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Survey Results

How do you deal with Internal and External expectations?

Survey period: 4 Jan 2016 to 11 Jan 2016

Let's see how developers fare: A bit of fun based on a quiz by Gretchen Rubin.

I'm an Upholder: I work to complete (or uphold) expectations set for me and that I set for myself.25127.98
I'm a Questioner: I question all expectations and will only meet an expectation if it makes sense.42046.82
I'm a Rebel: I don't like to do what I'm told and I prefer to break rules.758.36
I'm an Obliger: I meet expectations set by others but often fail to meet my own expectations.15116.83

GeneralWhen I grow up, I want to be a Wally Pin
ones and zeros8-Jan-16 0:10
professionalones and zeros8-Jan-16 0:10 
GeneralQuestioner Pin
Camilo Reyes6-Jan-16 11:32
professionalCamilo Reyes6-Jan-16 11:32 
GeneralMissing an option? PinPopular
Peter Mulholland5-Jan-16 2:07
Peter Mulholland5-Jan-16 2:07 
GeneralRe: Missing an option? Pin
Dholakiya Ankit8-Jan-16 20:18
Dholakiya Ankit8-Jan-16 20:18 
GeneralDidn't know that... Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter5-Jan-16 0:00
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter5-Jan-16 0:00 
GeneralBut I am also an Obliger Pin
Simon_Whale4-Jan-16 23:58
Simon_Whale4-Jan-16 23:58 
GeneralRe: But I am also an Obliger Pin
KarstenK5-Jan-16 1:44
mveKarstenK5-Jan-16 1:44 
GeneralRe: But I am also an Obliger Pin
Simon_Whale5-Jan-16 1:44
Simon_Whale5-Jan-16 1:44 
GeneralFive Easy Points Wasted Pin
W Balboos, GHB4-Jan-16 7:58
W Balboos, GHB4-Jan-16 7:58 
GeneralA Rebel Pin
Wastedtalent4-Jan-16 5:33
professionalWastedtalent4-Jan-16 5:33 
GeneralMay the force be with me Pin
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan4-Jan-16 4:53
professionalAfzaal Ahmad Zeeshan4-Jan-16 4:53 
GeneralI already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Nicolas Dorier4-Jan-16 4:34
professionalNicolas Dorier4-Jan-16 4:34 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
r_hyde4-Jan-16 11:56
r_hyde4-Jan-16 11:56 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Nicolas Dorier4-Jan-16 16:16
professionalNicolas Dorier4-Jan-16 16:16 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
r_hyde4-Jan-16 18:36
r_hyde4-Jan-16 18:36 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
mintxelas5-Jan-16 1:33
mintxelas5-Jan-16 1:33 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Rob Grainger5-Jan-16 3:25
Rob Grainger5-Jan-16 3:25 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Nicolas Dorier7-Jan-16 1:22
professionalNicolas Dorier7-Jan-16 1:22 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Rob Grainger7-Jan-16 4:27
Rob Grainger7-Jan-16 4:27 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Camilo Reyes7-Jan-16 11:42
professionalCamilo Reyes7-Jan-16 11:42 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Nicolas Dorier9-Jan-16 0:10
professionalNicolas Dorier9-Jan-16 0:10 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Camilo Reyes9-Jan-16 7:53
professionalCamilo Reyes9-Jan-16 7:53 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Camilo Reyes6-Jan-16 11:46
professionalCamilo Reyes6-Jan-16 11:46 
GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Nicolas Dorier7-Jan-16 1:27
professionalNicolas Dorier7-Jan-16 1:27 
[quote] I don't see any value in the mocked ones UNLESS the integration tests are really very very slow[/quote]
The goal is to achieve high ratio of Coverage/Test lines.
If the test is too slow, then you can often break it down in several small test or using a mock for a part you don't care for this specific test.

In my recent projects, I used heavily azure storage. The whole difficulty of the code was to design azure table right, and having good RowKey and PartitionKey. By mocking it I would have just skipped the most difficult part of the project.
And there is NO DOWNSIDE to just use the real deal in the tests. As long as the test is fast and repeatable, what is the problem ?

GeneralRe: I already lost a customer for being questioner Pin
Nicolas Dorier7-Jan-16 1:14
professionalNicolas Dorier7-Jan-16 1:14 

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