by YvesDaoust
at 15-May-20 2:33
at Article "tip/trick "Calculating the Pi Number""
by YvesDaoust
at 4-Feb-20 3:20
at Article "tip/trick "Real Case of Premature Micro-Optimization""
by YvesDaoust
at 24-Jan-20 4:11
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Pointers""
by YvesDaoust
at 23-Jan-20 23:38
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Article "article "Pointers""
by YvesDaoust
at 14-Jan-20 0:04
at Article "tip/trick "No Code is the Fastest Code""
by YvesDaoust
at 13-Jan-20 23:36
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "tip/trick "No Code is the Fastest Code""
by YvesDaoust
at 20-Dec-19 4:08
Score: 3.77 (3 votes).
at Article "article "P and V Considered Harmful""
by YvesDaoust
at 1-Nov-19 0:12
Score: 1.00 (18 votes).
at Article "tip/trick "The Most Essential C++ Advice""
by YvesDaoust
at 18-Oct-19 5:38
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "tip/trick "Prime Number Algorithm""
by YvesDaoust
at 18-Oct-19 4:04
at Article "tip/trick "Prime Number Algorithm""
by YvesDaoust
at 18-Oct-19 1:55
at Article "tip/trick "Prime Number Algorithm""
by YvesDaoust
at 18-Oct-19 1:48
at Article "tip/trick "Prime Number Algorithm""
by YvesDaoust
at 26-Aug-19 2:24
at Article "reference "cppHeaderGen: A Global Extension of the C++ Programming Language - Command reference""
by YvesDaoust
at 10-Jun-19 23:39
at Article "article "Numerical Methods with C++ Part 3: Root Approximation Algorithms""
by YvesDaoust
at 21-May-19 22:36
at Article "article "Fast Circle Coordinate Mapping and Color Wheel Creation: Part 1 of 2 - Concepts""
by YvesDaoust
at 21-May-19 21:44
at Article "article "Fast Circle Coordinate Mapping and Color Wheel Creation: Part 1 of 2 - Concepts""
by YvesDaoust
at 21-May-19 5:14
Score: 1.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Fast Circle Coordinate Mapping and Color Wheel Creation: Part 1 of 2 - Concepts""
by YvesDaoust
at 3-Apr-19 2:30
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "2D Polyline Vertex Smoothing""
by YvesDaoust
at 3-Mar-19 21:52
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "K-means Using F#""
by YvesDaoust
at 1-Mar-19 9:02
at Article "article "K-means Using F#""
by YvesDaoust
at 11-Feb-19 2:25
at Article "tip/trick "4-bit encoder/decoder ""
by YvesDaoust
at 7-Feb-19 23:05
at Article "tip/trick "4-bit encoder/decoder ""
by YvesDaoust
at 7-Feb-19 4:06
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "tip/trick "4-bit encoder/decoder ""
by YvesDaoust
at 6-Feb-19 22:54
at Article "tip/trick "How to Create a Windows Form Project in Visual Studio Using C++/CLI""
by YvesDaoust
at 6-Feb-19 22:49
at Article "tip/trick "How to Create a Windows Form Project in Visual Studio Using C++/CLI""
by YvesDaoust
at 23-Jan-19 2:31
at Article "article "IEEE 754 Conversion ""
by YvesDaoust
at 31-Jul-18 2:42
at Article "article "Introduction to Numerical Methods""
by YvesDaoust
at 4-Jul-18 2:27
at Article "article "Creating Assembly Language DLL Modules for Windows""
by YvesDaoust
at 25-Jan-18 1:55
at Article "article "A new Hash Function - ZobHash""
by YvesDaoust
at 18-Jan-18 1:58
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "A new Hash Function - ZobHash""
by YvesDaoust
at 2-Oct-17 3:08
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Article "article "Why does x = ++x + x++ give me the wrong answer?""
by YvesDaoust
at 10-Jul-17 4:47
at Article "Classes for computational geometry"
by YvesDaoust
at 5-Jul-17 1:57
at Article "tip/trick "Simple C++ Tip: Keeping a vector sorted without sorting""
by YvesDaoust
at 26-May-17 2:31
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Article "article "How to Optimize Compilation Times with Precompiled Headers (PCH Files) ""
by YvesDaoust
at 26-May-17 0:16
at Article "article "Number recognition with MLP Neural Network""
by YvesDaoust
at 1-May-17 5:28
at Article "article "Need for Speed - C++ versus Assembly Language""
by YvesDaoust
at 1-May-17 5:18
Score: 1.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Need for Speed - C++ versus Assembly Language""
by YvesDaoust
at 6-Mar-17 1:54
at Article "article "To solve a matrix equation""
by YvesDaoust
at 30-Jan-17 2:32
at Article "article "Short-circuit Evaluation in C#""
by YvesDaoust
at 11-Jan-17 2:31
Score: 1.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Best-fitting line, circle and ellipse""
by YvesDaoust
at 2-Dec-16 2:13
at Article "tip/trick "Function templates or preprocessor defines: what to choose?""
by YvesDaoust
at 24-Jun-16 2:50
at Article "article "How Bresenham Got Five Programmers Into Two Cars?""
by YvesDaoust
at 24-Jun-16 2:51
at Article "article "How Bresenham Got Five Programmers Into Two Cars?""
by YvesDaoust
at 23-May-16 21:31
at Article "tip/trick "A VB.NET Implementation of the Douglas-Peucker Algorithm without Recursion""
by YvesDaoust
at 21-Mar-16 1:20
at Article "article "Method of the least squares""
by YvesDaoust
at 7-Mar-16 23:58
at Article "article "Point Inside 3D Convex Polygon""
by YvesDaoust
at 1-Sep-15 9:51
at Article "article "Perspective Projection of a Rectangle (Homography)""
by YvesDaoust
at 30-Jul-15 2:51
at Article "technical blog "Calculating square root using Newton’s iterative method""
by YvesDaoust
at 7-Jul-15 0:49
at Article "Article "Fast Prime Factoring Algorithm""
by YvesDaoust
at 27-Apr-15 4:21
at Article "article "Fast high precision Gamma calculator""