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Comments by alleyes (Top 8 by date)

alleyes 11-Nov-11 14:56pm View    
Thanks for responding. I'm not sure if what you're suggesting solves the problem. The issue is not exactly visual inheritance. What I've tried is this: I defined a base class (no partials). I then in XAML create the control (a window in this case) derived from the base class. I target the window as a Class Library DLL so I can launch it from a C++ / CLI executable. The class is the C++ class derives from the base class also. At runtime I get the exception: The component 'MyInheritedForm' does not have a resource identified by the URI '/WPFNameSpce;component/mainwindow.xaml'.

I hope that is clearer.

Thanks again
alleyes 20-Aug-10 21:28pm View    
Reason for my vote of 1
Not helpful
alleyes 20-Aug-10 21:27pm View    
Perhaps this can be posted to the WPF forum to get some exposure
alleyes 20-Aug-10 15:38pm View    
I created a class derived both from DependencyObject and INotifyPropertyChanged. In it define a PropertyChanged method and associated event handler. Also, neede Dependency properties. In Window 2 code, define and set the Bindings in code because of the ActiveX control. That's where I am at.
alleyes 12-Aug-10 13:12pm View    
Reason for my vote of 2
Two examples given that are not in the context of the problem