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Comments by JH64 (Top 6 by date)

JH64 5-Nov-15 8:34am View    
Reason for my vote of 5 \n Is there any performance gain when you use "class MyClass" in place of the old syntax, "function MyClass () {};", I know the later is used by programmers to pretend they are defining a class when really they are creating a JavaScript object and populating it with members. Isn't the keyword class just doing the same with a different syntax?
JH64 10-Jan-12 15:44pm View    
Reason for my vote of 5
Really useful one.

Note: if some of you are using Geany as text editor, for some reason when you copy and paste the code it only can save it as utf-8 file, an error arise if you try to convert to iso 8859-1. In this case simply replace "charset=iso8859-1" />" for "charset=utf-8" />", if you save as it is then when opening the file in a browser you see strange characters. It seems original code was save in no unicode plain text file, but when pasted to code project it was converted to utf-8.
JH64 20-Jun-11 19:40pm View    
Reason for my vote of 5
This probably exists in some documentation somewhere, but for some reason I totally ignored about it until I see It here. I'm adding this to my bookmars. Controlling starting pos and loop times is specially useful. Nice article.
JH64 4-Jan-11 14:11pm View    
Reason for my vote of 5
Useful info.
JH64 27-Dec-10 13:16pm View    
Reason for my vote of 4
Nice. I will try to use ??.

I think this is a typo "boll ? c = true" and what you did mean is "bool ? c = true".