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I am using WMI interface to get various counter values like memory/ disk/IO utilisations. I also got total percentage CPU utilisation using WIN32_Process class.

But I need percentage CPU utilisation per process. Please help me out with VC++ code to do this.

I am using VS2010 as IDE

1 solution

You can use the GetProcessTimes function to get the times per process:
A quick and dirty example:
[Edit] improved solution.
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <CommCtrl.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#pragma comment (lib,"Psapi.lib")
#pragma comment (lib,"user32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib,"comctl32.lib")

#pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' \
name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \
processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")

template <class TI>
class tArray
  tArray(){ count=0array=0; }
  ~tArray(){ if(array) free(array); }
  void    Resize(const size_t n){ array=(TI*)(array?realloc(array,sizeof(TI)*n):malloc(sizeof(TI)*n)); count=n; }
  size_t  count;
  TI*      array;

static double __todouble(const FILETIME& ft)
  return (4294967296.0 * (double)ft.dwHighDateTime) + (double)ft.dwLowDateTime;
static int __isnull(const FILETIME& ft)
  return (ft.dwHighDateTime|ft.dwLowDateTime)?0:1;

enum{ IDC_LIST=101, };

void OnTimer(HWND hlist)
  if(!IsWindow(hlist)) return;

  tArray<unsigned long>  array;
  unsigned long          count;
  unsigned long          ix,len;
  HANDLE                hproc;
  TCHAR                  mod[0x4000];
  LVITEM                lvi;
  int                    nitems;
  const double          nanoseconds100 = 100.0/1e9;
  nitems = ListView_GetItemCount(hlist);
  lvi.iItem = 0;

  // get the process ids of all running processes
  // see:
    EnumProcesses(array.array,sizeof(unsigned long)*array.count,&count);
    count /= sizeof(unsigned long);

    // open process so you can read process informations
    // see:
    hproc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ,1,array.array[ix]);
    if(hproc && (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!=hproc))
      FILETIME  ftc,fte,ftk,ftu,ftn;
      // get the current time for the process they arent stopped
      // get the process times for the process
      // see:
        // process start time
        double  t0 = __todouble(ftc);
        // process stop time or current time
        double  t1 = __isnull(fte)?__todouble(ftn):__todouble(fte);
        // user mode time
        double  uu = __todouble(ftu);
        // kernel time
        double  kk = __todouble(ftk);

        len = sizeof(mod)/sizeof(mod[0]);
        // get the process name (executable)
        // see:
        if(!QueryFullProcessImageName(hproc,0,mod,&len)) len = 0;
        mod[len] = 0;
        lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
        lvi.pszText = mod;
        lvi.iSubItem = 0;


        // user-time
        // user time column value
        // remember filetime is in 100 nanoseconds resolution
        lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
        lvi.pszText = mod;

        // total-time
        // total time column value
        lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
        lvi.pszText = mod;

        // %
        // percentage (utilisation) for user time
        // full (utilisation) is == 100.0*(uu+kk)/(t1-t0) thats the value you want!
        lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
        lvi.pszText = mod;


  for(;lvi.iItem<nitems;nitems--) ListView_DeleteItem(hlist,lvi.iItem);


void OnInit(HWND hDlg)
  HWND  hlist;
  hlist = GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LIST);

    int        icol = 0;
    RECT      rc; GetClientRect(hlist,&rc);
    int        width = rc.right-rc.left-GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); = MulDiv(width,60,100);
    lvc.pszText = __TEXT("module");
    if(-1!=ListView_InsertColumn(hlist,icol,&lvc)) ++icol;
    lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_RIGHT;lvc.mask |= LVCF_FMT; = MulDiv(width,15,100);
    lvc.pszText = __TEXT("user-time");
    if(-1!=ListView_InsertColumn(hlist,icol,&lvc)) ++icol; = MulDiv(width,15,100);
    lvc.pszText = __TEXT("total-time");
    if(-1!=ListView_InsertColumn(hlist,icol,&lvc)) ++icol; = MulDiv(width,10,100);
    lvc.pszText = __TEXT("%");
    if(-1!=ListView_InsertColumn(hlist,icol,&lvc)) ++icol;
    ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hlist,LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT|LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER );

static int FAR PASCAL __dlgproc(HWND h,unsigned int m,WPARAM w,LPARAM l)
    case WM_INITDIALOG: OnInit(h); break;
    case WM_TIMER: OnTimer(GetDlgItem(h,IDC_LIST)); break;
    case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(h,0); break;
  return 0;

    DLGTEMPLATE      t;
    unsigned short  menu;
    unsigned short  wclass;
    unsigned short  title[13];
    unsigned short  font_size;
    unsigned short  font_face[8];

    unsigned char    dword_padding[2];

      unsigned short  wclass[sizeof(WC_LISTVIEW)/sizeof(TCHAR)];
      unsigned short  title[1];
      unsigned short  data;

    }                list;


  } dlgt =
    // list


  return 0;

Good luck.
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Jayanth G H 21-Sep-11 1:56am    
Hi thanks for your time to reply for my post. Your code gives processor times but I need Processor utilisation % per process..
mbue 21-Sep-11 2:04am    
The times gives you the usage in user and kernel times for each process. In relation to the running time you get the utilisation. Or did i misunderstood - define your imagine of utilisation!
Jayanth G H 21-Sep-11 2:28am    
User mode time+ kernel mode time=Total Processor time... Can you please tell me how you can get % CPU utilisation load per process using processing time.. If you open a task manager you will find a column CPU. I want this programmatically per process. I hope I am clear to your question.
mbue 21-Sep-11 12:17pm    
Ive updated the solution above and marked the relevant code positions by comments.
Jayanth G H 26-Sep-11 10:32am    
Hi mbue thanks for your reply.:)But I am getting the Error "error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const wchar_t [13]' to 'unsigned short'" in the line {WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_SYSMENU|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|DS_CENTER|DS_SETFONT,0,1,0,0,400,300},0,0,L"Process view",
10,L"Verdana",{0}....Another error is "error C2078: too many initializers" in line {dlgt.WS|WS_BORDER|LVS_REPORT|LVS_SINGLESEL,0,4,4,390,280,IDC_LIST},WC_LISTVIEW,L"",0}

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