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XFolderSize - A class to determine folder size

4.83/5 (16 votes)
11 Jun 2007CPOL1 min read 1   1.5K  
XFolderSize is a non-MFC class that collects folder size, folder count, and file count based on starting folder.


XFolderSize is small class to get folder size information based on starting folder. You use XFolderSize like this:

DWORD dwFolderCount = 0;
DWORD dwFileCount = 0;

CXFolderSize fs;

BOOL rc = fs.GetFolderSize(_T("C:\\myfolder"), TRUE, TRUE, &li,
                    &dwFolderCount, &dwFileCount);

The GetFolderSize() function allows you to specify whether to recurse into subdirectories, whether to treat root directory of drive in special way (using SHGetDiskFreeSpace() to get total size), and optionally will return folder count and file count.

Because file sizes may be over 4 Gb, the LARGE_INTEGER type is used. This is what is returned by Win32 API GetFileSizeEx():

BOOL GetFileSizeEx(HANDLE hFile,               // handle to file
                   PLARGE_INTEGER lpFileSize); // file size

XFolderSize may be used only in Windows 2000 and later, since GetFileSizeEx() is not available in earlier versions of Windows.

Implementation Details

XFolderSize offers two functions:
  • GetFolderSize():
    // GetFolderSize()
    // Purpose:     Get folder size
    // Parameters:  lpszStartFolder - fully qualified starting folder path
    //              bRecurse        - TRUE = recurse into subdirectories
    //              bQuickSize      - TRUE = if lpszStartFolder is a drive, use 
    //                                SHGetDiskFreeSpace() to get size for entire
    //                                disk, instead of recursing (folder count
    //                                and file count will be 0).
    //              lpFolderSize    - pointer to 64-bit folder size
    //              lpFolderCount   - pointer to 32-bit folder count (optional,
    //                                may be NULL)
    //              lpFileCount     - pointer to 64-bit file count (optional,
    //                                may be NULL)
    // Returns:     BOOL - Returns nonzero if successful or zero otherwise.
    BOOL CXFolderSize::GetFolderSize(LPCTSTR lpszStartFolder, 
                       BOOL bRecurse, 
                       BOOL bQuickSize,
                       PLARGE_INTEGER lpFolderSize,
                       LPDWORD lpFolderCount /*= NULL*/,
                       LPDWORD lpFileCount /*= NULL*/)
  • GetFileSize64():
    // GetFileSize64()
    // Purpose:     Get 64-bit file size
    // Parameters:  lpszPath   - fully qualified path to file
    //              lpFileSize - 64-bit file size
    // Returns:     BOOL - Returns nonzero if successful or zero otherwise.
    BOOL CXFolderSize::GetFileSize64(LPCTSTR lpszPath, PLARGE_INTEGER lpFileSize)

Demo App

The demo app allows you to try out XFolderSize on your own system:


You can also use Quick Size option to get the size used by an entire drive:


How To Use

To integrate CXFolderSize class into your app, do the following:

  1. You first need to add following files to your project:
    • XFolderSize.cpp
    • XFolderSize.h
  2. In Visual Studio settings, select Not using pre-compiled header for XFolderSize.cpp.
  3. Next, include header file XFolderSize.h in source file where you want to use CXFolderSize.
  4. Now you are ready to start using CXFolderSize. Your code should look something like:
    DWORD dwFolderCount = 0;
    DWORD dwFileCount = 0;
    CXFolderSize fs;
    BOOL rc = fs.GetFolderSize(_T("C:\\myfolder"), TRUE, TRUE, &li,
                        &dwFolderCount, &dwFileCount);

Revision History

Version 1.0 — 2007 June 11

  • Initial public release


This software is released into the public domain. You are free to use it in any way you like, except that you may not sell this source code. If you modify it or extend it, please to consider posting new code here for everyone to share. This software is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty. I accept no liability for any damage or loss of business that this software may cause.


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