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Best ASP.NET article of July 2010

Contribute to CodeProject and you'll automatically be in the running for a monthly prize!

Each month at CodeProject we gather together the best of the articles submitted the previous month and ask our readers to choose the best of the best. Entry is automatic - just submit you articke and we'll do the rest.

Check out the submission guidelines for information on posting articles.

Current Entries

Articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered. The top 50 entries are shown.

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10 Jul 2010Martin Jarvis
Diagnosing Tricky ASP.NET Production Issues with DebugDiag and winDbg
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28 Jul 2010Ernesto Herrera
Integrate Reporting Services with your Silverlight Line-of-Business applications.
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24 Jul 2010atverma
How to disable subsequent submit button clicks when a request is being processed in ASP.NET AJAX client side script code
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9 Jul 2010Sabarinathan A
This blog intends to identify a technique to convert textarea HTML control to Editable Hyperlink Listbox efficiently.
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18 Jul 2010Gil Fink
How to add a JavaScript block into a WebBrowser control
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20 Jul 2011tanvon malik
Slides the blog posts and news automatically. The news slider is completely built with jquery and CSS.
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18 Jul 2010Gil Fink
One of the new features that was shipped with ASP.NET 4 was new providers for caching purpose. In this post, I’ll explain one of them – the OutputCacheProvider.
12 Jul 2010Telerik Corp
This article is designed to help clarify the way Telerik WebUI Test Studio goes beyond Visual Studio 2010 Test Edition to offer richer user experience and solid web testing solutions.
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20 Jul 2010Martin Jarvis
How to change a Master Page Body Tag’s CSS class for different Content Pages
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3 Jul 2010voloda2
Running ASP.NET websites on Apache 2.2
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8 Jul 2010matt-dot-net
Mobile Device Browser File
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26 Jul 2010Martin Jarvis
An alternative (and reusable) method is to create a Control Adapter for the form which replaces the Action attribute value as the page renders.This can then be moved from project to project with just a bit of config in the App_Browsers file.I've just written a quick blog post about this...
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20 Jul 2010AmbarRay
This article explains how to manage state in Web Services using WCF by leveraging ASP.NET infrastructure with BasicHttpBinding.
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2 Jan 2019Octavio Loyola-González, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez, Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodriguez, Milton García Borroto
In this article, we introduce a framework in C# for fingerprint verification, we briefly explain how to perform fingerprint verification experiments and how to integrate your algorithms to the framework.
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8 Jul 2010Abhijit Jana
How to pass ASP.NET server side array to client side and binding them with HTML element
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10 Jan 2011Gianluca Negrelli
An organic approach to AJAX web development with jQuery and ASP.NET
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5 Jul 2010Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Implementing Yahoo! contact reader app using Yahoo contact API and ASP.NET
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2 Jul 2014Larry Boeldt
Add Facebook Website Tools integration to your ASP based authentication
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18 Jul 2010defwebserver, Alan Beasley, hisowa
Creating multiple dynamic Views using View Model Style and the Silverlight Tab Control.
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4 Aug 2010Pranay Rana
LINQ TO SQL Enhanced Gridview
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7 Aug 2013Gil Fink
The article explains how to build a simple custom site map provider.
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28 Jan 2011Pandey Vinay
This is how you can develop web application for mobile phones using .NET.
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25 May 2011Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
A simple and easy way to add shopping cart to your website and start using it
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15 Jul 2010Mohamad K. Ayyash
A detailed development of a simple ASP.NET web service, in addition to configuring IIS server to host the service, finally creating an ASP.NET, Java and PHP web clients that consume the service.
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22 Jul 2010Gilberto Francisco
How to get a Website/URL thumbnail/screenshot with C#.NET 2.0 in VS 2005.
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17 Apr 2011Fredrik Schultz
Reduce the number of HTTP requests required to render the page, resulting in faster page loads by combining and compressing multiple JavaScripts into one JavaScript file and multiple CSS files into one style sheet file.
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11 Apr 2014Larry Boeldt
A VBScript application to manage image galleries based on the SimpleViewer Flash image gallery.
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28 Jul 2010AmbarRay
This article explains how to do content based routing using the WCF 4 RoutingService.
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27 Jul 2010gaurav_verma_mca
This article describes how Http modules and handlers are to be written and configured in IIS 7.5
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5 Jul 2010mbielski
Take HTML or plain text input from an application or website form submission and produce a valid WordML (.docx) file.
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21 Jul 2010Gil Fink
The article deals with an HTTP module for logging using the Logging Application Block and Enterprise Library 5 fluent configuration API.
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16 Jul 2010Shining Legend
In this article we will cover Windows Authentication
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27 Jul 2010Gil Fink
The article describes an implementation of an ASP.NET validator that uses the new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations assembly that came in .NET 3.5 SP1.
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2 Aug 2010rajeshitpro
Excel XML Writer /Reader - Enables to generate Excel XML with hidden columns and lookups
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9 Jul 2010gaurav_verma_mca
This article is a very quick description around how to generate images on the fly for an ASP.NET web application.
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3 Jul 2010prashant chalise
Get the text present inside tablecell in both visible or hidden mode using VB.NET
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15 Jul 2010Martin Jarvis
Url Rewriting is great and I love it a lot, you get to create nice readable (and memorable) urls without having to create hundred of files.  However, there can be issues.
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20 Jul 2010CroweMan
Learn how to take advantage of the caching support in FrameworkGen
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9 May 2014Larry Boeldt
Part II of an article describing an ASP based multi-image uploading tool. We add a .NET thumbnailer and free ourselves from the DLL registration for image manipulation.
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14 Jul 2010Anuj Khadloya
Implementing paging in any ASP.NET grid using SQL Server 2005.
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8 Jul 2010Sheikh Abdul Wahid
Xtremecode or eX ASP.Net Generator is simply a tool which takes a collection of database connections as an input and produces a well-formed ASP.NET application.
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3 Jul 2010Stas Wolski
This tutorial shows how to display editable datagrid in Ruby on Rails environment with the help of dhtmlxGrid.
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23 Jul 2010deostroll
write classes meant for use in aspx code behind pages which talk with the database
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12 Jul 2010Peki.HR
Simple and efficient way to localize MVC websites using routes
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9 Jul 2010Sivastyle
Displaying additional or Preview Rows in a gridview for displaying more columns in a Grid View with expand or collapse options
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8 Jul 2010Artem Smirnov
The following is not a problem with JustMock, it's a problem with trying to write a unit test involving a complex framework, and isolating parts of it not meant to be isolated.

Current Participants

Those with articles that match the contest criteria are automatically entered.

Technical Lead
India India
.NET Consultant | Former Microsoft MVP - ASP.NET | CodeProject MVP, Mentor, Insiders| Technology Evangelist | Author | Speaker | Geek | Blogger | Husband

Blog :
Web Site :
Twitter : @AbhijitJana
My Kinect Book : Kinect for Windows SDK Programming Guide
Architect Pramerica Systems Ireland
India India

 Design and Architecture for Microsoft SOA implementations using BizTalk, WCF, WF, SQL Server Integration Services & ESB Toolkit.

 Web Application design and implementation using ASP.NET MVC with jQuery & Entity Framework with LINQ for persistence layer.

 Designing and developing desktop applications using WPF, WinForms.

 SQL Server Database design & programming


 Eleven years total, out of which 04 years as architect, 07 years as designer and developer in various Microsoft technologies like WinForms, ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, BizTalk, WCF, WF, WPF, SQL Server, LINQ, EF etc. Worked in various roles mainly architect, designer, team leader and developer.

 Hands on experience with ASP.NET web applications (both MVC and Web Forms) and desktop based applications as well as smart client applications using latest technologies harnessing .NET Framework 4.0, C# 4.0, ASP.NET 4.0, WCF, WF, WPF and LINQ.

 Hands-on working experience in Application integration, business process management and service oriented applications using BizTalk Server 2010, ESB Toolkit 2.1, WCF 4.0 services and SQL Server 2008 Integration Services.

 Thorough working knowledge of OOAD and agile / incremental development process.

 Experience in leading team of developers for on schedule project delivery with quality.

 Experience with low level programming like embedded C, C++ as well as systems programming on unix platform.

 Got Microsoft Community Contributor Award in year 2011 with MCC ID# 4034514.

 Published article in MSDN Magazine Feb 2011 edition on MDM with F#:

 Published highly popular article on BizTalk in

 Umpteen blogs in BizTalk server forums and ESB toolkit forums.
Technical Lead Kale Consultants Ltd.
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer GeekSoft
Lithuania Lithuania
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
India India
Atul works at Microsoft as a .NET consultant. As a consultant his job is to design, develop and deploy enterprise level secure and scalable solutions using Microsoft Technologies.

His technical expertise include .NET Framework(4.0, 3.5, 3.0), WPF, WCF, SharePoint 2010,, AJAX, Web Services, Enterprise Applications, SQL Server 2008, Open Xml, MS Word Automation.

Follow him on twitter @verma_atul

He blogs at
Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I have been developing web and software applications for 9 years originally in Microsoft Visual Fox Pro. But for the last 8 years I have been using Microsoft.Net.

I love writing code and especially enjoy writing tools to aid development.

I have developed my own code generator which generates C# code from a SQL Server database. The generator generates Business Components, Data Components and entities and is optimised for performance as it uses stored procedures and SqlDataReaders.

FrameworkGen can be downloaded for free from
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
Michael Washington is a Microsoft MVP. He is a ASP.NET and
C# programmer.
He is the founder of,, and

He has a son, Zachary and resides in Los Angeles with his wife Valerie.

He is the Author of:
Software Developer (Senior) iGATE Global Solutions
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Web Developer Sigo S.A.
Venezuela Venezuela
Ernesto Herrera is a Senior Developer, Architect with more than 12 years experience, actually working with Silverlight Line-of-Bussiness Applications, he holds a MCTS Web Application 2.0 Certification, and have a wide experience with sql server since the 6.5 version, on his free time he likes to play tennis with his wife,kids and friends, also enjoy playing Wii with his sons, he works at Sigo S.A., a retail business located at Margarita Island, Venezuela.
Software Developer (Senior)
Sweden Sweden
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Architect Imfinity
India India
Hi I have been working on enterprise applications for last six years.
Web Developer
Italy Italy
I'm the very proud father of SyMenu, a multi awarded portable start menu and an innovative ads web site.
Technical Lead sparXys
Israel Israel
Gil Fink is a web development expert and ASP.Net/IIS Microsoft MVP. He is the founder and owner of sparXys. He is currently consulting for various enterprises and companies, where he helps to develop Web and RIA-based solutions. He conducts lectures and workshops for individuals and enterprises who want to specialize in infrastructure and web development. He is also co-author of several Microsoft Official Courses (MOCs) and training kits, co-author of "Pro Single Page Application Development" book (Apress) and the founder of Front-End.IL Meetup. You can read his publications at his website:
Web Developer Microsky
Portugal Portugal
Software developer since 1986, as a hobby
and since 1998 as a professional

Currently working for Ogilvy S.A.
(Advertinsing media in portugal)
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
I've been in development since the late eighties. Although I've picked up many languages over the years and will likely pick up many more I have been a Microsoft BASIC programmer the whole time. Back in the early days it was on a Color Computer 3 writing articles for an enthusiast's magazine and developing solutions for color computer users. Now it is C#, VB.NET and (still) VBScript with all the fixins (ADO,XML,JSON,SQL etc...). Around 1996 I decided the internet was the way to go and dedicated myself to web development. I've been doing it ever since.

Two of my favorite projects are working for a little company called Nigrelli Systems and working with a team of brilliant Engineers to develop fully automated packaging systems for the food and beverage industry. The second is working on a "Burn Room" Nemschoff Chairs, again I was blessed with a team of people who knew their stuff. The burn room remains unique to this day because there are only a handfull of certified rooms in the US.

Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica
Software Developer (Senior) Jacobs Technology
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) Freestyle Interactive Ltd
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I'm a lead developer for Freestyle Interactive Ltd where we create many wonderful websites built on Microsofts ASP.Net and Ektron CMS.

I've been developing .Net applications (both Windows and Web) since 2002.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
Mr. Bielski has been developing websites since 2000 and writing code for a bit longer than that. When not plying is trade, he enjoys online and other games. He also contributes to the No Ink Software website (
Web Developer Google
United States United States
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Program Manager
Spain Spain
Octavio Loyola-González received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics, Mexico. He has won several awards from different institutions due to his research work on applied projects; consequently, he is a Member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico (Rank1). He worked as a distinguished professor and researcher at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Puebla, for undergraduate and graduate programs of Computer Sciences. Currently, he is responsible for running Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence practice inside Stratesys., where he is involved in the development and implementation using analytics and data mining. He has outstanding experience in the fields of big data & pattern recognition, cloud computing, IoT, and analytical tools to apply them in sectors where he has worked for as Banking & Insurance, Retail, Oil&Gas, Agriculture, Cybersecurity, Biotechnology, and Dactyloscopy. From these applied projects, Dr. Loyola-González has published several books and papers in well-known journals, and he has several ongoing patents as manager and researcher in Stratesys.
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Croatia Croatia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior)
India India

Microsoft C# MVP (12-13)

Hey, I am Pranay Rana, working as a Team Leadin MNC. Web development in Asp.Net with C# and MS sql server are the experience tools that I have had for the past 5.5 years now.

For me def. of programming is : Programming is something that you do once and that get used by multiple for many years

You can visit my blog

StackOverFlow -
My CV :-


This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer (Senior) Cognizant Technology Solutions
India India
Expertise in Asp.Net,Worked in variety of domains.
Have fair knowledge in using design patterns.
Presently he is working as Senior developer with cognizant India.His interest is to develop tools using Sqlserver,C#.Net.
India India
I have been programming for last 20 years on various platforms including .NET, Visual Basic 6, Oracle and SQL server.

I decided to write articles when I have free time hoping to share my thoughts with you.

To know more about me visit
Chief Technology Officer
Bangladesh Bangladesh
I am a Software Engineer and Microsoft .NET technology enthusiast. Professionally I worked on several business domains and on diverse platforms. I love to learn and share new .net technology and my experience I gather in my engineering career. You can find me from here

Personal Site
Personal Blog
FB MS enthusiasts group
About Me
Software Developer (Senior) Avanza Solutions Pakistan Karachi
Pakistan Pakistan
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Software Developer
India India
I am a Software Developer in Dotnet technologies. I also provide online training in dotnet technologies.
Web Developer
India India
I am a software developer from Chennai, India. From Novemeber 2004, I am in to the .NET Framework and I enjoy writing codes in C#. My experience in .NET Technology includes designing and creating custom controls and application for Web and windows platform.
Software Developer (Senior)
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Building web apps since 2001. Rich experience in HTML frontends for different platforms.
Pakistan Pakistan
tanvon malik ( real name Tanveer Ahmad )I am a CNC Programmer, cnc setter, cnc operator. want to know about me visit my websites.
CNC Programming
CNC Manuals
DXF & GCode Files with Online Viewers

I been in Switzerland MAG former +FMS+ for CNC training.

Most interesting technologies I like COM MFC DirectShow such as filter development. I am from Pakistan.
Have worked on projects mostly related video capturing, video data processing and real time object tracking on videos. For these I have worked on projects which use "Open CV Library". Which is mostly used for capturing data and its processing.
Telerik is a leading
vendor of development tools and components for Microsoft .NET.
Developers from most of the Fortune 2000 companies, many of the world’s
leading educational and non-profit organizations and thousands of
consultants rely on Telerik products to build applications with
unparalleled richness, responsiveness and interactivity.
This is a Organisation

1 members
Software Developer (Senior) Concord IT Services
India India
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
Team Leader NCR
Czech Republic Czech Republic
I'm software developer since 1996. I started with assembler on Intel 8051 CPUs, during years I was interested in C, C++, Sybase PowerBuilder, PHP, Sybase Anywhere Database, MSSQL server and multiplatform development.

Currently I'm developing in C++ and C# (this is my favorit and I spent some time with MCPD achievement). I'm also interested in design patterns.
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.
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This contest has ended.
1 Jul - 31 Jul 2010