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CodeProject is 5 years old!

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:00pm    
CodeProject is 5 years old!

We're 5 years old and still going strong. Chris Maunder and David Cunningham, along with Bianca, Patricia, Nish, Smitha, Paul, Clinton and Helen would like to say Thank You for your support, your patience, your help, your dedication to helping your fellow programmer and above all for being an amazing example of what a true community can achieve.

We've definitely had our ups and downs over the last year. Trying to balance growth with performance with resources with the frailities of being human with the ever changing needs of the developers who use our little pile of articles has been a task. But it's been, and continues to be, fun; and with our team growing quickly we're looking forward to a year where we can bring to life many of the ideas we've had brewing in our scattered heads for years.

The regulars here have enjoyed the fun times, have helped work through the trickier times and have been patient beyond belief through some painful times. I cannot thank you all enough for being so supportive and so understanding.

The CodeProject community is one of the best examples on the net of what a true online community should be. The level of respect shown to your fellow members, the firm but gentle shepherding of new members, and the support and encouragement of those looking to give back to the community is truly unique.

From the entire CodeProject Team: Thank you.

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