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Using Skins Without MFC

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17 Jul 2001 1  
A Simple Skinning Library

Sample Image - SkinStyle.jpg


SkinStyle is a picture based skin system written in Visual C++/Win32 and loosely based on Cuneyt Elibol's MFC/SkinSys. The major difference is SkinStyle is written without any MFC. Much of the functionality found in SkinSys is not found in this version of SkinStyle.


  • SkinStyle Source
  • A Simple Example

Download Directories

Once you download and extract the files, you'll see several new folders. Here is what each are used for.

  • Root : The SkinStyle Code
  • SkinTest : An Example Project And Skin


Create a class that inherits from SkinDialog

class KSkinTest : public SkinDialog
	// here we are overriding the OnKeyDown member of SkinDialog

	// so the app will exit on ESC

	virtual void OnKeyDown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
		if ( wParam == VK_ESCAPE )
			::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
	// we also override the OnButtonPressed member of SkinDialog

	// to catch the user pushing one of the buttons

	virtual BOOL OnButtonPressed(char *ButtonName);


Now lets look at how to handle buttons being pressed...


// This member function is called with the name of the button being pressed


BOOL KSkinTest::OnButtonPressed(char *ButtonName)
	if(strcmp(ButtonName, "BUTTON_EXIT") == 0)
		::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

	else if(strcmp(ButtonName, "BUTTON_MINIMIZE") == 0)
		::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE);

	else if(strcmp(ButtonName, "YOUR_DEFINED_BUTTON") == 0)

		// Do Something...


	return FALSE;

Once you have defined your new dialog class it can be used in WinMain like this

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmd, int nShow)
	KSkinTest win;

	HWND hParent;

	// GetFile is a user defined function that returns a file with the full path...

	char *SkinFile = GetFile(NULL);

	if(SkinFile[0] == 0) 
		return 0;

	// here we create the dialog

	hParent = win.CreateEx("SkinTest", 	// Text in caption

				CW_USEDEFAULT, 	// x coord

				CW_USEDEFAULT, 	// y coord

				hInst, 		// HINSTANCE

				SkinFile);	// full path of skin file

	win.SetSticky(true);	// make the dialog sticky

	win.ShowWindow(nShow);	// Show the new dialog

	win.UpdateWindow();	// Update it

	return win.MessageLoop();	// Enter the message loop


Skin file format

A Skin file consists of three parts (more to come later)

  • [SCREEN] : This section contains the image files to display
    • Mask : This specifies the mask image for the dialog
    • Main : This specifies the main image for the dialog
    • Down : This specifies the image displayed when a widget is pressed
    • Over : This specifies the image displayed when the mouse is over a sensitive widget
    • Disabled : This specifies the image displayed when the dialog is inactive

  • [BUTTONINFO] : This section contains a numbered list of buttons to display
    • #=BUTTON_NAME,x,y,width,height,TOOL_TIP,FALSE

  • [TEXTINFO] : This section contains a numbered list of labels to display

For example:


2=BUTTON_BABEL,12,425,43,19,Babel Preferences,FALSE
4=BUTTON_STATUS,119,425,25,19,User Status,FALSE

1=TEXT_STATUS,Courier New,FALSE,TRUE,-8,3496550,136,424,64,6,Offline,User Status


At this stage I am unable to reload skins at run time? This is apparent in the sample app.

Additional Notes

This is by no means a finished product! This is my first attempt at writing a terribly complicated Win32 application library. I wanted something similar to SkinSys in functionality but without the overhead of MFC. There will be bugs and errors! I hope that you find this code useful. If you have any improvements/suggestions, comments/flames, or questions please e-mail me or post here.


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