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Hosting and Servers

GeneralRe: IIS problem Pin
Luis M. Rojas8-Dec-21 1:37
Luis M. Rojas8-Dec-21 1:37 
GeneralRe: IIS problem Pin
Richard Deeming8-Dec-21 3:23
mveRichard Deeming8-Dec-21 3:23 
And what precisely do you think an "APP" is made out of? D'Oh! | :doh:

If it's a third-party app, then you need to contact the person who wrote it for support.

If it's something you've written yourself, then you need to debug it yourself, or at least provide some relevant details here.

Nobody can help you fix a problem with an "app" we can't see running on a server we can't access.

"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer

QuestionWindows Server R2012 and R2019 - kill suspended processes on Pin
NunoPereira4-Dec-21 3:53
NunoPereira4-Dec-21 3:53 
AnswerRe: Windows Server R2012 and R2019 - kill suspended processes on Pin
Dave Kreskowiak4-Dec-21 4:16
mveDave Kreskowiak4-Dec-21 4:16 
GeneralRe: Windows Server R2012 and R2019 - kill suspended processes on Pin
NunoPereira4-Dec-21 4:25
NunoPereira4-Dec-21 4:25 
GeneralRe: Windows Server R2012 and R2019 - kill suspended processes on Pin
Dave Kreskowiak4-Dec-21 4:31
mveDave Kreskowiak4-Dec-21 4:31 
GeneralRe: Windows Server R2012 and R2019 - kill suspended processes on Pin
NunoPereira6-Dec-21 0:59
NunoPereira6-Dec-21 0:59 
GeneralRe: Windows Server R2012 and R2019 - kill suspended processes on Pin
Dave Kreskowiak6-Dec-21 4:42
mveDave Kreskowiak6-Dec-21 4:42 
QuestionHow to get free "Active eCommerce Flutter App" Pin
Shahin it26-Jun-21 2:16
Shahin it26-Jun-21 2:16 
GeneralHow to get free source code Pin
Member 150787168-Aug-22 17:32
Member 150787168-Aug-22 17:32 
Omo.T Starboy19-Apr-21 11:23
Omo.T Starboy19-Apr-21 11:23 
Richard Deeming19-Apr-21 20:53
mveRichard Deeming19-Apr-21 20:53 
GeneralRe: SMTP SERVER Pin
Member 150787168-Aug-22 17:42
Member 150787168-Aug-22 17:42 
GeneralRe: SMTP SERVER Pin
Jeremy Falcon2-Feb-23 6:28
professionalJeremy Falcon2-Feb-23 6:28 
GeneralRe: SMTP SERVER Pin
Jeremy Falcon2-Feb-23 6:31
professionalJeremy Falcon2-Feb-23 6:31 
QuestionEstou com problema ao hospedar o meu website Joomla no inmotionhosting Pin
Jeemy Ballin24-Mar-21 4:33
Jeemy Ballin24-Mar-21 4:33 
AnswerRe: Estou com problema ao hospedar o meu website Joomla no inmotionhosting Pin
CHill6024-Mar-21 4:34
mveCHill6024-Mar-21 4:34 
GeneralRe: Estou com problema ao hospedar o meu website Joomla no inmotionhosting Pin
Member 150787168-Aug-22 18:06
Member 150787168-Aug-22 18:06 
Questionam trying to add users to a database Pin
Member 150642613-Feb-21 21:44
Member 150642613-Feb-21 21:44 
AnswerRe: am trying to add users to a database Pin
Richard Deeming3-Feb-21 21:48
mveRichard Deeming3-Feb-21 21:48 
GeneralRe: am trying to add users to a database Pin
hostguy17-Apr-21 2:56
hostguy17-Apr-21 2:56 
GeneralRe: am trying to add users to a database Pin
Richard Deeming18-Apr-21 22:37
mveRichard Deeming18-Apr-21 22:37 
AnswerRe: am trying to add users to a database Pin
Richard Deeming3-Feb-21 21:51
mveRichard Deeming3-Feb-21 21:51 
QuestionWindows service not working Pin
Member 1487786230-Jun-20 22:24
Member 1487786230-Jun-20 22:24 
AnswerRe: Windows service not working Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jun-20 22:48
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jun-20 22:48 

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