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Survey Results

Install creators: What do you use and what do you prefer?   [Edit]

Survey period: 5 Mar 2007 to 11 Mar 2007

What we use and what we prefer are often two different things. (Suggested by Bert)

Q1. Which installers do you use?

Ghost Installer292.91
Inno Setup22322.39
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System18118.17
Setup Factory292.91
Windows Installer XML (WiX) 11211.24
Visual Studio41741.87
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

Q2. Which installer do you recommend?

Ghost Installer191.91
Inno Setup17617.67
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System13513.55
Setup Factory161.61
Windows Installer XML (WiX) 747.43
Visual Studio19219.28

GeneralWhy does everyone overlook AI? Pin
Fred Johanns13-Mar-07 2:34
Fred Johanns13-Mar-07 2:34 
GeneralAnd has any one ever tried... Pin
Alberto Bar-Noy12-Mar-07 0:56
Alberto Bar-Noy12-Mar-07 0:56 
GeneralWhy not XCopy? Pin
Neeraj Saluja9-Mar-07 21:26
Neeraj Saluja9-Mar-07 21:26 
AnswerRe: Why not XCopy? Pin
loizzi10-Mar-07 21:04
loizzi10-Mar-07 21:04 
GeneralInstallAware Pin
Dana Holt9-Mar-07 5:45
Dana Holt9-Mar-07 5:45 
GeneralRe: InstallAware Pin
G-Man11-Mar-07 15:44
G-Man11-Mar-07 15:44 
GeneralClickonce Pin
Daniel Vaughan9-Mar-07 1:10
Daniel Vaughan9-Mar-07 1:10 
GeneralWould you recommend something you've not used? Pin
Roger Stoltz8-Mar-07 21:13
Roger Stoltz8-Mar-07 21:13 
GeneralWould the people who recommended InstallShield please step up? [modified] Pin
peterchen7-Mar-07 23:18
peterchen7-Mar-07 23:18 
GeneralRe: Would the people who recommended InstallShield please step up? Pin
Prakash Nadar8-Mar-07 0:42
Prakash Nadar8-Mar-07 0:42 
GeneralRe: Would the people who recommended InstallShield please step up? Pin
peterchen8-Mar-07 1:08
peterchen8-Mar-07 1:08 
GeneralRe: Would the people who recommended InstallShield please step up? Pin
Prakash Nadar8-Mar-07 4:48
Prakash Nadar8-Mar-07 4:48 
GeneralRe: Would the people who recommended InstallShield please step up? Pin
peterchen8-Mar-07 8:12
peterchen8-Mar-07 8:12 
GeneralRe: Would the people who recommended InstallShield please step up? Pin
kgdump11-Mar-07 1:56
kgdump11-Mar-07 1:56 
GeneralPantaray QSetup Installation Suite Pin
melmitts7077-Mar-07 15:10
melmitts7077-Mar-07 15:10 
GeneralYou've got to be kidding? Pin
Jim Crafton7-Mar-07 5:41
Jim Crafton7-Mar-07 5:41 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Nathan Holt at EMOM7-Mar-07 6:08
Nathan Holt at EMOM7-Mar-07 6:08 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Raj Lal7-Mar-07 15:04
professionalRaj Lal7-Mar-07 15:04 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe7-Mar-07 21:06
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe7-Mar-07 21:06 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Raj Lal8-Mar-07 7:02
professionalRaj Lal8-Mar-07 7:02 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
peterchen7-Mar-07 23:34
peterchen7-Mar-07 23:34 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Raj Lal8-Mar-07 6:59
professionalRaj Lal8-Mar-07 6:59 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe7-Mar-07 21:05
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe7-Mar-07 21:05 
GeneralRe: You've got to be kidding? Pin
Jim Crafton9-Mar-07 4:15
Jim Crafton9-Mar-07 4:15 
GeneralInno Setup Pin
reach2dpg7-Mar-07 3:44
reach2dpg7-Mar-07 3:44 

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