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Work Issues

AnswerRe: As a programmer, what should you do when a programmer in your team keeps pushing bad code (that works)? Should you complain to the manager (who is not tech savvy) Pin
Daniel Pfeffer30-Mar-21 9:49
professionalDaniel Pfeffer30-Mar-21 9:49 
AnswerRe: As a programmer, what should you do when a programmer in your team keeps pushing bad code (that works)? Should you complain to the manager (who is not tech savvy) Pin
Bohdan Stupak30-Jul-21 4:43
professionalBohdan Stupak30-Jul-21 4:43 
AnswerRe: As a programmer, what should you do when a programmer in your team keeps pushing bad code (that works)? Should you complain to the manager (who is not tech savvy) Pin
jschell1-Aug-21 9:54
jschell1-Aug-21 9:54 
AnswerRe: As a programmer, what should you do when a programmer in your team keeps pushing bad code (that works)? Should you complain to the manager (who is not tech savvy) Pin
deepok12-Apr-22 5:23
deepok12-Apr-22 5:23 
AnswerAll those are wrong answers. Pin
Member 150787168-Aug-22 15:20
Member 150787168-Aug-22 15:20 
QuestionHas anyone gotten an invite to BugUFO (place where you can get paid to debug)? If so what do you think? Pin
marie huet23-Mar-21 2:15
marie huet23-Mar-21 2:15 
AnswerRe: Has anyone gotten an invite to BugUFO (place where you can get paid to debug)? If so what do you think? Pin
DaCodeBoss23-Mar-21 2:43
DaCodeBoss23-Mar-21 2:43 
QuestionRed Flags in a new Job. Excellently written. Reposting with Permission. PinPopular
rnbergren30-Aug-19 2:59
rnbergren30-Aug-19 2:59 
AnswerRe: Red Flags in a new Job. Excellently written. Reposting with Permission. Pin
Greg Utas16-Sep-19 9:25
professionalGreg Utas16-Sep-19 9:25 
AnswerRe: Red Flags in a new Job. Excellently written. Reposting with Permission. Pin
Bohdan Stupak18-Mar-20 6:12
professionalBohdan Stupak18-Mar-20 6:12 
AnswerRe: Red Flags in a new Job. Excellently written. Reposting with Permission. Pin
Sandeep Mewara17-Jul-20 21:53
mveSandeep Mewara17-Jul-20 21:53 
I believe there would always be red flags with every company. What's the take here? Think it's more of 'knowing it'. As an action, there are multiple things at play always. Like:
  1. Search for a new job has its own toll on mind and body
  2. What if all the effort made to get out of this red-flag zone but again land into another one. That would be really frustrating!
  3. How will my changes from one to other company reflect on my resume (and probably a true answer on an interviewer!)
As much above flags are really true and there, what would help is to have some ways to cope with it sooner than later. Everyone has their own way to handle and that's on individual on how they deal with it. Believe it would turn more towards what keeps you calm and let you continue.

QuestionCulture Change - Advice Sought Pin
Worried Brown Eyes27-Jun-19 10:42
Worried Brown Eyes27-Jun-19 10:42 
AnswerRe: Culture Change - Advice Sought Pin
Daniel Pfeffer29-Jun-19 8:21
professionalDaniel Pfeffer29-Jun-19 8:21 
AnswerRe: Culture Change - Advice Sought Pin
GuyThiebaut1-Aug-19 21:20
professionalGuyThiebaut1-Aug-19 21:20 
QuestionCareer Dilemma - BIG DATA Vs SAP HANA-Pls help Pin
spsv29-May-19 0:58
spsv29-May-19 0:58 
AnswerRe: Career Dilemma - BIG DATA Vs SAP HANA-Pls help Pin
Mark Thurlo 202120-Aug-21 18:58
Mark Thurlo 202120-Aug-21 18:58 
QuestionHello, I need some help! Pin
Member 142106682-Apr-19 20:38
Member 142106682-Apr-19 20:38 
AnswerRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
Michael Haephrati1-Aug-19 9:56
professionalMichael Haephrati1-Aug-19 9:56 
AnswerRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
OriginalGriff9-May-20 3:14
mveOriginalGriff9-May-20 3:14 
GeneralRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
Nelek9-May-20 3:29
protectorNelek9-May-20 3:29 
GeneralRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
OriginalGriff9-May-20 4:31
mveOriginalGriff9-May-20 4:31 
GeneralRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
Nelek9-May-20 7:19
protectorNelek9-May-20 7:19 
AnswerRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
ruioliveira7315-May-20 18:33
ruioliveira7315-May-20 18:33 
AnswerRe: Hello, I need some help! Pin
marie huet23-Mar-21 2:14
marie huet23-Mar-21 2:14 
GeneralSystem allocation best practice Pin
Shireeshs15-Jan-19 1:51
Shireeshs15-Jan-19 1:51 

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