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Comments by hpjchobbes (Top 7 by date)

hpjchobbes 7-Jul-17 15:09pm View    
Based on the way the user is going to be using my software, it needs to be able to keep 'invalid' data in the datatable, but be able to highlight the invalid data so the user can have a chance to correct the information. The data will be saved when the user presses a save button, which will happen after the user supposedly has fixed any invalid data. There is also some options to auto correct some of the data (i.e. truncate stings that are too long). Because of this I will probably be staying away from using most constraints. The article you linked seems to be the best that I am going to get, but it's beginning to look like I'll need to manually create a typed dataset instead of letting the designer do this as I want to be able to create validation columns.
hpjchobbes 8-Feb-17 21:16pm View    
So the idea is create an extension for my sub designation which returns a 'manager' of this type, and the 'manager' only has a public constructor that takes my connection object, and has functions for the query. This seems like it would work.

From a 'best practices' of programming, would this be the ideal way to go if you were dealing with this kind of interface? It seems odd to have to jump through a few different classes to get here.
hpjchobbes 23-Nov-15 11:40am View    
Thanks! I tested with the first option using the InvokeRequired and it fixed the problem. Does creating an instance of an object (ImportData) and calling it's functions cause the function calls to run on a separate thread than the bgw_DoWork function? I'm still not clear on is why only the ToolStripProgressBar.Visible member caused the issue and not the ToolStripProgressBar.Value or ToolStripStatusLabel.Text member.
hpjchobbes 25-May-14 10:14am View    
I'm using OLEDB, from this answer:
hpjchobbes 25-May-14 10:13am View    
Sorry, when I say a set of data, I don't mean a DataSet, I mean a transaction. This data represents sales commission. A sales transaction can have one or more commission reps assigned to it. In the example, the first row is one sale, while the next three rows are a second sale. The data that I get doesn't come with the sale ID number, so the only way that I know they are related is when I come to a row and the next row doesn't have a value in the Amount field. When that happens, then all the following rows that have a value in the Split column represent one sale.