by Andreas Saurwein
at 2-Oct-24 0:35
at Article "article "C# .Net Framework - using Microsoft.Graph.Auth to work with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 15-Dec-23 0:01
at Article "project "MoreDateTime""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Dec-23 1:22
at Article "project "MoreDateTime""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 29-Sep-23 6:11
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 29-Sep-23 4:17
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 8:50
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 8:02
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 6:43
at Forum "Article Writing"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 5:53
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 5:48
at Forum "Article Writing"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 2:46
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 2:37
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 2:19
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 1:44
at Forum "Article Writing"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 0:53
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-23 0:25
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 26-Sep-23 23:01
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 26-Sep-23 22:07
Score: 5.00 (4 votes).
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Feb-23 6:36
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Feb-23 5:43
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Feb-23 3:02
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Feb-23 2:53
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Feb-23 2:47
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 14-Feb-23 2:43
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 19-Dec-22 2:41
Score: 1.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "A beginners guide for LINQ with C#""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 19-Dec-22 2:29
at Forum "Free Tools"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 30-Aug-22 2:40
at Article "Article "Codez Bank. A code snippet bank application""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 19-Jul-22 23:03
at Article "article "A Tiger Hash Implementation for C#""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 12-Jul-22 0:02
at Article "article "A Tiger Hash Implementation for C#""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 11-Jul-22 0:09
Score: 4.53 (6 votes).
at Article "article "A Tiger Hash Implementation for C#""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 4-Jul-22 1:07
at Article "tip/trick "DirTree: a simplified directory tree tool""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 31-May-22 7:07
at Article "article "Why we need to move from .NET 5.0 to .NET 6.0 ""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 31-May-22 6:58
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Code Style & Readability""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 19-Dec-21 23:46
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "Multiple face detection and recognition in real time""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 27-Sep-21 0:24
at Article "article "C# BAD PRACTICES: Learn how to make a good code by bad example – Part 2""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 23-Mar-21 1:44
at Article "article "Fast Conversions between Structures and Arrays""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 15-Feb-21 5:11
at Article "article "Tropical Tunes. Scratch Versus C#.""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 15-Feb-21 2:32
at Article "article "Tropical Tunes. Scratch Versus C#.""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 11-Jan-21 0:21
at Article "article "Using Multiple Return Values instead of Exceptions""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 4-Jan-21 3:36
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Article "article "Fun With State Machines: Incrementally Parsing Numbers Using Hacked Regex""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 4-Jan-21 2:07
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Article "article "Fun With State Machines: Incrementally Parsing Numbers Using Hacked Regex""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 28-Dec-20 0:33
at Article "tip/trick "Drawing a Tree""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 16-Dec-20 2:56
at Article "article "The Software Rewrite""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 16-Dec-20 2:39
at Article "article "The Software Rewrite""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 16-Dec-20 0:22
at Article "article "The Software Rewrite""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 23-Nov-20 0:16
Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Robust C++: Singletons""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 18-Nov-20 0:43
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 17-Nov-20 23:55
at Page "The Lounge"
by Andreas Saurwein
at 17-Nov-20 3:13
Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Article "article "How to write code to solve a problem, a beginners guide.""
by Andreas Saurwein
at 17-Nov-20 3:13
Score: 5.00 (3 votes).
at Article "article "How to write code to solve a problem, a beginners guide.""