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Survey Results

Would you use an Apple computer as your main machine?   [Edit]

Survey period: 12 Nov 2007 to 18 Nov 2007

They use the same CPUs as a PC and come with better packaging. Would you use one as your daily box?

Not sure38818.54

GeneralCPU's/RAM/GPU Pin
skaterkid199021-Nov-07 5:56
skaterkid199021-Nov-07 5:56 
GeneralSame numbers as "Have you ever seen a real Mac?" Pin
Jeff Dickey19-Nov-07 22:45
Jeff Dickey19-Nov-07 22:45 
GeneralRe: Same numbers as "Have you ever seen a real Mac?" Pin
bob_b20-Nov-07 5:53
bob_b20-Nov-07 5:53 
GeneralRe: Same numbers as "Have you ever seen a real Mac?" Pin
Jeff Dickey21-Nov-07 2:02
Jeff Dickey21-Nov-07 2:02 
GeneralPoll results are not surprising Pin
bob_b19-Nov-07 13:26
bob_b19-Nov-07 13:26 
GeneralRe: Poll results are not surprising Pin
Eric P Schneider20-Nov-07 4:51
Eric P Schneider20-Nov-07 4:51 
GeneralTry everything once, except morris dancing! [modified] Pin
i386.com19-Nov-07 8:40
i386.com19-Nov-07 8:40 
GeneralI would if better graphic cards Pin
Stephane Routelous17-Nov-07 18:20
Stephane Routelous17-Nov-07 18:20 
GeneralRe: I would if better graphic cards Pin
Jon Rista18-Nov-07 12:58
Jon Rista18-Nov-07 12:58 
GeneralRe: I would if better graphic cards Pin
Stephane Routelous18-Nov-07 13:35
Stephane Routelous18-Nov-07 13:35 
GeneralWork with 1 graphic card and 1 motherboard only = STA{pple}BLE Computer + No viruses - $32029923! Pin
Palavos15-Nov-07 10:23
Palavos15-Nov-07 10:23 
GeneralRe: Work with 1 graphic card and 1 motherboard only = STA{pple}BLE Computer + No viruses - $32029923! Pin
thrakazog16-Nov-07 11:54
thrakazog16-Nov-07 11:54 
GeneralMaybe? Pin
balazs_hideghety15-Nov-07 4:20
balazs_hideghety15-Nov-07 4:20 
GeneralWhat about ... NEVER ... I would kill myself first! Pin
Paul Brower15-Nov-07 4:11
Paul Brower15-Nov-07 4:11 
JokeRe: What about ... NEVER ... I would kill myself first! Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar15-Nov-07 4:44
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar15-Nov-07 4:44 
GeneralRe: What about ... NEVER ... I would kill myself first! Pin
Russ Harding15-Nov-07 13:41
Russ Harding15-Nov-07 13:41 
GeneralI already switched, and it even surprised me [modified] Pin
Dana Holt15-Nov-07 4:01
Dana Holt15-Nov-07 4:01 
I have been using and developing software on PCs for a long time, ~20 years. I always build my own desktop PCs, and I went into this Apple thing expecting to not be impressed.

It all started about 4 months ago I was in need of a laptop. I ended up buying a 15" Macbook Pro (2.2GHz dual core, 2GB, 160GB). I figured I could just install Windows on it if I didn't like OS X.

Let me say I was impressed from the start. I turned the thing on, and all I had to do was enter my wireless security settings. This thing just works like you expect it to. It has a very solid build and lots of small touches that really add up. My old Dell Inspiron feeks like it was built out a Legos by a 3rd grader

After using the Macbook for a few months I really like it a lot. I am running Vista Ultimate in a VM using VMWare Fusion. The performance is very good, Vista running in the VM scores better on the CPU, memory, and hard drive tests than on my AMD dual core 4400+, 4GB, ASUS MB, and SATA 3.0 controller.

After such a great experience with the laptop I began looking into replacing my desktop (the AMD 4400+ mentioned above) that was running Vista Ultimate with a Mac Pro.

When I bought the laptop I got it new from Apple, but I wanted to save a little money on the Mac Pro. I ended up buying a open box Mac Pro from for about $700 less than a new one. It arrived in perfect condition.

My Mac Pro is a 2.66GHz Xeon quad core with 10GB RAM. Let me tell you it is really nice to be able to install 10GB (or 4GB for that matter) of RAM, and the OS can actually see and use it. I had lots of problems getting XP and Vista to see my 4GB even when the MB supported it.

I am runnig XP Pro using VMWare Fusion, and you can't even tell it's a VM. I run all the software I ran on my PC (SQL 2005, Visual Studio, Paint.NET, etc) with no problems and excellent performance. VMWare Fusion even puts Windows application windows right on your OS X desktop just lik native OS X apps. Very cool.

Also, OS X has been great. Neither the laptop or the desktop have ever crashed or thrown a single error in months of use. Windows even seems to run better in the VM than on real hardware. Might be somthing to do with the VMWare driver quality.

I upgraded to Leopard (OS X 10.5) about a week ago, and it is working fine so far.

Bottom line is that I was skeptical at first, but after actually using Apple hardware and OS X I am completely sold. Sure, I still need to develop software on Windows because that's where the money is, but I have found that for anything else I prefer to use OS X. It is much better than XP or Vista IMO.

If you are thinking about trying a Mac I say definitely give it a shot. Once you actually experience it there are tons of small touches that you just can't appreciate on a technical spec sheet. They are well worth the price.

Now I understand that what I like not everyone else will, but you will never know until you try it.

-- modified at 11:52 Thursday 15th November, 2007
GeneralRe: I already switched, and it even surprised me Pin
Eric P Schneider19-Nov-07 12:31
Eric P Schneider19-Nov-07 12:31 
GeneralRe: I already switched, and it even surprised me Pin
Dana Holt19-Nov-07 13:43
Dana Holt19-Nov-07 13:43 
GeneralBetter package, same cpu? Pin
Jon Rista14-Nov-07 19:52
Jon Rista14-Nov-07 19:52 
GeneralRe: Better package, same cpu? Pin
Jeffrey Schaefer14-Nov-07 20:25
Jeffrey Schaefer14-Nov-07 20:25 
GeneralRe: Better package, same cpu? Pin
Jon Rista15-Nov-07 10:33
Jon Rista15-Nov-07 10:33 
GeneralRe: Better package...PHOTOS of your setup?? Pin
Jon Rista15-Nov-07 10:36
Jon Rista15-Nov-07 10:36 
GeneralI answered No, because of the current status.... Pin
El Corazon14-Nov-07 3:59
El Corazon14-Nov-07 3:59 
GeneralI answered Yes, but.... Pin
AspDotNetDvlpr14-Nov-07 3:10
AspDotNetDvlpr14-Nov-07 3:10 

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