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Comments by amitt0488 (Top 3 by date)

amitt0488 4-Jun-13 2:54am View    
[DllImport("FANselect.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall,
EntryPoint = "ZAJsonRequestA", ExactSpelling = false)]
private static extern IntPtr ZAJsonRequestA([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]StringBuilder szReq);

public string getZAJsonRequestA(string input)
StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder();
var variable = ZAJsonRequestA(sbuilder);
string sResult = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(variable);
string op = sResult.Trim();

return op;

Here the output is coming from a DLL and getZAJsonRequestA(input) is called using a url which interacts with the DLL & gives the output in string form.

This output is shown in REST Console.
amitt0488 9-Apr-13 3:16am View    
I tried to register it, but it didn't registered.
amitt0488 25-Mar-13 8:14am View    
Yes, you are right.
The approach i am following is :
1) Create a panel on the UI and add the pictureboxes to it dynamically based on number of pages in the pdf. I will do this using iTextSharp
2) Then, i will add every page of pdf as an image into those picture boxes
3) After this, user will perform editing on those images
4) After all the editing is done, then I will convert all those images back to PDF

This looks feasible to me (any other suggestion is most welcome). But, the main issue is that Is it posible to draw shapes on the Image in the picture boxes ??