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About CodeProject.AI

CodeProject was formed to allow developers to freely share their knowledge, code and ideas. We believe that by opening your code to others, by teaching those who are learning, and by sharing our daily experiences we all become better programmers.

We understand that no matter how advanced you are in your field, we were all beginners once. There's always something more to learn.


Chris Maunder

Chris is the Co-founder of the popular code-sharing site, the digital advertising agency and the content marketing agency ContentLab.IO.

He's been programming way too long and has been, in various guides, an astrophysicist, mechanic, mathematician, physicist, breeder of carnivorous plants, hydrologist, geomorphologist, defence intelligence researcher and then, when all that got a bit rough on the nerves, a serial entrepreneur.

Chris has programmed everything from FORTRAN on a CRAY to Python on a Pi, but generally leans on TypeScript, C#, Python and SQL for the front, middle and back bits of his applications. His current focus is on ensuring developers know enough about Artificial Intelligence to be dangerous.

Chris is currently neck deep building systems and integrations for CodeProject.AI Server.

David Cunningham

I started photo-etching circuit boards when I was 8, and at 11 was haunting the halls and computer science labs at the local university so much that I was invited by Professor Wayne Ayott to audit his software and hardware design courses.

Over my career I have used C# , C++, Win32, MFC, Assembler, Basic, and Clipper, on applications for the military, commercial ventures, medical research and the labour movement. Through my medical informatics work I came to know what real-time and mission-critical really mean...just try being part of the critical path when a woman goes into labor.

I have been honoured to receive many business, industry and leadership awards including being named an Exceptional Young Entrepreneur (Profit Magazine) and to the list of Who's Who in Canadian Business. The companies I started have been recognized as the Fastest Growing companies in Canada (Profit Magazine), as the Fastest Growing North American Technology Companies (Deloitte & Touche) and named as a Top 100 Innovator and Leader by SDTimes 6 years in a row.

Here's my professional profile on LinkedIn:

In 2007 Microsoft acquired technology from one of my companies, Dundas Data Visualization, for inclusion in SQL Server.

I live in Toronto and enjoy photography, scuba, food, and motorcycle riding.

Dev and Architect

Matthew Dennis

As Senior Architect, Matthew is responsible for the Architecture, Design, and Coding of the CodeProject software as well as Manager of the Infrastructure that runs the web site.

Matthew works on improving the performance and experience of the Code Project site for users, clients, and administrators.

Matthew has more years of software development, QA and architecture experience under his belt than he likes to admit. He graduated from the University of Waterloo with a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering. He started out developing micro-processor based hardware and software including compilers and operating systems.

His current focus is on .NET web development including jQuery, Webforms, MVC, AJAX, and patterns and practices for creating better websites. He is the author of the Munq IOC, the fastest ASP.NET focused IOC Container. His non-programming passions include golf, pool, curling, reading and building stuff for the house.

Editorial and Community

Sean Ewington

His background in programming is primarily C++ and HTML, but has experience in other, "unsavoury" languages.

He loves movies, and likes to say inconceivable often, even if it does not mean what he thinks it means.