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Would like to ask, how do I generate 2 random numbers and then check if it is a prime? I would like to generate both and check them all in one click. I tried to write the code in C# but there are some invalid arguments. Here is my code.

protected void btnstart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BigInteger p = RandomInteger(); //generate a random number
            while (CheckIfPrime(p)==false) // number generated will be check if is prime,if false regenerate another random number
                BigInteger p = RandomInteger();
            txtP.Text = p.ToString(); // output the prime number
            lblresult.Text = "true"; // result true to confirm that it is the prime

            BigInteger q = RandomInteger();
            txtQ.Text = q.ToString();
            lblresult2.Text = "true"; 

        public BigInteger RandomInteger() // to generate a random number
            var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
            var n = 10000000000;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[n/8];


            var msb = bytes[n / 8 - 1];
            var mask = 0;
            while (mask < msb)
                mask = (mask << 1) + 1;

            bytes[n - 1] &= Convert.ToByte(mask);
            BigInteger i = new BigInteger(bytes);
            return i;
        public bool CheckIfPrime(int n) //to check if the random number generated is prime
            var isPrime = true;
            var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(n);
            for (var i = 2; i <= sqrt; i++)
                if ((n % i) == 0) isPrime = false;
            return isPrime;

Thank you!
Updated 21-Oct-19 11:47am
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 3-Feb-16 1:48am    
If you generate prime number, there is no a need to check up if it is prime. :-)
F-ES Sitecore 3-Feb-16 6:30am    
In addition to the advice you've already been given, you can improve the efficiency of your CheckIfPrime by doing this

public bool CheckIfPrime(int n) //to check if the random number generated is prime
var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(n);
for (var i = 2; i <= sqrt; i++)
if ((n % i) == 0) return false;
return true;
Member 12696135 21-Oct-19 21:14pm    
Have you tried...

// Generate TWO primes of a known size in a single line of code
RSACryptoServiceProvider tempRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(size_in_bits);

Where, 'size_in_bits' is a number between 384 (48 bytes) and 16,384 (2048 bytes)

DotNet creates these two primes as part of a new RSA private key, which you can then steal P and Q from (the two unique primes of similar length) before throwing away the key.

I've posted a solution (Solution 5) which I hope you might find useful. They can be massaged into a System.Numerics.BigInteger fairly easily - and I've added an example of this, as you have to make sure BigInteger doesn't treat them as negative numbers (by extending the byte array with an extra 0x00)

You probably don't need this anymore, but someone else may benefit from it. It's a neat shortcut and saves a lot of time/trouble.

I would do the opposite, that is directly random generate a prime number. You know, under 10,000,000,000 there are 455,052,511 prime numbers (see How many primes are there?[^]) so you can randomlly choose r between 0 and 455,052,510 and then use the rth prime number. Possibly a pre-computed prime numbers (huge!) table would help.
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Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 6-Feb-16 0:06am    
CPallini 6-Feb-16 4:07am    
Thank you.
Member 12696135 21-Oct-19 20:59pm    
I would assume that if the OP is using BigIntegers, then it's likely he wants some VERY large primes. If they have to be secret too (most crypto) then a table is definitely out as the size would be horrendous. Not to mention how quickly an attacker can check against half a million known primes on a decent home PC.

You can, however, generate TWO large primes in a single command, using the RSACryptoServiceProvider to generate a private RSA key of a known size, then copy the primes P and Q directly from the private key.

This allows unique primes as large as 16,384 bit (2048 byte) to be generated quickly, safely and easily. (See Solution 5)

I'd welcome your comments / criticism.
The problem in your code is that you call 'CheckIfPrime passing it a 'BigInteger, but its parameter is: 'int.

There's also a problem in that the Math library 'Sqrt Function will not accept Type 'BigInteger. You can work around that with this:

<br />
BigInteger sqrt = Math.Exp(BigInteger.Log(bigIntValue) / 2); 
// see: [^].

Think about the range of values you want the randomly selected primes within; your use of 'BigInteger implies ... well ... very large. As you know, determining the "primality" of very large numbers can take massive amounts of computation power.

There are publicly available lists of primes, including very large primes; could you implement your solution using a list from which you randomly select ? There's a list of 5000 very large primes here (minimum 1000 digits each): [^].

Re the issue of getting two random values "simultaneously:" if you have multi-cores to work with, consider using parallel programming in .NET: [^].

This uses 'System.Security.Cryptography the RNGCrytoServiceProvider facility to get random big integers with a certain number of bits:
// note this code is from a a static Class named 'Methods in a NameSpace named 'PrimeUtilties

private static RNGCryptoServiceProvider rngProvider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
private static Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
private static byte[] someBytes;

public static BigInteger GetRandomBigInteger(int nBits, bool onlyPositive = true)
    someBytes = new byte[nBits/8];
    BigInteger bg = new BigInteger(someBytes);
    if (onlyPositive && bg.Sign == -1) bg = bg * -1;
    return bg;
You can use a Tuple to return two values from a Method:
public static Tuple<BigInteger, BigInteger> GetTwoRandomBigInts(int nbitsOf1 = 128, int nbitsOf2 = 128, bool onlyPositive = true)
    return Tuple.Create(GetRandomBigInteger(nbitsOf1, onlyPositive), GetRandomBigInteger(nbitsOf2, onlyPositive));

// get a Tuple with two (non-negative) BigInts
// var TwoBigOnesWith = PrimeUtilities.Methods.GetTwoRandomBigInts(512, 256, onlyPositive: true);
But, normally I wouldn't bother writing a hard-coded method like that; I'd write a more general one that took a 'param array, or passed in some structure that I'd parse to generate whatever bunch, or, bunch-of-bunches, of BigIntegers I wanted to create.
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Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan 3-Feb-16 7:47am    
5ed, for the exponential method of taking a square root.
HitsugayaHisagi 3-Feb-16 9:59am    
how would the one with param array look like?
BillWoodruff 3-Feb-16 11:24am    
It might have a 'signature like this:

public List<List<BigInteger>>GetABunchofBigIntegers(params int[] args){}

I might then parse the params array, taking two values at a time, interpreting the first value as the number of BigIntegers to generate, and the second value in the pair as the number of bits in each generated BigInteger. Of course there are many other ways you could do this.

fyi: I have decided that you'll get "better" results using the RNGCrytoServiceProvider, and have changed the code above.

Unless I had no choice, I'd use a random look-up from a big table of big primes.
HitsugayaHisagi 5-Feb-16 21:30pm    
I erm.. cant really imagine how the code looks like, may you please give me an example?
BillWoodruff 6-Feb-16 4:32am    
Hi, Hitsugayai, QA is for helping you become a better programmer, and solve problems. You get started writing code, experimenting, refining, and come back with specific questions, and code samples. If I write the code for you, you won't learn.

cheers, Bill
Your code have numerous problems.
One of them is efficiency, here is your code and 2 trivial changes:
public bool CheckIfPrime(int n) //to check if the random number generated is prime
    var isPrime = true;
    var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(n);
    for (var i = 2; i <= sqrt; i++)
        if ((n % i) == 0) isPrime = false;
    return isPrime;
for n=400 the code checks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

public bool CheckIfPrime(int n) //to check if the random number generated is prime
    var isPrime = true;
    var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(n);
    if ((n % 2) == 0) isPrime = false;
    for (var i = 3; i <= sqrt; i+= 2)
        if ((n % i) == 0) isPrime = false;
    return isPrime;
for n=400 the code checks 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19

public bool CheckIfPrime(int n) //to check if the random number generated is prime
    var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(n);
    if ((n % 2) == 0) return false;
    for (var i = 3; i <= sqrt; i+= 2)
        if ((n % i) == 0) return false;
    return true;
and here the code stops as soon as it knows n is not a prime.

As already spotted, int n parameter of the function is wrong since you want to check a BigInteger.
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HitsugayaHisagi 4-Feb-16 6:22am    
which means it is not wise to use this code for checking BigInteger, you mean?
Patrice T 4-Feb-16 7:38am    
Yes, you must first replace int with BigInteger
HitsugayaHisagi 4-Feb-16 10:46am    
you mean like,

public bool CheckIfPrime(BigInteger n) //to check if the random number generated is prime
BigInteger sqrt = Math.Exp(BigInteger.Log(n)/2);
//but errors at this part (cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'System.Numerics.BigInteger'. An explicit conversion exists)
if ((n % 2) == 0) return false;
for (var i = 3; i <= sqrt; i += 2)
if ((n % i) == 0) return false;
return true;
Patrice T 4-Feb-16 12:44pm    
something like that.

Math.Exp is probably wrong. you should rather try BigInteger.Exp
HitsugayaHisagi 5-Feb-16 21:13pm    
Hmm...still having problem, 'System.Numerics.BigInteger' does not contain a definition for 'Exp'.

BigInteger sqrt = BigInteger.Exp(BigInteger.Log(value)/2);
if ((value % 2) == 0) return false;
for (var i = 3; i <= sqrt; i += 2)
if ((value % i) == 0) return false;
return true;
I did check out, and it seems to use Math.Exp is actually correct.
So I've tried this code, and it works okay to me.

Random rand = new Random();
            BigInteger p = BigInteger.genPseudoPrime(128, 10, rand);
            txtP.Text = p.ToString();

            Random rand2 = new Random();
            BigInteger q = BigInteger.genPseudoPrime(128, 10, rand2);
                q = BigInteger.genPseudoPrime(128, 10, rand2);
            while (p == q);
            txtQ.Text = q.ToString();

using the DLL from Client/Server Encryption plus extras[^]

All the other codes are also okay, but for my case I'm using this code, so here it is, to share to anyone who is looking at the same problem. Thank you all so much for your kindness!
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Member 12696135 21-Oct-19 20:43pm    
It should be noted that DotNets "System.Numerics.BigInteger" does not have the genPseudoPrime method. Otherwise, this is a good answer but I'd worry about the dependency problems this library would create... and, also, whether these are safe primes to use.

DotNets Crypto library can already create two unique primes of a given size in a single command (see Solution 5) ... so, that would probably be my preferred solution in most cases.
OK, Just throwing this out there...


I think this approach will be far more useful to most readers than some of the suggestions above. Forgive me, but after reading this thread I figured that this little trick is sorely missing from the discussion. I don't normally post here.

Before we begin, this method does have limitations... it cannot make really small primes. It can, however make huge primes, even over 16,000 bits without any fuss.

Personally I think not being able to make tiny primes is a limitation most of us can probably live with, yes? If you DO need tiny primes, then the table or random methods above are manageable... and you can use both techniques if you need all sizes ...

- a table or a random search for primes less than 384 bits, and;
- this code for primes between 284 bits and 16,384 bits.

I think you'll agree that it's a really simple and safe method. Let's get stuck in :


As a quick test, you could create an instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider class... as this exposes the range of primes that are valid when creating an RSA key. Like this...
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider myRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider)
    // Now look at the following properties of myRsa...
    int min = myRSA.LegalKeySizes.MinSize;  // Usually 16,384
    int max = myRSA.LegalKeySizes.MaxSize;  // Usually    384
    int step = myRSA.LegalKeySizes.StepSize; //             8

    // Use the values above to decide on a valid keysize for the
    // prime you want to generate!  As you can see, you have a
    // LOT of options.  The size is in bits, which is why we
    // see a 'StepSize' of 8

These numbers are not likely to change, so feel free to ignore the above - I include it only to show the primes you can produce. Once you have identified a size (between min and max, with a step size of 8) ... you can ask c# to create a key of that specific size!

Delete the above code, and let's start generating primes...

Use DotNets RSA implementation to generate a large prime

Let's begin with a nice small 1024 bit prime number...
// Create a temporary RSA key (we don't need the key, just it's prime)
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider myRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024))
    // Boom, prime generated!  Yes, that simple... let's dig it out.

    // First, output the private certificate as an XML string
    // The parameter 'true' tells c# to include the private key
    // otherwise we only get the public part.
    String xml = myRsa.ToXmlString(true);

    // Now, you're interested in the subkeys P and Q in that XML
    // so, parse the XML using a reader or some string operations.

    // It is in Base64, so if you need it as a byte array you'll also
    // have to decode it from Base64 to a byte array.  But, that is
    // up to you, and depends what format you want the prime in.

Yep... just 2 lines of code! To convert it to a BigInt is about 5 lines of code. Feel free to donate beer.

Here is the format of the xml, all values are Base64 encoded ...

    <Modulus> ... </Modulus>
    <Exponent> ... </Exponent>
    <P> Your prime 'P' of the required size </P>
    <Q> another useful prime 'Q', close in size to 'P' </Q>
    <DP> ... </DP>
    <DQ> ... </DQ>
    <InverseQ> ... </InverseQ>
    <D> ... </D>

Now, I have deliberately avoided showing how to parse the Base64 as only you know where you want to store this number. But, there are plenty of snippets here on CodeProject which show how to parse XML (or, alternatively, split up strings) and decode Base64 into binary bytes. It's not a big deal.

One warning though... if you are going to put it into a container that is unsigned, you need to follow the rules - as the representation you get from the Base64 will be UNsigned but MIGHT have the most significant bit set.

So, if you want to put it into a System.Numerics.BigInteger ... remember that you should make the byte array one byte larger than the number requires. This is because the byte array needs to have an added zero to ensure that BigInteger doesn't consider it to be negative.

And, that's that : )

Now you know how to generate large primes between 48 bytes (384 bits) and 2048 bytes (16,384 bits) without messing around with guessing games or using large tables of primes... and all in just a few lines of code.

And, all we had to do was abuse the RSACryptoServiceProvider class into doing our bidding ; )

Hope that helps someone.

EDIT: Answer extended - Quick & dirty example of parsing into a BigInteger
using system.numerics;
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider myRsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024))
    byte[] sbin; // The raw byte array (looks signed)
    byte[] ubin; // The cooked byte array

    // Export RSA certificate to an XML string
    String xml = myRsa.ToXmlString(true);

    // Locate <P> in the Base64 certificate (quick and dirty code)
    int s = xml.IndexOf("<P>")+3;
    int l = xml.IndexOf("<",s)-s;
    // Convert P from Base64 to a raw byte array
    sbin = Convert.FromBase64String(xml.Substring(s, l));
    // Postfix a null byte to keep BigInteger happy
    ubin = new byte[sbin.Length + 1]; ubin[sbin.Length] = 0;
    Buffer.BlockCopy(sbin, 0, ubin, 0, sbin.Length);
    // Convert the bytes into positive BigNumber
    BigInteger bigprime = new BigInteger(ubin);

    // Write it to the console
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Member 12696135 21-Oct-19 20:04pm    
Quick comments on the above answer :

1. "System.Numerics" might have to be added, as a reference, in the Solution Explorer
2. 16,384 bit primes are VERY hard to generate, it can take a couple of minutes
3. You can visit to verify your primes
4. Always add proper error checking and exception handling

5. If using these primes for crypto, always obliterate (overwrite) the sensitive variables BEFORE they go out of scope!!!

Enjoy ;)
BillWoodruff 21-Oct-19 23:11pm    
+5 Interesting, look forward mtomsty7dying the code later. thanks, Bill

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