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Survey Results

Does your Boss or Manager actually have programming experience?   [Edit]

Survey period: 15 Dec 2003 to 21 Dec 2003

How many people have project managers/supervisors who actually have real programming experience versus a degree in management, business, or kissing you-know-what. (Sent in by Liobsynde)

Extensive programming experience29428.80
Intermediate programming experience21320.86
Very little programming experience28127.52
No programming experience23322.82

GeneralExperience? Well, Sorta... Pin
anonymous9919-Dec-03 7:53
anonymous9919-Dec-03 7:53 
GeneralRe: Experience? Well, Sorta... Pin
J. Dunlap19-Dec-03 11:57
J. Dunlap19-Dec-03 11:57 
GeneralThe worst is a mid-experienced boss Pin
Anonymous18-Dec-03 9:36
Anonymous18-Dec-03 9:36 
GeneralRe: The worst is a mid-experienced boss Pin
Ramanan.T18-Dec-03 22:00
Ramanan.T18-Dec-03 22:00 
GeneralRe: The worst is a mid-experienced boss Pin
Pedro J. Molina19-Dec-03 0:12
Pedro J. Molina19-Dec-03 0:12 
I also totally agree on this.
There is a Spanish saying about this: "La ignorancia es valiente."

Translation more or less literal: "Ignorance is brave."

Pedro J. Molina

GeneralRe: The worst is a mid-experienced boss Pin
Colin Angus Mackay19-Dec-03 15:24
Colin Angus Mackay19-Dec-03 15:24 
GeneralRe: The worst is a mid-experienced boss Pin
Muhammad Rizwan Moiz Chishti3-Apr-04 18:00
Muhammad Rizwan Moiz Chishti3-Apr-04 18:00 
GeneralExperience should not be required Pin
Dacobra17-Dec-03 10:46
Dacobra17-Dec-03 10:46 
GeneralRe: Experience should not be required Pin
jhwurmbach17-Dec-03 23:13
jhwurmbach17-Dec-03 23:13 
GeneralNot necessary that a Boss or Manager should have extensive programming experience Pin
17-Dec-03 0:58
suss17-Dec-03 0:58 
GeneralRe: Not necessary that a Boss or Manager should have extensive programming experience Pin
FruitBatInShades17-Dec-03 4:33
FruitBatInShades17-Dec-03 4:33 
GeneralRe: Not necessary that a Boss or Manager should have extensive programming experience Pin
Tibor Blazko17-Dec-03 19:41
Tibor Blazko17-Dec-03 19:41 
GeneralRe: Not necessary that a Boss or Manager should have extensive programming experience Pin
jhwurmbach17-Dec-03 23:16
jhwurmbach17-Dec-03 23:16 
GeneralZero programming experience Pin
Bamaco216-Dec-03 23:22
Bamaco216-Dec-03 23:22 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Adrian Edmonds17-Dec-03 1:07
Adrian Edmonds17-Dec-03 1:07 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Anonymous17-Dec-03 7:41
Anonymous17-Dec-03 7:41 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Bamaco217-Dec-03 8:45
Bamaco217-Dec-03 8:45 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Florin Crişan18-Dec-03 17:38
Florin Crişan18-Dec-03 17:38 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Bamaco219-Dec-03 2:46
Bamaco219-Dec-03 2:46 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Florin Crişan19-Dec-03 17:30
Florin Crişan19-Dec-03 17:30 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
John R. Shaw19-Dec-03 11:32
John R. Shaw19-Dec-03 11:32 
GeneralRe: Zero programming experience Pin
Bamaco220-Dec-03 8:46
Bamaco220-Dec-03 8:46 
GeneralExtensive, but somewhat dated Pin
Gary R. Wheeler16-Dec-03 12:23
Gary R. Wheeler16-Dec-03 12:23 
GeneralA good mix Pin
Navin16-Dec-03 10:30
Navin16-Dec-03 10:30 
GeneralNegative programming experience? Pin
John Fisher16-Dec-03 4:33
John Fisher16-Dec-03 4:33 

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