Ben, do you write Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime Application or Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight?
There is the difference in Api.
What are the possibilities IDE, language and tools to build an mobile app for iphone, android and windows phone. Is this possible with visual studio without plugins ?
No. All these platforms are different and require different IDEs and programming languages. You could take a look at Xamarin which goes some way to address the issue.
There are some ways to write one application for three mobile platforms (Windows Phone, iOS and Android).
You must remember that those solutions are not good enough and you will never achieve as good application quality as writing it natively. You can write common code for logic, but the main problem is with design and some functionality points that are specific for each platform.
You can try solutions I presented below:
1) Xamarin Forms: https://xamarin.com/platform[^]
2) Apache Crodova: https://xamarin.com/platform[^]
3) Ionic: http://ionicframework.com/[^]
how to create a chart from a database in android eclipse ..
please I'm the project as an example
thanks ...
from Indonesia
This is the fourth time you have posted this question. Please post in one forum only.
Hi app-developers, I need your help!
I am a student at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany. I conduct a survey as part of my bachelor thesis about "The tension between independence and compliance on mobile platforms".
You will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire which should take about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. Just click the link below to complete the questionnaire.
The aim of this study is to determine how app developers are restricted by platform-specific app store guidelines and to identify success factors for app developers. You will have the opportunity to receive a summarized report of the study in order to compare yourself with the performance of others.
Thank you for your support!
That would be great if you submit this survey on CodeProject[^], all of the members would be grateful to provide you with a result for your survey... You will have to wait for the survey to be filled, or post it on some social networking website; Facebook or Google+ maybe.
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
Q#!: how i solved this question......
1- Take two input from user
2- Having
vertices & edge = 20;
3- create an adjacency matrix randomly based on input and display on screen
I want to die like my grandfather- asleep, not like the passengers in his car, screaming!
I want to create android app and i'm c++ beginner ( know classes and etc) , how can i create app for android ? at all may i do it ? what must i know ?
At first you should know that the default language for building Android apps is Java. I would not start using C++ before being familar with Android development using Java.
The starting point for new Android developers is https://developer.android.com/training/index.html[^].
Thanks a lot for advice , so i have to learn Java ?
M.a.x.a.m wrote: so i have to learn Java ? If you want to write Android apps, you should do so.
M.a.x.a.m wrote: i have to learn Java ?
or you can do an app in HTML5/javascript.
there is also the C# option using Xamarin[^].
Thanks , will i have permession to the system ? i'm web programmist , if i had permission to system ,it would be very good !
M.a.x.a.m wrote: will i have permession to the system What system are you asking about?
For example , it may be contact information and etc ...,can i do ?
I am not exactly to what detail you mean when you say.
M.a.x.a.m wrote: will i have permession to the system ?
there are multiple articles out there for developing HTML5/javascript apps that run on both Android and iOS devices. You might want to also check out Ionic[^].
I am developing phonegap ios app which should have calendar that insert, delete and modify even from my app to native calendar
so, I used EddyVerbruggen Calendar-PhoneGap-Plugin. The link is
The sample I worked is
Quote: var title = 'test title';
var loc = 'chennai';
var notes = 'test Notes';
var eventstartdate = "2015,1,15,0,0,0,0,0";
var eventenddate = "2015,1,16,0,0,0,0,0";
var fulleventstartdate = new Date(feventstartdate);
var fulleventenddate = new Date(feventenddate);
//---To Create calendar--------------------------------------
function createCalendar() {
var createCalOptions = window.plugins.calendar.getCreateCalendarOptions();
createCalOptions.calendarName = "Mycal";
createCalOptions.calendarColor = "#ffec8b";
window.plugins.calendar.createCalendar(createCalOptions, onSuccess, onError);
//---To Create event--------------------------------------
function createevent() {
window.plugins.calendar.createEventInNamedCalendar(title, location, notes, fulleventstartdate, fulleventenddate, calendarName, onSuccess, onError);
//---To delete event--------------------------------------
function deleteevent() {
window.plugins.calendar.deleteEventFromNamedCalendar(title, loc, notes, fulleventstartdate, fulleventenddate, calendarName, onSuccess, onError);
//---To modify event--------------------------------------
function updates() {
var newTitle = "New title";
window.plugins.calendar.modifyEventInNamedCalendar(title, loc, notes, fulleventstartdate, fulleventenddate, newTitle, loc, notes, fulleventstartdate, fulleventenddate, calendarName, onSuccess, onError);
window.onerror = function (msg, file, line) {
alert(msg + '; ' + file + '; ' + line);
function onSuccess(msg) { alert('Calendar success: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); }
in the above code creating calendar and inserting calendar works well
but, Delete event and Modify event (update) not working in ios
what else i have to do to fix it
kindly reply ASSP
Note: I build my app through phonegap build for ipa file
You should go back to github and contact Eddy Verbruggen.
Does anybody know if it is still possible to publish apps for the Windows Phone 7?
modified 19-Feb-15 0:11am.