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I'm trying to search a regular expression
and, if it matches, find whether the value of that pattern exists inside any tag of the form "<sec id="sec123">" in a file. If it does, I want to replace it with
. I think it can be done with the MatchEvaluator function, but I can't figure out how to apply it.

I'm new to VB.NET (and programming in general) and really don't know what to do. This is what I've tried so far:

sample input:
<sec id="sec1">
<p>"You fig. 23 did?" I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec12">section 12</a> asked, surprised.</p>
<p>"There are always better terms <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec6">section 6</a>, Richard!" my mom said sharply.</p>
<p>I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec2">section 2</a> stood. I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec2">section 2</a> had to hurry if I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec1">section 1</a> was going to get to work on time.
<fig id="fig4">
<caption><p>I'm confused</p></caption>
<p>Turning to face her, I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec2">section 2</a> walked backward. "I"ve seriously got to get ready. Why don"t we get together for lunch and talk more then?"</p>
<sec id="sec2">
<p>"You fig. 23 can"t be""</p>
<p>I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec4">section 4</a> adored the Art Deco elegance of the Chrysler Building. I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec2">section 2</a> could pinpoint my place on the island in relation to the posit table 9ion of the Empire State Building.</p>
<p>I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec1">section 1</a> felt Gideon before I <xref ref-type="section" rid="sec1">section 1</a> saw him, my entire body humming wit table 9h awareness as he stepped out of the Bentley, which had pulled up behind the Benz.</p>

I want the program to find all rid="secX" elements in the file and check whether that "secX" element is present inside any of the expressions <sec id="secX"> in the entire file and if there is a mismatch, then the <xref ref-type="section" rid="secX">section X</a> will be removed to section X and this will go on until there is no <b>rid="secX"</b>
expression is left to check

What I have tried:

Dim pattern As String="(?<=rid=\"sec)(\\d+)(?=\">)"
Dim r As Regex = New Regex(pattern)
Dim m As Match = r.Match(input)
If (m.Success) Then
    Dim x As String=" id=""sec"+ pattern +""""
    Dim r2 As Regex = New Regex(x)
    Dim m2 As Match = r2.Match(input)
    If (m2.Success) Then
        Dim tgPat AsString="<xref ref-type="section" rid=""sec + pattern +"">(\w+) (\d+)</a>"
        Dim tgRep As String= "$1 $2"
        Dim tgReg As New Regex(tgPat)
        Dim result1 As String = tgReg.Replace(input, tgRep)
Updated 19-Aug-16 5:54am
Patrice T 18-Aug-16 13:12pm    
You should show what is the text you try to match and the pattern you use to replace.
Use Improve question to update your question.
Member 12692000 19-Aug-16 11:20am    
I've updated my question, hopefully I made the requirements of the program much clearer now...

Something like this should work:
Dim xref As New Regex("<xref[^>]+rid=""(?<id>sec\d+)""[^>]*>(?<content>[^<]+)</xref>")

Dim result As String = xref.Replace(input, Function(match)
    Dim sec As New Regex(" id=""" & match.Groups("id").Value & """")
    Return If(sec.IsMatch(input), match.Value, match.Groups("content").Value)
End Function)

However, you should double-check your input. It almost looks like HTML, except you have an opening <xref> tag closed with an </a> tag, which doesn't match.

If the input is HTML, you might have better luck using an HTML parser like AngleSharp to parse and modify the document.

Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference[^]
AngleSharp - Home[^]
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Member 12692000 19-Aug-16 12:44pm    
@Richard Could you please explain your code in a bit detail? I'm new to coding, so it will be much easier for me to understand what the process is actually doing and btw, the closing tag will be "</xref>" and not "</a>", my bad
Richard Deeming 19-Aug-16 12:52pm    
1) Create a regular expression to find all <xref> tags with a rid attribute containing sec followed by some numbers. Capture the rid attribute value and the content of the tag.

2) Replace the matches using a match evaluator function:

2a) Create a regular expression to find an id attribute with the same content as the matched rid attribute;

2b) If the entire input contains a match for that expression, return the outer <xref> match unchanged;

2c) Otherwise, the rid points to a section that doesn't exist, so return the content of the <xref> tag;

The MSDN documentation[^] explains how the match evaluator works.
Member 12692000 20-Aug-16 10:48am    
I have updated my full code according to your method, but it's not working, maybe I've made some stupid mistakes in the coding as I'm just a beginner, can you help me out

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
TextBox1.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim targetDirectory As String
targetDirectory = TextBox1.Text
Dim txtFilesArray As String() = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.txt")
For Each txtFile In txtFilesArray
Dim FileInfo As New FileInfo(txtFile)
Dim FileLocation As String = FileInfo.FullName
Dim input As String = File.ReadAllText(FileLocation)
Dim pattern As String = "(?<=rid=\""sec)(\d+)(?=\"">)"
Dim r As Regex = New Regex(pattern)
Dim m As Match = r.Match(input)
Dim xref As New Regex("<xref[^>]+rid=""(?<id>sec\d+)""[^>]*>(?<content>[^<]+)")
Dim result As String = xref.Replace(input, Function(match)
Dim sec As New Regex(" id=""" & m.Groups("id").Value & """")
Return If(sec.IsMatch(input), match.Value, match.Groups("content").Value)
End Function)
input = result
File.WriteAllText(FileLocation, input)
MessageBox.Show("Process complete")
End Sub
End Class
Richard Deeming 20-Aug-16 11:01am    
Well, you can simplify the code a bit:

Dim targetDirectory As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim txtFilesArray As String() = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.txt")
For Each txtFile In txtFilesArray
   Dim input As String = File.ReadAllText(txtFile)
   Dim xref As New Regex("<xref[^>]+rid=""(?<id>sec\d+)""[^>]*>(?<content>[^<]+)</xref>")
   Dim result As String = xref.Replace(input, Function(match)
      Dim sec As New Regex(" id=""" & match.Groups("id").Value & """")
      Return If(sec.IsMatch(input), match.Value, match.Groups("content").Value)
   End Function)
   File.WriteAllText(txtFile, result)

You also missed the closing </xref> tag in the regular expression.

All I can tell you is that the code I posted worked on the sample input you provided. If it's not working on the files you're using, then they're not the same format as the sample input.
Member 12692000 20-Aug-16 12:22pm    
Well I'm getting an error

Error BC30518 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Replace' can be called with these arguments:
'Public Overloads Function Replace(input As String, replacement As String) As String': Lambda expression cannot be converted to 'String' because 'String' is not a delegate type.
'Public Overloads Function Replace(input As String, evaluator As MatchEvaluator) As String': 'm' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

<pre lang="vb">Dim targetDirectory As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim txtFilesArray As String() = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.txt")
For Each txtFile In txtFilesArray
Dim input As String = File.ReadAllText(txtFile)
Dim xref As New Regex("<xref[^>]+rid=""(?<id>sec\d+)""[^>]*>(?<content>[^<]+)")
Dim result As String = xref.Replace(input, Function(match)
Dim sec As New Regex(" id=""" & match.Groups("id").Value & """")
Return If(sec.IsMatch(input), match.Value, match.Groups("content").Value)
End Function)
File.WriteAllText(txtFile, result)
RegEx cascading the way you do is a bad idea; It is inefficient and error prone.
If there is match on third RegEx, it imply there was a match on second RegEx which imply there was a match on first RegEx. Make it 1 RegEx.

Bug: you 3 pattern are using 3 different conventions of writing, at least 2 are wrong.
You should show:
- an example of text you want to match, not something which contain it, just an exact text.
- the pattern you use to match that text (without respect of VB rules).
- the pattern using the VB rules.
- result you want in the replace.
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