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A Very Simple Resource Compiler for .NET *.resx Files on Non-Windows OS

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8 Jan 2018CPOL4 min read 19.1K   131   5   4
How to provide multi-language resources from .NET compatible *.resx files for GUI applications on ReactOS (and other non-Windows OS like Linux)


This article is based on the tip, Introduction to C# on ReactOS and its successor article, Introduction to System.Windows.Forms on ReactOS with C#. On ReactOS (and probably other non-Window OS, like Linux), that do not run Visual Studio, *.resx files can't be included easily into .NET applications (e.g., into System.Windows.Forms applications). While Visual Studio automatically compiles *.resx files and embeds them into the application, development environments, that do not base on Visual Studio, must do this manually.


To compile *.resx files and embed them into the application, it is necessary to:

  • call resgen.exe to create binary resources (*.resources file) from HTML resources (*.resx file(s)) and
  • call the compiler (csc.exe or vbc.exe) with the /resource:<filename> compiler option.

For the Mono build environment (resgen.exe, mcs.exe), I use on ReactOS, the creation of a *.resources file works well, but I did not succeed in getting the embedding into the application operable. To solve the problem, I have created a very simple resource compiler.

The idea to create a compiler is inspired by the article, Extended Strongly Typed Resource Generator by Dmytro Kryvko. This is also where my compiler gets the name from - ResXFileClassGeneratorROS (ResXFileClassGenerator class application for ReactOS). Very simple means:

  • Currently, it supports multi language text resources and embedded bitmap resources only. (However, the compiler's capabilities are easy to expand.)
  • Instead of creating binary resources, that are to include into the assembly and to parse at runtime, the compiler creates a resource class, that already contains the parsed resources and has to be compiled together with the application's *.cs files.
  • The selection of the resource value by language is more or less rudimentary. (That too can be easily improved.)

Using the Resource Compiler

The *.resx files, the compiler processes, use the Visual Studio XML resource file syntax. For multi-platform projects, the *.resx files can be copied between the projects easily. The name of *.resx files should be structured like <namespace>[.<sub-namespace>].<class-name>[.<IETF-language-tag>].resx and defines:

  • the namespace name and the class name of the resource class to create and
  • the language/culture the text resources are designed for.

A small example for explanation. Let's assume there are two resource files.

  1. WinFormsDesigner.Properties.Resources.resx

The first one defines the namespace WinFormsDesigner.Properties, the name of the resource class Resources and the standard (fallback) language/culture resources.

The second one defines the alternative language text resources, designed for the German language.

The WinFormsDesigner.Properties.Resources.resx looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Microsoft ResX Schema
    Version 2.0
  <xsd:schema ...
  <resheader name="resmimetype">
  <resheader name="version">
  <resheader name="reader">
    <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=,
           Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
  <resheader name="writer">
    <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=,
           Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
  <assembly alias="System.Drawing" name="System.Drawing" />
  <data name="ImageExit16x16" type="System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing"
  <data name="MenuTopLevelItemEdit" xml:space="preserve">
    <comment>user interface text</comment>

It shows one <data>...</data> tag sample for an embedded bitmap resource and another one for a text resource.

The overrides the text resource for the German language:

<data name="MenuTopLevelItemEdit" xml:space="preserve">
  <comment>user interface text</comment>

The command line syntax of the resource compiler can be obtained with ResXFileClassGeneratorROS.exe /?.

Image 1

To compile the two sample files to a resource class, I use the following command sequence for the Notepad++ extension NppExec:

SET LOCAL RESSRC1=.\WinFormsDesigner.Properties.Resources.resx
SET LOCAL RESTGT=.\WinFormsDesigner.Properties.Resources.cs
..\ResXFileClassGeneratorROS\ResXFileClassGeneratorROS.exe "$(RESSRC1)","$(RESSRC2)" "$(RESTGT)"

Using the Code

The complete source code is available for download as a Visual Studio 2010 project. The resource compiler can be built with Visual Studio on Windows (target is the .NET Framework Client Profile) and can run on ReactOS.

The compiler:

  1. parses the resource files in the specified order and stores the result in the static ResourceManagerROS class using the System.Xml.XmlDocument class and
  2. writes the desired resource class using the System.IO.StreamWriter class.

The parser's first step is to determine and check the resource data attributes:

xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

foreach (XmlNode node in xmlDocument.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
    if (node.Name == "data")
        ResXInfo.DataType vt = ResXInfo.DataType.String;

        // Determine resource data attributes.
        XmlAttribute nameAttr = node.Attributes["name"];
        XmlAttribute mimetypeAttr = node.Attributes["mimetype"];

        // Check resource data type.
        var resourceDataType = node.Attributes["type"];
        if (resourceDataType != null && resourceDataType.InnerText.Contains("Bitmap"))
            if (mimetypeAttr.InnerText == "application/")
                vt = ResXInfo.DataType.BitmapBase64;
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bitmap '" + nameAttr.InnerText +
                                  "' unsupported image data format. Skip this resource.");
        else if (resourceDataType != null)
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unknown resource type '" + resourceDataType +
                              "'. Skip this resource.");
        // Fallback (no 'type' attribute provided) is string resource.

Currently, only "Bitmap" with "application/" encoding and string resources are accepted - but this is easily to expand (between the if (resourceDataType != ...) and else block).

The parser's second step is to process the resource data value and to register the result to the static ResourceManagerROS class:

// Determine resource data value.
XmlNode valueNode = null;
foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
    if (childNode.Name == "value")
        valueNode = childNode;
string value;

// Check resource name and data value.
if (nameAttr == null)
    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Resource value without name. Skip this resource.");
if (valueNode == null)
    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Resource value without name. Skip this resource.");

// Process bitmap Base64 coded data.
if (vt == ResXInfo.DataType.BitmapBase64)
    value = valueNode.InnerText.Replace("\r", "").Replace
    ("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace(" ", "");
    if (value != null && value is string)
        byte[] imageData = Convert.FromBase64String(value as string);
        if (imageData != null && imageData.Length > 0)
            System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = null;
            using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(imageData))
                bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms);
            if (bmp == null)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bitmap '" + nameAttr.InnerText +
                        "' unable to create bitmap from image data. Skip this resource.");
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bitmap '" + nameAttr.InnerText +
                              "' with empty image data. Skip this resource.");
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bitmap '" + nameAttr.InnerText +
                          "' without image data. Skip this resource.");
// Fallback (no 'type' attribute provided) is string resource.
    value = valueNode.InnerText;

// Register resource.
ResXInfo entry = null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ieftLanguageTag))
    if (ResourceManagerROS.ContainsKey(nameAttr.Value))
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Resource name '" + nameAttr.Value +
                          "' already in use. Skip this resource.");
        entry = new ResXInfo(vt, value);
        ResourceManagerROS.Add(nameAttr.Value, entry);
    entry = ResourceManagerROS.GetResXInfo(nameAttr.Value);
    if (entry == null)
        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Resource name '" + nameAttr.Value +
                          "' must exist to add a language specific value. Skip this resource.");
        entry.AddLanguageValue(ieftLanguageTag, value);

Currently, resource value processing is limited to "Bitmap" with "application/" encoding and string resources - but that too can be easily improved (between the if (vt == ...) and else block).

The resource registration distinguishes between default language (fallback) resources, that do not provide a ieftLanguageTag and create a new resource entry, and alternative language resources, that provide a ieftLanguageTag and extend an existing resource entry.

The writer generates the resource class body....

    using (System.IO.StreamWriter classWriter = System.IO.File.CreateText(targetFile))
        classWriter.WriteLine("// <auto-generated>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("//     This code was generated by a tool.");
        classWriter.WriteLine("//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost");
        classWriter.WriteLine("//     if the code is regenerated.");
        classWriter.WriteLine("// </auto-generated>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("namespace " + targetNamespace);
        classWriter.WriteLine("    using System;");
        classWriter.WriteLine("    using System.Globalization;");
        classWriter.WriteLine("    /// <summary>A strongly-typed resource 
                                   /// class for looking up localized");
        classWriter.WriteLine("    /// resources.</summary>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("    internal class " + targetClassName);
        classWriter.WriteLine("    {");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        /// <summary>Override the current culture 
                                       /// for all resource lookups");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        /// using this strongly typed resource class.</summary>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        internal static CultureInfo Culture");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        {");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            get { return resourceCulture; }");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            set { resourceCulture = value;}");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        }");


        classWriter.WriteLine("    }");

... and loops through all resource entries, registered to the static ResourceManagerROS class, to write the resource class properties.

var resourceEnumerator = System.Resources.ResourceManagerROS.GetEnumerator();
while (resourceEnumerator.MoveNext())
    var k = resourceEnumerator.Current.Key;
    var t = resourceEnumerator.Current.Value.ValueType;
    var v = resourceEnumerator.Current.Value.DefaultValue;

    if (t == System.Resources.ResXInfo.DataType.BitmapBase64)
        classWriter.WriteLine("        /// <summary>Buffer the
                                            /// bitmap similar to " + k + ".</summary>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        private static System.Drawing.Bitmap _" + k + ";");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        /// <summary>Look up a bitmap
                                            /// similar to " + k + ".</summary>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap " + k);
        classWriter.WriteLine("        {");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            get");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            {");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                if (_" + k + " != null)");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                    return _" + k + ";");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(
                                                      Convert.FromBase64String(\"" + v + "\")))");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                {");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                    _" + k + " = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms);");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                }");
        classWriter.WriteLine("                return _" + k + ";");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            }");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        }");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        /// <summary>Look up a localized string similar to " +
                              k + ".</summary>");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        internal static string " + k);
        classWriter.WriteLine("        {");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            get");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            {");
        if (resourceEnumerator.Current.Value.CountLanguages > 0)
            classWriter.WriteLine("string fullCulture = (resourceCulture != null ? " +
                                  "resourceCulture.IetfLanguageTag : " +
            classWriter.WriteLine("                string baseCulture = " +
                                  "fullCulture.Split(new char[] {'-'})[0];");
            for (int conutAlternativeLanguages = 0;
                 conutAlternativeLanguages < resourceEnumerator.Current.Value.CountLanguages;
                string currentIeftLanguageTag = resourceEnumerator.Current.Value.
                string currentIeftLanguageVal = resourceEnumerator.Current.Value.
                ("                if(\"" + currentIeftLanguageTag +
                                                         "\" == fullCulture)");
                ("                    return \"" + currentIeftLanguageVal + "\";");
                ("                if(\"" + currentIeftLanguageTag +
                ("                    return \"" + currentIeftLanguageVal + "\";");
            ("                return \"" + v + "\";");
            ("                return \"" + v + "\";");
        classWriter.WriteLine("            }");
        classWriter.WriteLine("        }");

The current implementation provides alternative languages only for string resources. The language selection implements a very simple fallback mechanism, that has limitations. Let's assume there are resources for:

  • any default (fallback) language, e.g. en,
  • German Austria de-AT
  • German Switzerland de-CH

and the command line looks like:

ResXFileClassGeneratorROS.exe .\WinFormsDesigner.Properties.Resources.resx,
.\ .\WinFormsDesigner.Properties.Resources.cs

the fallback mechanism will be generated as:

if("de-AT" == fullCulture)
    return "Kiste";
    return "Kiste";
if("de-CH" == fullCulture)
    return "Chaschta";
    return "Chaschta";
return "Box";

and the resource string for de-CH will never be returned, because if("de-AT".StartsWith(baseCulture)) already matches before if("de-CH" == fullCulture) is reached. This limitation could be overcome by grouping the languages and reducing the number of exams utilizing StartsWith(baseCulture).

Points of Interest

I wanted to find out what actually exists under ReactOS to create .NET GUI applications. This compiler allows me to run synchronous application development with Windows Forms on Windows and ReactOS.

Also, I think the compiler can be useful on other non-Windows platforms too.


  • 9th January, 2018: Initial article version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader Celonis SA
Germany Germany
I am currently the CEO of Symbioworld GmbH and as such responsible for personnel management, information security, data protection and certifications. Furthermore, as a senior programmer, I am responsible for the automatic layout engine, the simulation (Activity Based Costing), the automatic creation of Word/RTF reports and the data transformation in complex migration projects.

The main focus of my work as a programmer is the development of Microsoft Azure Services using C# and Visual Studio.

Privately, I am interested in C++ and Linux in addition to C#. I like the approach of open source software and like to support OSS with own contributions.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionIdea Pin
Assil9-Jan-18 2:17
professionalAssil9-Jan-18 2:17 
AnswerRe: Idea Pin
Steffen Ploetz16-Jan-18 2:25
professionalSteffen Ploetz16-Jan-18 2:25 
GeneralRe: Idea Pin
Assil17-Jan-18 6:18
professionalAssil17-Jan-18 6:18 
GeneralRe: Idea Pin
Steffen Ploetz17-Jan-18 10:33
professionalSteffen Ploetz17-Jan-18 10:33 

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