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Work Issues

AnswerRe: How to know your company considers you second rate Pin
Cornelius Henning12-Nov-15 10:46
professionalCornelius Henning12-Nov-15 10:46 
AnswerRe: How to know your company considers you second rate Pin
Daniel Miller12-Nov-15 12:33
professionalDaniel Miller12-Nov-15 12:33 
Question7 years have past... Pin
borchef1-Nov-15 22:25
borchef1-Nov-15 22:25 
AnswerRe: 7 years have passed... Pin
Richard Deeming2-Nov-15 2:26
mveRichard Deeming2-Nov-15 2:26 
GeneralRe: 7 years have passed... Pin
borchef2-Nov-15 3:51
borchef2-Nov-15 3:51 
GeneralRe: 7 years have passed... Pin
Kevin Marois3-Dec-15 14:01
professionalKevin Marois3-Dec-15 14:01 
QuestionGot 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
eschindler12-Oct-15 9:17
eschindler12-Oct-15 9:17 
AnswerRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 1:06
professionalEddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 1:06 
GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
eschindler19-Oct-15 5:47
eschindler19-Oct-15 5:47 
GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 7:16
professionalEddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 7:16 
GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
eschindler19-Oct-15 7:24
eschindler19-Oct-15 7:24 
GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 7:53
professionalEddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 7:53 
eschindler wrote:
Yes, I expect honest answers. What's the advantage of doing otherwise?
Of course people would not lie to make a good impression Roll eyes | :rolleyes:

I don't know what the advantage of a list of developers with their email is, complete with a bit of background on their desired workplace and loyalty to the current employer.

eschindler wrote:
I'll send people who take the survey the results. Then everyone can see
what's considered the most valuable job attributes.
No, only those who receive the mail. It can be made public at no cost without any need for my mail adres Smile | :)
Bastard Programmer from Hell Suspicious | :suss:
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]

GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
eschindler19-Oct-15 8:07
eschindler19-Oct-15 8:07 
GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
Eddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 7:34
professionalEddy Vluggen19-Oct-15 7:34 
GeneralRe: Got 5 minutes to help me with a project? I think you'll actually enjoy this. Pin
eschindler19-Oct-15 8:08
eschindler19-Oct-15 8:08 
QuestionMoving from mobile dev to Server dev - cloud? Pin
preaa21-Sep-15 22:00
preaa21-Sep-15 22:00 
AnswerRe: Moving from mobile dev to Server dev - cloud? Pin
John J. Xenakis9-Oct-15 4:10
John J. Xenakis9-Oct-15 4:10 
GeneralRe: Moving from mobile dev to Server dev - cloud? Pin
Mbithy Mbithy12-Oct-15 8:23
Mbithy Mbithy12-Oct-15 8:23 
QuestionWhy are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
icestatue15-Sep-15 3:28
icestatue15-Sep-15 3:28 
AnswerRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
den2k8815-Sep-15 3:36
professionalden2k8815-Sep-15 3:36 
GeneralRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
Richard Deeming15-Sep-15 6:11
mveRichard Deeming15-Sep-15 6:11 
AnswerRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft PinPopular
Richard Deeming15-Sep-15 6:27
mveRichard Deeming15-Sep-15 6:27 
GeneralRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
dexterama16-Sep-15 11:29
professionaldexterama16-Sep-15 11:29 
AnswerRe: Why are so many people using WPF let alone Microsoft Pin
Roger Wright16-Apr-16 21:29
professionalRoger Wright16-Apr-16 21:29 
QuestionArticles on software development disaster Pin
John J. Xenakis25-Aug-15 8:55
John J. Xenakis25-Aug-15 8:55 

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