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Comments by Pinank_CD (Top 13 by date)

Pinank_CD 1-May-13 5:20am View    
Below is a scenerio where i have to write 2 queries for desired result. how can i write that in single query?

CREATE TABLE #tblTestSearchDetails (
UploadDetailsId int IDENTITY,
Up_Amount decimal(18,2),
Up_CCY varchar(8),
Up_ExtRef varchar(100),
Up_CustRef varchar(100),
Up_Status varchar(100)

insert into #tblTestSearchDetails(Up_Amount,Up_CCY,Up_CustRef,Up_ExtRef,Up_Status)values(300.00,'GBP','0000','EREF0000REMIashish222222-025','Amount')
insert into #tblTestSearchDetails(Up_Amount,Up_CCY,Up_CustRef,Up_ExtRef,Up_Status)values(300.00,'GBP','0000','EREF0000REMIashish222222-026','Amount')
insert into #tblTestSearchDetails(Up_Amount,Up_CCY,Up_CustRef,Up_ExtRef,Up_Status)values(300.00,'GBP','0000','EREF0000REMIPinank222222-030','Amount')
insert into #tblTestSearchDetails(Up_Amount,Up_CCY,Up_CustRef,Up_ExtRef,Up_Status)values(300.00,'GBP','0000','EREF0000REMIpinank999999','Amount')
insert into #tblTestSearchDetails(Up_Amount,Up_CCY,Up_CustRef,Up_ExtRef,Up_Status)values(400.00,'GBP','0000','EREF0000REMIrobert785478-007','Amount')

CREATE TABLE #tblTestLookUpDetails (
T_FundInId int IDENTITY, T_ClientNo varchar(100), T_ContractNo varchar(100),
T_CCY varchar(100), T_Name varchar(100), T_Amount decimal(18,2)

insert into #tblTestLookUpDetails(T_Amount,T_CCY,T_ClientNo,T_ContractNo,T_Name)values(300.00,'GBP','222222','222222-025','ashish')
insert into #tblTestLookUpDetails(T_Amount,T_CCY,T_ClientNo,T_ContractNo,T_Name)values(300.00,'GBP','222222','222222-026','ashish')
insert into #tblTestLookUpDetails(T_Amount,T_CCY,T_ClientNo,T_ContractNo,T_Name)values(300.00,'GBP','222222','222222-028','ashish')
insert into #tblTestLookUpDetails(T_Amount,T_CCY,T_ClientNo,T_ContractNo,T_Name)values(300.00,'GBP','999999','999999-030','pinank')
insert into #tblTestLookUpDetails(T_Amount,T_CCY,T_ClientNo,T_ContractNo,T_Name)values(300.00,'GBP','999999','999999-031','pinank')

create table #tblTestPhubRelation
R_UploadDetailId int,
R_FundsIn int,
R_DealNo varchar(20),
R_Name varchar(20),
R_Match varchar(20),

insert into #tblTestPhubRelation(R_UploadDetailId,R_FundsIn,R_DealNo,R_Match)
select U1.UploadDetailsId,T1.T_FundInId,T1.T_ContractNo,'Contract Match' from #tblTestSearchDetails U1, #tblTestLookUpDetails T1
where (U1.Up_ExtRef LIKE '%'+ T_ContractNo +'%' --or U.Up_ExtRef LIKE '%'+ T_ClientNo +'%'
or U1.Up_CustRef LIKE '%'+ T_ContractNo +'%')

insert into #tblTestPhubRelation(R_UploadDetailId,R_FundsIn,R_DealNo,R_Match)
select U1.UploadDetailsId,T1.T_FundInId,T1.T_ContractNo,'Client Number Match' from #tblTestSearchDetails U1, #tblTestLookUpDetails T1
where (U1.Up_ExtRef LIKE '%'+ T_ClientNo +'%' OR --or U.Up_ExtRef LIKE '%'+ T_ClientNo +'%'
U1.Up_CustRef LIKE '%'+ T_ClientNo +'%')
and U1.UploadDetailsId not in( select R_UploadDetailId from #tblTestPhubRelation)

select * from #tblTestPhubRelation

drop table #tblTestPhubRelation
drop table #tblTestSearchDetails
drop table #tblTestLookUpDetails
Pinank_CD 25-Jan-13 5:24am View    

I am not able to find much help. can you please guide me on below task?

1. After authorizing UName and Pwd from DB how can i return token and set in the session variable in clients environment?
2. Role(My Own Table and not aspnet membership) based permission on operation contract

Pinank_CD 24-Jan-13 6:14am View    
Exactly this is what i want, can we achieve this?

1. The client calls Login with the username/password
2. Encryption performed it in the client sink
3. Message is sent to the server
4. The server decrypts the message in the server sink
5. Server Login() method validates the username/password from it's user database
6. Server creates a token which can be used to validate the client on future requests
7. The Login() method return with response (i.e. token)
8. Server’s response is encrypted in server sink
9. Message is sent to client
10. Message is received at client, decrypted, client now has token for future requests
Pinank_CD 24-Jan-13 5:56am View    
Yes. i will validate the username and password in database, but i want to send the credentials in encrypt format and will decrypt on DAL. besides this, what security features can be implemented for authorization on contract levels?
Pinank_CD 22-Jan-13 6:12am View    
cant see your email, where should i send?