In other words, someone who will pitch in and help get the job done. They don't just sit on their small piece of the work, shout "Finished!", and sit on their lazy ass while the rest of the group is humping over a problem.
Software Zen: delete this;
Gary Wheeler wrote: and sit on their lazy ass while the rest of the group
I was just trying to stay out of the way.
I haven't had this problem often, but when it does it's really infuriating. The worst case was a hardware engineer working with me on a custom modification for a customer. He refused to help me debug the driver for his hardware, essentially pointing at his logic analyzer saying "there it is; it works". Bastard.
Software Zen: delete this;
I had this happen when creating an API.
The caller of the API had a bug in his software but thought I should fix it because he was calling my API.
plus don't eat smelly food at your desk.
Keep your friends close. Keep Kill your enemies closer.
The End
pass on the "hide bodies"
If they help me, then they will expect me to help them at some point. No thanks.
I see what you did there.
ronlease wrote: I see what you did there.
Where? Where? I don't seeing anything there!
Latest Article - A Concise Overview of Threads
Learning to code with python is like learning to swim with those little arm floaties. It gives you undeserved confidence and will eventually drown you. - DangerBunny
Artificial intelligence is the only remedy for natural stupidity. - CDP1802
Cant ewe sea wear their at?
Written and verbal communication is key in any organization.
I've worked with developers who had their head so deep in code that they could barely string together a sentence when talking.
If the work planned approaches the time available, then it becomes harder to parse verbal requests and respond within the time grace period.
Else if not coffee yet you need goto away.
Honestly, sometimes our job is crazy as hell... If you lack a good sense of humor, you can't stand that
What I need in the team is someone who is not scared from a development environment. Someone who can use it with keyboard shortcuts and no mouse-traveller right-clicking a piece of code and choosing "copy".
Navigating with Ctrl+Cursor keys, switching tabs, closing tabs, formating code.. all that does not require a mouse.
At work I use a steelseries gaming keyboard with dozens of macros and snippets stored.
I want someone as crazy as me , who has the "geek++" factor
He/she must have respect for what he is doing, take the responsibility and the most most most important thing is:
If something goes wrong, and the first question is "who has done this"? Then he/she is out.
The first question HAS TO BE "Ok, how and how fast can we repair it?"
When everything is up and running again, we have plenty time to find someone to point our finger at.
In a good working team, this is never necessary. We find what was wrong and go in a discussion (or some advices/training sessions) of how to avoid that in the future.
Finger-pointing-teams are nothing I want to work with (hard to call such groups even a "team" tbh).
Sometimes you gotta make some fresh work for the grave-diggers, having a coworker that will help you hide the evidence is golden.
GCS d-- s-/++ a- C++++ U+++ P- L+@ E-- W++ N+ o+ K- w+++ O? M-- V? PS+ PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5? X R+++ tv-- b+(+++) DI+++ D++ G e++ h--- ++>+++ y+++* Weapons extension: ma- k++ F+2 X
Definitely somebody who can cooperate to hide those that must be unseen.
Big B00bies?
Sent from my Amstrad PC 1640
Never throw anything away, Griff
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Vivic wrote: Big B00bies? There's a better chance that they'll be male ones rather than female ones.
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
I actually laughed out loud at this one
Be careful what you wish for and all that, eh?
"We have already been through this, I am not going to repeat myself." - fat_boy, in a global warming thread
Reminded me of Hangover 3's mid credit scene
No - he likes big boobies. As a matter of fact, so do I.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010 ----- You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010 ----- When you pry the gun from my cold dead hands, be careful - the barrel will be very hot. - JSOP, 2013
Yeah, so do I. What's your point?
Thank you for reminding me why to always tuck them neatly away under several layers of cloth in office - I would absolutely hate to distract my co-workers from fulfilling all the options above