Thank you for your input.
I will ask then also for a semi permalink link/icon
Then we should also add a semipermarandom link icon, just to mix it up a bit.
"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
"I don't drink any more... then again, I don't drink any less." - Mike Mullikins uncle
I tried to make an offline copy of .NET – 5 Free Decompilers[^].
The figures in section 2 ("Test application") print. Those in the following sections do not. Behavior is the same in Firefox and Edge. (When two separate browser implementations fail, I am not searching for any third one!)
This is not a new problem, but I cannot remember who should do the tricks to have all figures printed - me? The article author? The CP maintainers?
Definitely a bug, but there is a workaround.
The problem is that we lazy load images, so if you just open the article and select Print, the image don't exist.
The workaround is to scroll to the bottom of the page so that all the images are loaded and rendered.
Then select Print and all should be good.
"Mistakes are prevented by Experience. Experience is gained by making mistakes."
Thanks a lot - workaround works fine.
I'll keep it short on the advice of my psychiatrist. No real reason just that there's currently no remarkably disassembling emotional nexus in the others.
To throw at someone or to represent the state of your laptop after you installed the latest OS upgrade?
Chris Maunder
2 upvotes for article were ignored today:
It should show 15 upvotes today but still shows 13 as yesterday.
C# MVVM Toolkit Demo[^]
19 May 2022 Updated: 27 Feb 2023 Rating: 5.00/5 Votes: 13 Popularity: 5.57
Licence: CPOL Views: 19,922 Bookmarked: 45 Downloaded: 1,899
One is still in Reputation list, the other disappeared after some hours - what a mess!
Reputation History for Jo_vb.net
Page 1 of 131 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10First · Prev · Next · Last
Date Points Event Item
9-Mar-23 9:24PM 10 Author Article Upvoted Article C# MVVM Toolkit Demo
Jo_vb.net wrote: the other disappeared after some hours - what a mess! Upvotes can be casted back / undone... maybe the user thought it twice?
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
Help me to understand what I'm saying, and I'll explain it better to you
Rating helpful answers is nice, but saying thanks can be even nicer.
Perhaps - but at least it should have count one from 13 to 14 upvotes.
I have had votes cast twice, ie recast the same vote, by users before, and an old vote was brought forward. Go back through the reputation log and count all votes for the article, I think that you will find the same. If not, post a list of all the votes so that the CP peeps can see them all.
"I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks one time, but I fear the man that has practiced one kick ten thousand times!" - Bruce Lee
Due to the way Reputation Points are recorded, there are occasional errors in the calculations.
As a result of this, we run a background task that recalculates the reputation points, so the number of points may change.
"Mistakes are prevented by Experience. Experience is gained by making mistakes."
Or might I address it Dear Hampsters, I got this massage squeezing every shilling of strength I had left in my left hand after downloading the cooresponding cp webpage to the code:
/KB/game/LPSokoban/src.zip appears to be missing on our servers. D'oh. I see here https://www.codeproject.com/KB/game/LPSokoban/src.zip[^] in my URL view so I'm supposing there's some truth in the titleing of the article ... Puzzles ... etc ,,, etc ...[^] I thinked I'd get some insight into what exactly a sudoku was by inspecting the guts of the zip. Since I can't seem to trick the "Browse Code" treeview into coughing up anything other than a "Windows cannot open the folder ... blahblahblah ... {X} is invalid." perhaps you could make it so that no cp member ever again has to go through such a skewering by either removing the false hope of downloading sneakily through a context click without the authors knowledge (sp?) or finding the package missing on the server and unmiss it.
Thankibus muchibus.
Is there also a short more straight forward version?
"Missing the download: URL"?
But it lacks the dramatic flair.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Seems like it was the author's intent to remove the article. I have deleted it.
Sean Ewington
Message Removed
modified 6-Mar-23 16:21pm.
I feel like I'm being harassed by the people who work at CP. I used your github article submission tool to import my standard markdown code tutorials and libraries. The automatic tool is filled with many bugs.
Just to name a few
1. Image download and display issues and caching on your side. Probably being blocked by too many requests to github.
2. Encoding Issues of markdown to html on your side.
3. Missing markdown of things like table display.
4. Erasing of project thumbnails after import.
5. wysiwyg editor is full of display issues, I literally have to edit as plain text, just to get things to work properly.
6. Syntax highlighter is malfunctioning in pre code tags, keeps trying to color syntax with spans incorrectly
7. Incorrect widths for images, max-widths mixed with height and width and px mixed with percentage.
As of the harassment... The editors there, think its necessary to update automatic imported code. This logic is kinda silly in the sense that every time someone makes a change to their github repo, that the editors need to make typo changes. On big projects that have lots of updates seems counter intuitive. Before making changes, maybe they should get the markdown parser working correctly. Maybe you should have an option to pull only one time, not on every update, and let the updating be managed by the author. Also the import wizard automatically pulls from the readme.md file in the repo. Most people don't build articles out of a readme.
I have deleted my new articles. It has been a complete waste of time. I'm frustrated enough to delete my whole account.
I use to work for you briefly in the past. I took time off from this site and stopped posting here, because of bugs.
Thanks for your time.
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Hey Adam,
I would have loved to be able to work through each of these issues in turn to get it all sorted out. I've made changes to the way we handle the GitHub generated HTML and provided a page that allows you to test how it all goes so you can either work around issues your end or yell at us with specific examples we can debug against our end.
I'm also happy to talk about our editors diving in constantly to help editing typos but I can't help with markdown tables because we use the HTML that GitHub sends us based on the README file.
There's tons of things that can be added to this system but I'd prefer to focus on things like the WYSIWYG issues you mentioned. It's a very simple system to provide a very simple and limited solution. The more people who use it, and help us iron out the niggles and help us work through what's important and what's nice, the more able we are to dedicate resources to it.
Chris Maunder
It would be very convenient if I could number the equations with a \label{eq:Transport} in latex and do \eqref{eq:Transport} in the text. Is it possible?
It's not an automatic thing, but he's been added as a Trusted Author and gets the VIP pass.
Chris Maunder