In this tip, I am going to explain Recursive CTE in a very simplified way.
I hope you all know what is a CTE. A recursive CTE is basically a CTE that has reference to itself. This tip basically puts light on Recursive CTE and shows you how it is useful in to create an organization (like IT company) hieararical tree.
So let's explain what I mean by Recursive CTE with SQL code and explain with an example.
There are various scenarios where we want to show up hierarchical data (organization chart, org chart, or simply a tree).
Using the Code
I hope you have an idea of self join before I explain further how to implement a Recursive CTE. The steps are there in the code section below:
Create Table Emp
EmployeeId int Primary key,
Name nvarchar(20),
ManagerId int
Insert into Emp values (1, 'Tommy', 2)
Insert into Emp values (2, 'Gaurav', null)
Insert into Emp values (3, 'Micheal', 2)
Insert into Emp values (4, 'Johny', 3)
Insert into Emp values (5, 'Pam', 1)
Insert into Emp values (6, 'Marie', 3)
Insert into Emp values (7, 'James', 1)
Insert into Emp values (8, 'Alicia', 5)
Insert into Emp values (9, 'Simon', 1)
Select employee.Name as [EmployeeName],Coalesce(manager.Name,'Founder') as [ManagerName]
from Emp employee
Left Join Emp manager
ON employee.ManagerId= manager.EmployeeID

;WITH empCTEwithLevelheader (EmployeeID,Name,ManagerID,[Level])
SELECT EmployeeId,Name,ManagerId,1 FROM Emp WHERE ManagerId IS NULL
Select employee.EmployeeId,employee.Name,employee.ManagerId,empCTEwithLevelheader.[Level] + 1
from Emp employee
Join empCTEwithLevelheader
ON employee.ManagerId= empCTEwithLevelheader.EmployeeID
Select Employee.Name as [EmployeeName],ISNULL(manager.Name,'Founder') as [ManagerName],
Employee.[Level] from empCTEwithLevelheader employee
Left Join empCTEwithLevelheader manager
ON employee.ManagerId= manager.EmployeeID
Running the above CTE will get the desired output:

Thanks! That's it - I hope you will find it useful. Attached is the code snippet!