance impact of C++'s `final` keyword Pin
obermd23-Apr-24 4:22
obermd23-Apr-24 4:22 
NewsWill the four-day work week finally come to pass? Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Will the four-day work week finally come to pass? Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:11
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:11 
GeneralRe: Will the four-day work week finally come to pass? Pin
jochance23-Apr-24 6:18
jochance23-Apr-24 6:18 
GeneralRe: Will the four-day work week finally come to pass? Pin
Nelek23-Apr-24 21:18
protectorNelek23-Apr-24 21:18 
News10x engineers Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: 10x engineers Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:10
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:10 
NewsLong-lost model of the USS Enterprise returned to Roddenberry family Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 7:31
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 7:31 
GeneralRe: Long-lost model of the USS Enterprise returned to Roddenberry family Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:08
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:08 
GeneralRe: Long-lost model of the USS Enterprise returned to Roddenberry family Pin
den2k8822-Apr-24 21:50
professionalden2k8822-Apr-24 21:50 
NewsMicrosoft accused of "quietly wrapping apps... with some malware-looking .NET executable wrapper," but tech giant says it's just a new Store installer Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 7:31
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 7:31 
GeneralRe: Microsoft accused of "quietly wrapping apps... with some malware-looking .NET executable wrapper," but tech giant says it's just a new Store installer Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:08
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:08 
NewsGitLab affected by GitHub-style CDN flaw allowing malware hosting Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: GitLab affected by GitHub-style CDN flaw allowing malware hosting Pin
charlieg22-Apr-24 7:21
charlieg22-Apr-24 7:21 
GeneralRe: GitLab affected by GitHub-style CDN flaw allowing malware hosting Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:07
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:07 
NewsWill Visual Studio be migrated to .NET Core and become multi-platform? Pin
Kent Sharkey22-Apr-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey22-Apr-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: Will Visual Studio be migrated to .NET Core and become multi-platform? Pin
Nelek22-Apr-24 11:06
protectorNelek22-Apr-24 11:06 

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