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Windows 'Longhorn' Update

Source: Microsoft     Posted by Chris Maunder    Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:00pm    
Windows 'Longhorn' Update

Microsoft is today making three announcements regarding Longhorn:

  1. Microsoft is reaffirming their commitment for broad availability of the Windows "Longhorn" Client in 2006.
  2. Microsoft plans to make elements of Longhorn's WinFX programming model available for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. This will enable developers to write WinFX applications that run on hundreds of millions of PCs and offer these next generation of applications sooner. Specifically, Microsoft plans to deliver the "Avalon" and "Indigo" pillars of Longhorn's WinFX programming model for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
  3. Microsoft originally planned to ship a new data storage system codenamed "WinFS" when they released the Longhorn Client. In order to deliver Longhorn's innovations to customers as quickly as possible, they now intend to deliver WinFS after the initial availability of Longhorn client. Microsoft continue to be committed to WinFS. It is expected to beta when the Longhorn client is broadly available. The Windows "Longhorn" Server Operating System continues to be expected to be available in 2007.

Why were these changes made?

Microsoft listened carefully to customers over the past year and prioritized Windows XP SP2 security enhancements over other efforts. This has resulted in good things for their customers. They have also listened to customers' views on Longhorn and have heard they want improved user productivity, easier deployment, increased reliability, enhanced security as well as the many innovations Microsoft has been working on. Microsoft have had to make some tradeoffs to deliver the features corporate customers, consumers and OEMS are asking for in a reasonable timeframe. The announcements Microsoft are making today are based on this feedback.

The key thing for one Microsoft insider is that they will now be able to target WinFX on existing operating systems rather than wait until there's enough Longhorn machines out there.

This is a Good Thing.

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