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Comments by sanjiv shah (Top 8 by date)

sanjiv shah 18-Apr-12 3:00am View    
Actually i am using blank password in Even then i am getting this error. I have googled for the solution.
I got one as below which is to switch from no password to some password.
The solution is like this:
Please follow the next steps if you want to resolve your problem with ( #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO):

1 : go to your WAMP icon on your PC desktop screen and LEFT CLICK to open the menu, you will see MYSQL folder, CLICK to see MYSQL CONSOLE, open it.

2: now you have DOS screen ( a black screen ) :

A: if you already set a password, type it
B: if you did not do this step yet, write the following red text
B1: use mysql; and click ENTER on your keyboard
3: now write the following red text and click ENTER :

UPDATE mysql.user
->SET Password=PASSWORD("*******")
->WHERE User="root";

don't worry about this sign ( -> ) , because for example when you write ( UPDATE mysql.user ) and you click ENTER on your keyboard, a new line appear with this sign ( -> ), your command will execute when you write this sign ( ; ) at the end of your text and click ENTER.

NOTE: replace the password ******* by your password.

4: now write the following red text and click ENTER :


5: and to exit the black DOS screen now, write exit and click enter.

------------------------- we are finished from MySQL now --------------

6: go to WAMP folder ( open your My Computer, click on C driver, and you will see WAMP folder ), click on APPS folder, and than click on your PHPMYADMIN folder ( e.g my folder called phpmyadmin2.11.6 ) and find the

7: open and find the following orange text:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // MySQL password (only needed

and add your password now that you used in step number 3 like that :

[COLOR="rgb(255, 140, 0)"]$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'yourpasswordhere'; // MySQL password (only needed[/COLOR]

8: now save this modification, and close

9: go to your web browser and type the following link :


and enjoy, this is what happened with me.

But in the Mysql console: i am stuck with the following problem
(Enter password: ) in the command prompt screen.

I have no idea what password it is asking for. can you help me.
I have tried blank, and other possible passwords but it does not work.
So I am unable to follow the instruction of above step no 3.
I tried reinstalling wampp and then I installed xampp as well but it shows the same problem.

i will greatly appreciate any kind of help.
sanjiv shah 8-Nov-11 23:05pm View    
i have change my password field to md5 hash form in db, now i want to check the password with the password field of database.
i have taken the data from database
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbl_user` WHERE `user_name` = '$_POST[user_name]'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if($row["password"]==$_POST["password"])// how to match in the password in this code
if(md5($row["password"])==$_POST["password"])//it did not work
sanjiv shah 8-Nov-11 21:49pm View    
"SELECT * FROM tbl_user where status=1 AND type_id NOT LIKE 61 ORDER BY register_date limit $stt,$z" it worked now..
thanks anyway..
sanjiv shah 8-Nov-11 21:49pm View    
CODE was like this
"SELECT * FROM tbl_user where status=1 AND type_id NOT LIKE 61 ORDER BY register_date limit $stt,$z"
sanjiv shah 8-Nov-11 14:11pm View    
!= operator does not work.. is there other operator..?