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Comments by rnbergren (Top 10 by date)

rnbergren 23-Aug-22 10:22am View    
The reference you point to in stack overflow will force the user authentication. If they don't have a PIN setup as their primary authentication it will go to userID and password. I believe anyway. I don't have a PIN setup.
rnbergren 1-Jul-22 10:59am View    
you might start by downloading and playing with system internals and process explorer and watch and search for the process that happens when you click there. But as Pete already said. We kind of need more information.
rnbergren 27-Jun-22 11:19am View    
your right. I frequently get that wrong. I am sorry
rnbergren 8-Apr-22 13:12pm View    
Need a bit more about your current environment. But PowerBI and Tableau are options. Also since you already went down the Report Viewer Crystal Report path you might check out BIDS (SSRS) since you are using old technology. To be honest there are more solutions that you can imagine. It is more a case of finding the solution that fits for your environment (or at least where you plan on going)
rnbergren 8-Apr-22 13:08pm View    
In addition to what Griff mentions. I might add that I would approach this as not one SQL statement but would probably use some Temp tables to sub select and then select out of. But that is only how I would approach the question.

What are you seeing that you are not expecting? I dont' have any clue without seeing your output data.