It might be a bit, as i have a lot more research to do on this board, but now I'll do that research with writing this article in mind.
To err is human. Fortune favors the monsters.
I'm rebooting The GFX Documentation[^] which used to be covered by GFX Forever: The Complete Guide to GFX for IoT[^] here at codeproject.
I can't just import from github because the documentation is too complicated and large to be a single readme. It needs a TOC and pages to keep it manageable.
I'm trying to think of the best way to - not exactly cross post it here, but create some kind of landing and introduction to GFX here that reflects documentation and integrates it, preferably.
I'm not sure how to go about it. This is kind of a brainstorming question as codeproject github import doesn't remotely support what would be necessary to make this work, nor should it.
But I want something here to replace the GFX Forever article. Or maybe I should just redo that one?
Any of you that have some time to evaluate those links, what would you do?
Thanks for your time!
To err is human. Fortune favors the monsters.
I was thinking… once I publish an article on CodeProject, does CodeProject own any copyright rights on that article and code?
Can I publish that article text or code in some other place as well? Use it in my presentation without mentioning CodeProject?
Also, Editor made some changes to the text… spelling, grammar, style changes. That is some work contributed to the article. Who owns copyright now to that version/revision?
You may find this document useful moving forward: Terms Of Service[^]
If you contribute documents or articles in any form or media ("Documents"), you give us the necessary rights to edit and post and maintain your Document (and the edited version), and to prevent unauthorized uses by end users of Documents that we edit. End users are given rights to read your Document, but no rights to republish or otherwise distribute your Document. CodeProject will retain your copyright notices, and can publish your name and site ID with your posting. If we edit your Document, we will own the edited version, and you will own your original version. We cannot publish our edited version other than on the Site, without your consent.
Sean Ewington
I see that in article creation form there is a button "paste from Word". I tried it and it preserved/recognized Heading2 as Heading2 html tag and mapped Word paragraphs to <p> html paragraphs.
Is there a rule, which Word style would be mapped into <pre> tag, that is how to present source code in Word text so that it would be mapped into <pre> tag that is used for code in articles html?
I know there are other text editors and I am using Notepad++, but Word has better spell/grammar check....
"Paste from Word" does its best, but unfortunately it is not perfect. If you are having trouble with any article editor issues, please save it in composing status and send it to submit@codeproject.com.
Sean Ewington
I am thinking of writing article that would not be programming topic, but more like a software technology overview of certain domain. With general concepts, definitions, pictures of applications in domain etc. But no code samples or similar. Would this site be a good place for that article, or maybe you can suggest some other place on the net to publish it.
Also, for another article, related to telecommunication wireless IP networking and some technology topics related to it like routing and application experience. Where would be proper place to publish it?
An article that discusses software from a high-level perspective should be OK. But I can only speak as a moderator, so I'll summon @sean-ewington so that you can follow up with him if you're planning an article that doesn't have much of a software angle.
Hi Mark,
Thanks very much for your inquiry and offer. However, I am not sure this topic would be aligned with CodeProject's guidelines. I'm afraid I can't think of a better place to post it. Medium perhaps?
Sean Ewington
Thank you for your replay. I looked at Medium and it looks very general ... broad topics oriented. I was thinking maybe some IT technology oriented website would be a better match.
There must be at least 20 of them so far. And given the narrow focus of each one, there could be 100 more on the way. Some have formatting issues (images that are too wide), but I guess the central question is whether the site has a problem with this in general. @sean-ewington
modified 7-Mar-22 8:43am.
This user's blog feed was broken. Last week I helped them fix it and this was the result. Seems like the posts have stopped now. Less than a quarter of the ones that made it through went live. Save for the blog reference at the bottom of the page, none of them have links back to the blog, and all of the formatting issues have been fixed. If you find any entries leftover that you deem too narrow a focus, please feel free to report the article as unclear or incomplete, or extremely poor quality.
Sean Ewington
Their focus is narrow because they often discuss individual SQL operators. I don't really have a problem with that if, in aggregate, the quality is good. But I don't know SQL, so can't assess that.
I went at these entries for 12 hours, so I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure none of the entries that specifically focused on operators survived. If I am wrong, please feel free to report them.
Sean Ewington
I've submitted my RSS feed, and have the micro tag set, yet the articles aren't being picked up. Can you see anything obviously incorrect?
Kris - www.essentialsql.com
I am wondering if it's a word count issue. Are the blog entries you're trying to share over 1000 words?
Sean Ewington
Hi Sean,
The guidlines say the minimum is 1000 characters. Has that changed?
"Note that there is a minimum length of 1000 characters for blog entries"
Most my blog entries are 750 word or greater. I see the rss-feed, just no blog entries.
Kris - www.essentialsql.com
My mistake. Can you show me an instance of how you're using the rel-tag?
Sean Ewington
I posted a screen capture of an example of the rel-tag in my first post. You should see all the details there.
If there is more information, please let me know. I can dig it up for you!
Kris - www.essentialsql.com
Is the rel-tag within the body of the article itself? And is the actual content of the blog (the words, the code, etc.) within the feed itself?
Sean Ewington
On January, 28th 2022 I submitted my article "How to query a MySQL database in plain PHP" via an email to Submit@codeproject.com. I did not get any response. Is there a backlog in reviewing (PHP) articles or did I do something wrong?
Thanks very much for the message. It seems your email was misplaced, we have located the article and will post for you today. Apologies for the delay.
Sean Ewington
I just want to know if it's possible to write an article both in English and Spanish. Do I need to create two different pages with their own titles? Is there any mechanism to switch the language?
As much as we appreciate the thought (and because we are a predominantly English-speaking site), we ask that our articles be in English only.
Sean Ewington