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News for Monday, March 13 2006

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Monday, March 13, 2006 8:00am    
News for Monday, March 13 2006

Industry News

T-Mobile, Cingular pull Razr due to glitch

Some of the uber-sexy Razr cell-phone are prone to dropping calls and restarting without good cause. Replacement phones are waiting, and Motorola is working on a fix. (Read More)
Source: ComputerWorld

PIN Scandal "Worst Hack Ever;" Citibank Only The Start

Criminals wielding counterfeit debit cards and stolen PINs are rampaging across bank accounts across the US. (Read More)
Source: TechWeb

McAfee update exterminates Excel

An error in McAfee's virus definition file released Friday morning caused the company's consumer and enterprise antivirus products to flag Microsoft's Excel, as well as other applications on users' PCs, as a virus called W95/CTX. (Read More)
Source: MSN

Google Stock Sinks Lower as Doubts Linger

Google Inc.'s shares fell to their lowest levels in 4-1/2 months on Friday as analysts bemoaned recent communication miscues and its refusal to be more open about its finances. Do no evil, say no evil? (Read More)
Source: eWeek

Developer News

Ditch the plasma and dump the LCD, here comes the SED

Your next television set or monitor could be powered by new surface-conduction electron-emitter display technology from Toshiba and Canon. Will it make the plots any brighter? (Read More)
Source: The Age

March CTP of Expression Interactive Designer Available

The latest pre-release version of Expression Interactive Designer (nee Sparkle) is now available. You will have to have the February CTP of WinFx installed to use it, however. (Read More)
Source: Microsoft

Oracle unleashes Raptor

Oracle Corp. is due to make its SQL Developer tool generally available Monday. Formerly known as Project Raptor, the free software will be Oracle's first visual database development tool. (Read More)
Source: ComputerWorld

Hot Threads

Google Mars Map

Great resource for your next drive on the red planet. (Read More)
Source: The Code Project

Run a laptop for 9 hours before recharging

Fuel cells aren't just for cars and buses now, soon they'll be powering your laptops. (Read More)
Source: The Code Project

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