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SuggestionAsk a question failure Pin
PJ Arends30-May-24 22:33
professionalPJ Arends30-May-24 22:33 
GeneralRe: Ask a question failure Pin
Chris Maunder31-May-24 8:43
cofounderChris Maunder31-May-24 8:43 
SuggestionMessed-up Account Pin
coder5627-May-24 0:19
coder5627-May-24 0:19 
GeneralRe: Messed-up Account Pin
RedDk27-May-24 10:48
RedDk27-May-24 10:48 
GeneralRe: Messed-up Account Pin
Chris Maunder3-Jun-24 9:21
cofounderChris Maunder3-Jun-24 9:21 
GeneralRe: Messed-up Account Pin
Chris Maunder3-Jun-24 9:24
cofounderChris Maunder3-Jun-24 9:24 
GeneralRe: Messed-up Account Pin
coder583-Jun-24 21:52
coder583-Jun-24 21:52 
GeneralMinor optic issue Pin
Nelek25-May-24 1:47
protectorNelek25-May-24 1:47 
I do not even consider it a bug, and probably only a small group of people will have noticed it (if someone did notice it before me Wink | ;) )

Spam account just created with minimum amount of rep points:

Spam account with no points:

As the reputation counters are not there because the second user has no points at all, the layout of the whole profile page gets 20-25% thiner than usually.

Kind of logic behaviour for me, but I think it would be nicer if all 5 counters were visible with "0" points and the format of the page looked as usual.
I just realized that the orange rectangle enclosing the total reputation points below the profile picture is missing in the second profile too
M.D.V. Wink | ;)

If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
Help me to understand what I'm saying, and I'll explain it better to you
Rating helpful answers is nice, but saying thanks can be even nicer.

GeneralRe: Minor optic issue Pin
Chris Maunder3-Jun-24 9:26
cofounderChris Maunder3-Jun-24 9:26 
SuggestionThis repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor21-May-24 0:24
Jovibor21-May-24 0:24 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-May-24 11:52
mveDave Kreskowiak24-May-24 11:52 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor24-May-24 12:53
Jovibor24-May-24 12:53 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-May-24 14:23
mveDave Kreskowiak24-May-24 14:23 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor24-May-24 14:33
Jovibor24-May-24 14:33 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-May-24 14:41
mveDave Kreskowiak24-May-24 14:41 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor24-May-24 14:51
Jovibor24-May-24 14:51 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Nelek24-May-24 22:30
protectorNelek24-May-24 22:30 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor24-May-24 22:51
Jovibor24-May-24 22:51 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Nelek25-May-24 0:31
protectorNelek25-May-24 0:31 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor25-May-24 0:40
Jovibor25-May-24 0:40 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak25-May-24 4:58
mveDave Kreskowiak25-May-24 4:58 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Jovibor25-May-24 12:36
Jovibor25-May-24 12:36 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak25-May-24 14:06
mveDave Kreskowiak25-May-24 14:06 
GeneralRe: This repository doesn't appear to have a Readme to import. Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-May-24 21:25
mveRichard MacCutchan25-May-24 21:25 
QuestionChanging the site name? Pin
Richard Deeming12-May-24 23:11
mveRichard Deeming12-May-24 23:11 

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